Capacity Results for Interference Networks and Nested Cut-set Bound

Book Description

In this thesis, a full characterization of the sum-rate capacity for degraded interference networks with any number of transmitters, any number of receivers, and any possible distribution of messages among transmitters and receivers is established. It is proved that a successive decoding scheme is sum-rate optimal for these networks. Moreover, it is shown that the transmission of only a certain subset of messages is sufficient to achieve the sum-rate capacity for such networks. Algorithms are presented to determine this subset of messages explicitly. The sum-rate expression for the degraded networks is then used to derive a unified outer bound on the sum-rate capacity of arbitrary (non-degraded) interference networks. Several variations of degraded networks are identified for which the derived outer bound is sum-rate optimal. Specifically, noisy interference regimes are derived for certain classes of multi-user/multi-message large interference networks. Also, network scenarios are identified where the incorporation of both successive decoding and treating interference as noise achieves their sum-rate capacity. Next, by taking insight from the results for degraded networks, an extension to the standard cut-set bound for general communication networks is presented which is referred to as nested cut-set bound. This bound is derived by applying a series of cuts in a nested configuration to the network first and then bounding the information rate that flows through the cuts. The key idea for bounding step is indeed to impose a degraded arrangement among the receivers corresponding to the cuts. Therefore, the bound is in fact a generalization of the outer bound for interference networks: here cooperative relaying nodes are introduced into the problem as well but the proof style for the derivation of the outer bound remains the same. The nested cut-set bound, which uniformly holds for all general communication networks of arbitrary large sizes where any subset of nodes may cooperatively communicate to any other subset of them, is indeed tighter than the cut-set bound for networks with more than one receiver. Moreover, it includes the generalized cut-set bound for deterministic networks reported by Shomorony and Avestimehr which was originally a special case of the outer bound established for the interference networks by the author (2012). Finally, capacity bounds for the two-user interference channel with cooperative receivers via conferencing links of finite capacities are investigated. The capacity results known for this communication scenario are limited to a very few special cases of the one-sided channel. One of the major challenges in analyzing such cooperative networks is how to establish efficient capacity outer iv bounds for them. In this thesis, by applying new techniques, novel capacity outer bounds are presented for the interference channels with conferencing users. Using the outer bounds, several new capacity results are proved for interesting channels with unidirectional cooperation in strong and mixed interference regimes. A fact is that the conferencing link (between receivers) may be utilized to provide one receiver with information about its corresponding signal or its non-corresponding signal (interference signal). As an interesting consequence, it is demonstrated that both strategies can be helpful to achieve the capacity of the channel. Lastly, for the case of Gaussian interference channel with conferencing receivers, it is argued that our outer bound is strictly tighter than the previous one derived by Wang and Tse.

Interference in Large Wireless Networks

Book Description

Since interference is the main performance-limiting factor in most wireless networks, it is crucial to characterize the interference statistics. The main two determinants of the interference are the network geometry (spatial distribution of concurrently transmitting nodes) and the path loss law (signal attenuation with distance). For certain classes of node distributions, most notably Poisson point processes, and attenuation laws, closed-form results are available, for both the interference itself as well as the signal-to-interference ratios, which determine the network performance. This monograph presents an overview of these results and gives an introduction to the analytical techniques used in their derivation. The node distribution models range from lattices to homogeneous and clustered Poisson models to general motion-invariant ones. The analysis of the more general models requires the use of Palm theory, in particular conditional probability generating functionals, which are briefly introduced in the appendix.

Capacity of Interference Networks

Book Description

In an interference network, multiple transmitters communicate with multiple receivers using the same communication channel. The capacity region of an interference network is defined as the set of data rates that can be simultaneously achieved by the users of the network. One of the most important example of an interference network is the wireless network, where the communication channel is the wireless channel. Wireless interference networks are known to be interference limited rather than noise limited since the interference power level at the receivers (caused by other user's transmissions) is much higher than the noise power level. Most wireless communication systems deployed today employ transmission strategies where the interfering signals are treated in the same manner as thermal noise. Such strategies are known to be suboptimal (in terms of achieving higher data rates), because the interfering signals generated by other transmitters have a structure to them that is very different from that of random thermal noise. Hence, there is a need to design transmission strategies that exploit this structure of the interfering signals to achieve higher data rates. However, determining optimal strategies for mitigating interference has been a long standing open problem. In fact, even for the simplest interference network with just two users, the capacity region is unknown. In this dissertation, we will investigate the capacity region of several models of interference channels. We will derive limits on achievable data rates and design effective transmission strategies that come close to achieving the limits. We will investigate two kinds of networks - "small" (usually characterized by two transmitters and two receivers) and "large" where the number of users is large.

