Capri 2016

Book Description

"The year 2016 marks the 10th year from the first edition of this successful series of workshops, started in 2006. The first years, the workshop focused on heavy flavors only. In the latest years, it has included other sectors of high energy like light flavours, neutrinos, electroweak symmetry breaking and dark matter, whenever they seemed to present particularly interesting and promising topics.

Progress in String Theory and M-Theory

Book Description

Recent developments in supersymmetric field theory, string theory, and brane theory have been revolutionary. The main focus of the present volume is developments of M-theory and its applications to superstring theory, quantum gravity, and the theory of elementary particles. Topics included are D-branes, boundary states, and world volume solitons. Anti-De-Sitter quantum field theory is explained, emphasising the way it can enforce the holography principle, together with the relation to black hole physics and the way Branes provide the microscopic interpretation for the entropy of black holes. Developments in D-branes within type-I superstring and related theories are described. There are also possible phenomenological implications of superstring theory that would lie within the range of quantum gravity effects in the future generation of accelerators, around 1 TeV.

Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory

Book Description

During the past 15 years, quantum field theory and classical statistical mechanics have merged into a single field, and the need for nonperturbative methods for the description of critical phenomena in statistical mechanics as well as for problems in elementary particle physics are generally acknowledged. Such methods formed the central theme of the 1987 Cargese Advanced Study Institut. e on "Nonpert. urbat. ive Quantum Field Theory." The use of conformal symmet. ry has been of central interest in recent years, and was a main subject at. t. he ASI. Conformal invariant quantum field theory describes statistical mechanical systems exactly at a critical point, and can be analysed to a remarkable ext. ent. by group t. heoretical methods. Very strong results have been obtained for 2-dimensional systems. Conformal field theory is also the basis of string theory, which offers some hope of providing a unified t. heory of all interactions between elementary particles. Accordingly, a number of lectures and seminars were presented on these two topics. After syst. ematic introductory lectures, conformal field theory on Riemann surfaces, orbifolds, sigma models, and application of loop group theory and Grassmannians were discussed, and some ideas on modular geometry were presented. Other lectures combined' traditional techniques of constructive quant. um field theory with new methods such as the use of index-t. heorems and infinite dimensional (Kac Moody) symmetry groups. The problems encountered in a quantum mechanical description of black holes were discussed in detail.

Non-perturbative Renormalization

Book Description

The notion of renormalization is at the core of several spectacular achievements of contemporary physics, and in the last years powerful techniques have been developed allowing to put renormalization on a firm mathematical basis. This book provides a self-consistent and accessible introduction to the sophisticated tools used in the modern theory of non-perturbative renormalization, allowing an unified and rigorous treatment of Quantum Field Theory, Statistical Physics and Condensed Matter models. In particular the first part of this book is devoted to Constructive Quantum Field Theory, providing a mathematical construction of models at low dimensions and discussing the removal of the ultraviolet and infrared cut-off, the verification of the axioms and the validity of Ward Identities with the relative anomalies. The second part is devoted to lattice 2D Statistical Physics, analyzing in particular the theory of universality in perturbed Ising models and the computation of the non-universal critical indices in Vertex or Ashkin-Teller models. Finally the third part is devoted to the analysis of complex quantum fluids showing Luttinger of Fermi liquid behavior, like the 1D or 2D Hubbard model.

Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs

Book Description

In this brilliant exploration of our cosmic environment, the renowned particle physicist and New York Times bestselling author of Warped Passages and Knocking on Heaven’s Door uses her research into dark matter to illuminate the startling connections between the furthest reaches of space and life here on Earth. Sixty-six million years ago, an object the size of a city descended from space to crash into Earth, creating a devastating cataclysm that killed off the dinosaurs, along with three-quarters of the other species on the planet. What was its origin? In Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, Lisa Randall proposes it was a comet that was dislodged from its orbit as the Solar System passed through a disk of dark matter embedded in the Milky Way. In a sense, it might have been dark matter that killed the dinosaurs. Working through the background and consequences of this proposal, Randall shares with us the latest findings—established and speculative—regarding the nature and role of dark matter and the origin of the Universe, our galaxy, our Solar System, and life, along with the process by which scientists explore new concepts. In Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs, Randall tells a breathtaking story that weaves together the cosmos’ history and our own, illuminating the deep relationships that are critical to our world and the astonishing beauty inherent in the most familiar things.

The Language of Physics

Book Description

Introducing physics in the language of mathematics and providing revision of the mathematical techniques and physical concepts, this text also features instructive questions with full solutions and is intended for students starting, or preparing for, thestudy of physical science or engineering at university.

Knocking on Heaven's Door

Book Description

“Science has a battle for hearts and minds on its hands….How good it feels to have Lisa Randall’s unusual blend of top flight science, clarity, and charm on our side.” —Richard Dawkins “Dazzling ideas….Read this book today to understand the science of tomorrow.” —Steven Pinker The bestselling author of Warped Passages, one of Time magazine’s “100 Most Influential People in the World,” and one of Esquire’s “75 Most Influential People of the 21st Century,” Lisa Randall gives us an exhilarating overview of the latest ideas in physics and offers a rousing defense of the role of science in our lives. Featuring fascinating insights into our scientific future born from the author’s provocative conversations with Nate Silver, David Chang, and Scott Derrickson, Knocking on Heaven’s Door is eminently readable, one of the most important popular science books of this or any year. It is a necessary volume for all who admire the work of Stephen Hawking, Michio Kaku, Brian Greene, Simon Singh, and Carl Sagan; for anyone curious about the workings and aims of the Large Hadron Collider, the biggest and most expensive machine ever built by mankind; for those who firmly believe in the importance of science and rational thought; and for anyone interested in how the Universe began…and how it might ultimately end.

Heavy Quark Effective Theory

Book Description

This up-to-date review also serves as an introduction to Heavy Quark Effective Theory (HQET) - a new approach to heavy quark physics problems in Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). The book also contains a detailed discussion of the methods of calculation used in HQET, along with numerous illustrations.