Carbonate-hosted Lead-zinc Deposits of Western Newfoundland

Book Description

The western Newfoundland carbonate platform has been the site of lead-zinc exploration for several decades, resulting in the discovery of several dozen occurrences and one commercial producer. Geological information on these occurrences, collected by industry, government, and university geologists, is scattered among government assessment files, company reports, and university theses. This study merged this information on more than 40 of these occurrences with new on-site observations and follow-up laboratory investigations. The occurrences are grouped into three main types, each with a distinct mineralogical and textural characteristic, with host rocks ranging in age from Middle Cambrian to Early Carboniferous.

Microfacies of Carbonate Rocks

Book Description

This unparelleled reference synthesizes the methods used in microfacies analysis and details the potential of microfacies in evaluating depositional environments and diagenetic history, and, in particular, the application of microfacies data in the study of carbonate hydrocarbon reservoirs and the provenance of archaeological materials. Nearly 230 instructive plates (30 in color) showing thin-section photographs with detailed explanations form a central part of the content. Helpful teaching-learning aids include detailed captions for hundreds of microphotographs, boxed summaries of technical terms, many case studies, guidelines for the determination and evaluation of microfacies criteria, for enclosed CD with 14000 references, self-testing exercises for recognition and characterization skills, and more

Geologic, Geochemical, and Isotopic Studies of a Carbonate- and Siliciclastic-hosted Pb-Zn Deposit at Lion Hill, Vermont

Book Description

A study of Pb-Zn-Cu mineralization resulting from syngenetic sedimentary-exhalative and diagenetic replacement processes in structures in carbonate and silciclastic platform rocks of Cambrian and Ordovician age that form the lowlands between the Green Mountain massif and the Adirondack massif in western Vermont.

Sediment Hosted Lead-Zinc Sulphide Deposits

Book Description

The Deposit Modeling Program was founded by UNESCO-IUGS with the major aim to disseminate knowledge from scientists in more developed countries to their counterparts from less developed ones. A fringe benefit of this effort was the compilation of information on existing models and promotion of topical workshops in developing countries. This book is the result of one such workshop that took place in Delhi and Udaipur, India, in December 2001. Sediment-hosted Lead-Zinc Sulphide Deposits compiles the work of renowned economic geologists from three continents. The authors highlight the recent advances in the understanding of the temporal and tectono-stratigraphic distribution of sediment-hosted Pb-Zn sulphide ores and processes governing their genesis. The first section comprises five chapters covering some of the most important deposits of this class in Australia and Canada in detail, emphasizing their genetic models. It also includes a paper on the "geoenvironmental model," which concerns behavior before mining and resulting from mining, processing, and smelting. The second section discusses the mineralized terranes in the state of Rajasthan, northwest India, which host three major sulphide deposits. This reference is packed with color and black and white photographs, illustrations, charts, and graphs, making it a valuable, up-to-date resource for any geologist or geotechnical scientist studying major mineral deposits.

Sediment-Hosted Zn-Pb Ores

Book Description

Sediment-hosted deposits are the main source of zinc and lead. In this volume, the reader will find the most recent developments in research including: - Fluid migration leading to formation of Zn-Pb ores in sedimentary basins. Relationships to orogenic events and to geothermic anomalies - Transport of metals and precipitation mechanisms. The role played by fluid mixing, fluid-rock reaction, organic matter, and thiosulfates - Paleomagnetic dating of ore deposits - The association of Mississippi Valley-type ore deposits to diapiric salt structures - Geochemical investigations applied to exploration for sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposits - Economic aspects. The broad geographical coverage is an additional aspect which will interest both researchers and explorationists.

Sediment-hosted Pb-Zn (Cu-Ba) Mineralisation Within the Coastal Branches of the Damara Orogen, Namibia

Book Description

Die vorliegende Studie ist Ergebnis einer in Namibia und Deutschland durchgeführten Literaturrecherche zu sedimentgebundenen Blei-Zink- (Kupfer-Barium)-Vorkommen in den Pan-Afrikanischen Kaoko- und Gariep- Faltengürteln der nördlichen und südlichen Küstenregion Namibias. Die Literaturstudie zeigt, dass metallogenetische Untersuchungen der Buntmetallmineralisationen in diesen orogenen Gürteln Namibias einen aktuellen Forschungsschwerpunkt darstellen. Begründet liegt dies unter anderem in den vergleichsweise begrenzten, derzeit bekannten Rohstoffvorräten an Zink, Blei,Baryt, Silber und Kupfer, die zukünftig einen erhöhten Innovationsbedarf haben und somit verstärkte Explorationsanstrengungen erfordern. Dies wird auch deutlich durch die defizitäre Bilanz aus Zinkproduktion und -nachfrage von 1994 bis 1999 der westlichen Welt. Insbesondere seit den neunziger Jahren wurden in Namibia verstärkt Explorationsinvestitionen durch internationale Explorations- und Bergbaufirmen getätigt. Das Land verfügt über eine lange und erfolgreiche Bergbautradition, deren Wurzeln in einer relativ stabilen politischen Situation, exzellenter Infrastruktur, einem modernen Bergrecht und hochwertigen, gut zugänglichen geologischen und geophysikalischen Daten begründet liegen. - Schlieilich bietet sich die Anwendung der Ga/Ge-Geothermometrie von Sphalerit an und diese sollte in verschiedenen Erzparagenesen der Rosh Pinah Lagerstätte getestet werden. Hierbei verspricht ein kritischer Vergleich der geochemisch ermittelten TGa/Ge mit der mikrothermometrisch bestimmten TF.I. und vor allem der Gebrauch des Verhältnisses TGa/Ge / TF.I. als Proximitätsindikator auch einen positiven Beitrag zur metallogenetischen Grundlagenforschung.

The Great American Carbonate Bank

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Hardcover plus DVD

Petroleum Abstracts

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