Interference Alignment

Book Description

Interference Alignment: A New Look at Signal Dimensions in a Communication Network provides both a tutorial and a survey of the state-of-art on the topic.

On the Capacity of Multi-terminal Systems

Book Description

A central feature of wireless networks is multiple users sharing a common medium. Cellular systems are among the most common examples of such networks. The main phenomenon resulting from this inter-user interaction is interference, and thus analyzing interference networks is critical to determine the capacity of wireless networks. The capacity region of an interference network is defined as the set of rates that the users can simultaneously achieve while ensuring arbitrarily small probability of decoding error. It is an inherently hard problem to find the capacity region of interference networks. Even the capacity region of a general 2-user interference channel is a prominent open problem in information theory. This work's goal is to derive achievable regions that are improved over known results, and when possible, capacity theorems, for K user interference networks. Another multiuser channel that is commonly found in wireless systems is a broadcast channel. Broadcast channels stand side by side with Interference channels as the two of the most important channels for which capacity results are still not completely known. In this work we develop inner and outer bounds on the capacity region of fading broadcast channels, using which we find a part of the capacity region under some conditions. In summary, this work first presents coding arguments for new achievable rate regions and, where possible, capacity results for K-user interference networks. Second, it provides inner and outer-bounds for a class of fading broadcast channels.

Interference Management in Wireless Networks

Book Description

Learn about an information-theoretic approach to managing interference in future generation wireless networks. Focusing on cooperative schemes motivated by Coordinated Multi-Point (CoMP) technology, the book develops a robust theoretical framework for interference management that uses recent advancements in backhaul design, and practical pre-coding schemes based on local cooperation, to deliver the increased speed and reliability promised by interference alignment. Gain insight into how simple, zero-forcing pre-coding schemes are optimal in locally connected interference networks, and discover how significant rate gains can be obtained by making cell association decisions and allocating backhaul resources based on centralized (cloud) processing and knowledge of network topology. Providing a link between information-theoretic analyses and interference management schemes that are easy to implement, this is an invaluable resource for researchers, graduate students and practicing engineers in wireless communications.

Communications in Interference Limited Networks

Book Description

This book offers means to handle interference as a central problem of operating wireless networks. It investigates centralized and decentralized methods to avoid and handle interference as well as approaches that resolve interference constructively. The latter type of approach tries to solve the joint detection and estimation problem of several data streams that share a common medium. In fact, an exciting insight into the operation of networks is that it may be beneficial, in terms of an overall throughput, to actively create and manage interference. Thus, when handled properly, "mixing" of data in networks becomes a useful tool of operation rather than the nuisance as which it has been treated traditionally. With the development of mobile, robust, ubiquitous, reliable and instantaneous communication being a driving and enabling factor of an information centric economy, the understanding, mitigation and exploitation of interference in networks must be seen as a centrally important task.

