Social Mobility in a Canadian Single-industry Community

Book Description

Analyzes occupational mobility opportunities in a Canadian frontier community through an examination of the status attainment of a 1979 sample of male residents of Fort McMurray, Alberta.

Single-sector Communities

Book Description

Canada's Single-industry Communities

Book Description

Report presented to the Minister of Employment and Immigration which is divided into two major sections: part one examines the current circumstances of these communities and outlines the responsibilities, to the community, of each of the parties involved in the economic arrangement. Part two is an information section which responds to the request for this material from the communities consulted. All communities examined are in the provinces.

Minetown, Milltown, Railtown

Book Description

Explores links between economic resources, industrial structure and social patterns in Canada. 600 communities from coast to coast used in study, several north of 60 degrees, and many in mid-Canada development corridor.

Canada's Single-industry Communities

Book Description

Report examines the current circumstances of single-industrycommunities including resource-based economies such as mining, forestry, agriculture and fishing. Outlines the responsibilities to the total community of the company, the workers, union, and government. The report describes what 20 particular towns are doing to address the problems of beingsingle-industry communities and successful government programs.

Little Communities and Big Industries

Book Description

Collection of studies examining the social impact of resource extraction on small communities in Canada.