Practical Interference Management Strategies in Gaussian Networks

Book Description

Increasing demand for bandwidth intensive activities on high-penetration wireless hand-held personal devices, combined with their processing power and advanced radio features, has necessitated a new look at the problems of resource provisioning and distributed management of coexistence in wireless networks. Information theory, as the science of studying the ultimate limits of communication e ciency, plays an important role in outlining guiding principles in the design and analysis of such communication schemes. Network information theory, the branch of information theory that investigates problems of multiuser and distributed nature in information transmission is ideally poised to answer questions about the design and analysis of multiuser communication systems. In the past few years, there have been major advances in network information theory, in particular in the generalized degrees of freedom framework for asymptotic analysis and interference alignment which have led to constant gap to capacity results for Gaussian interference channels. Unfortunately, practical adoption of these results has been slowed by their reliance on unrealistic assumptions like perfect channel state information at the transmitter and intricate constructions based on alignment over transcendental dimensions of real numbers. It is therefore necessary to devise transmission methods and coexistence schemes that fall under the umbrella of existing interference management and cognitive radio toolbox and deliver close to optimal performance. In this thesis we work on the theme of designing and characterizing the performance of conceptually simple transmission schemes that are robust and achieve performance that is close to optimal. In particular, our work is broadly divided into two parts. In the rst part, looking at cognitive radio networks, we seek to relax the assumption of non-causal knowledge of primary user's message at the secondary user's transmitter. We study a cognitive channel model based on Gaussian interference channel that does not assume anything about users other than primary user's priority over secondary user in reaching its desired quality of service. We characterize this quality of service requirement as a minimum rate that the primary user should be able to achieve. Studying the achievable performance of simple encoding and decoding schemes in this scenario, we propose a few di erent simple encoding schemes and explore di erent decoder designs. We show that surprisingly, all these schemes achieve the same rate region. Next, we study the problem of rate maximization faced by the secondary user subject to primary's QoS constraint. We show that this problem is not convex or smooth in general. We then use the symmetry properties of the problem to reduce its solution to a feasibly implementable line search. We also provide numerical results to demonstrate the performance of the scheme. Continuing on the theme of simple yet well-performing schemes for wireless networks, in the second part of the thesis, we direct our attention from two-user cognitive networks to the problem of smart interference management in large wireless networks. Here, we study the problem of interference-aware wireless link scheduling. Link scheduling is the problem of allocating a set of transmission requests into as small a set of time slots as possible such that all transmissions satisfy some condition of feasibility. The feasibility criterion has traditionally been lack of pair of links that interfere too much. This makes the problem amenable to solution using graph theoretical tools. Inspired by the recent results that the simple approach of treating interference as noise achieves maximal Generalized Degrees of Freedom (which is a measure that roughly captures how many equivalent single-user channels are contained in a given multi-user channel) and the generalization that it can attain rates within a constant gap of the capacity for a large class of Gaussian interference networks, we study the problem of scheduling links under a set Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) constraint. We show that for nodes distributed in a metric space and obeying path loss channel model, a re ned framework based on combining geometric and graph theoretic results can be devised to analyze the problem of nding the feasible sets of transmissions for a given level of desired SINR. We use this general framework to give a link scheduling algorithm that is provably within a logarithmic factor of the best possible schedule. Numerical simulations con rm that this approach outperforms other recently proposed SINR-based approaches. Finally, we conclude by identifying open problems and possible directions for extending these results.

Interference Management for Wireless Networks

Book Description

Interference is a key property of wireless communications due to the broadcasting nature of wireless links. The design of wireless networks needs to put interference management into consideration. Traditionally, interference management is done by partitioning the whole network into orthogonal non-interfering channels via time- or frequency-division multiplexing. While orthogonalization significantly reduces the complexity of the design and implementation of wireless networks, it also introduces artificial restriction and leads to suboptimal performance. This thesis is devoted to the design and analysis of interference management from a cross-layer perspective. The key to increase spectrum efficiency of a wireless network is to treat the entire network as a channel rather than viewing them as a set of separate links. Based on this idea, we propose three interference management schemes and evaluate the fundamental limits associated with them. We use the notions of both conventional and generalized degrees of freedom (DOF), which are two widely-used approximations of channel capacity, as merits to evaluate and compare the performance improvement brought by the interference management schemes. The thesis consists of four main results. First, we consider a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) 2-suer cognitive radio system in an information theoretic setting where some messages are made available, by a genie, to some nodes (other than the intended nodes) non-causally, noiselessly, and for free. We find the DOF region of this system and show that this region is larger than the one without cognitive message sharing. Our results also show that in general it may be more beneficial, in terms of sum DOF, for a user to have a cognitive transmitter than to have cognitive receiver. Second, we consider a MIMO Gaussian interference channel with user cooperation, including cooperation at transmitters only, at receivers only, and at transmitters as well as receivers. We find the DOF region of this system and obtain a negative result that allowing users to cooperate does not enlarge the DOF region of this channel. Third, we explore the capacity and generalized degrees of freedom (GDOF) of a 2-user Gaussian X channel, i.e. a generalization of the 2-user interference channel where there is an independent message from each transmitter to each receiver. We provide the GDOF characterization of the channel under a symmetric setting. We also identify the regime where interference alignment is helpful so that the X channel has a higher capacity than the underlying symmetric interference channel. We further extend the noisy interference capacity characterization previously obtained for the interference channel to the X channel. Lastly, we study the effect of the absence of channel knowledge for MIMO networks. In particular, we assume perfect channel state information at the receivers and no channel state information at the transmitter(s). We provide the characterization of the DOF region for a 2-user MIMO broadcast channel. We then use the result of the broadcast channel to find the DOF region for some special cases of a 2-user MIMO interference channel.