Cases on Educational Technology Implementation for Facilitating Learning

Book Description

With constant explorative research on educational technologies, it remains important to have a detailed understanding of the implementation of these innovations. Cases on Educational Technology Implementation for Facilitating Learning blends together vital research and advancements on educational technologies into one comprehensive collection; while structuring the information to make it accessible for implementation into the classroom. Academics, professors, and educators will find this casebook especially useful for integrating new aspects of technology into their programs.

Implementation and Critical Assessment of the Flipped Classroom Experience

Book Description

In the past decade, traditional classroom teaching models have been transformed in order to better promote active learning and learner engagement. Implementation and Critical Assessment of the Flipped Classroom Experience seeks to capture the momentum of non-traditional teaching methods and provide a necessary resource for individuals who are interested in taking advantage of this pedagogical endeavor. Using narrative explanations and foundation materials provided by experienced instructors, this premier reference work presents the benefits and challenges of flipped methodology implementation in today’s classroom to educators and educational administrators across all disciplines and levels.

Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Book Description

Educators play a significant role in the intellectual and social development of children and young adults. Next-generation teachers can only be as strong as their own educational foundation which serves to cultivate their knowledge of the learning process, uncover best practices in the field of education, and employ leadership abilities that will inspire students of all ages. Teacher Education: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications explores the current state of pre-service teacher programs as well as continuing education initiatives for in-service educators. Emphasizing the growing role of technology in teacher skill development and training as well as key teaching methods and pedagogical developments, this multi-volume work compiles research essential to higher education professionals and administrators, educational software developers, and researchers studying pre-service and in-service teacher training.

Advancing Knowledge in Higher Education: Universities in Turbulent Times

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Over the last three decades, higher education institutions have experienced massive changes. In particular, institutions of higher education have been positioned as a means to contribute to the knowledge economy and gain a level of competitive advantage in the global marketplace. Advancing Knowledge in Higher Education: Universities in Turbulent Times addresses ways in which knowledge is shaped, produced, and reworked to meet international demands for productive workforces. Divided into three sections that interrogate the higher education policy context, knowledge production, and knowledge workers, this reference publication focuses on the role of higher education in business value creation and competitive advantage, serving as a useful reference for academicians, professionals, researchers, and students.

Cases on the Assessment of Scenario and Game-Based Virtual Worlds in Higher Education

Book Description

The ever-growing creation of new internet technologies has led to a growing trend and use of scenario-based virtual environments and serious games in education. Along with these new technologies, there is an increasing interest in how students can be effectively assessed when using these virtual environments. Cases on the Assessment of Scenario and Game-Based Virtual Worlds in Higher Education is a comprehensive collection that provides aspects of assessment in virtual worlds combined with lessons learned from critical reflection. These case studies present successes, challenges, and innovations to be utilized as a framework for practitioners and researchers to base their own effective forms of scenario-based learning. This publication would be of particular interest to practice-based disciplines such as education, nursing, medicine, and social work.

Identification, Evaluation, and Perceptions of Distance Education Experts

Book Description

Instructional quality can make or break the learning experience, especially in digital environments where the expressional nuances of interpersonal communication are lost. The most effective distance education instructors and experts are those who recognize the educational needs of students and are able to address those needs through creative use of the technological tools available to them. Identification, Evaluation, and Perceptions of Distance Education Experts explores the current and future trends, needs, and priorities that affect the development of distance education in a postmodern world. This premier reference work will be of significance to those interested in online learning, teaching and training, communication, and education across multiple sectors such as universities, colleges, schools, profit/non-profit e-organizations, and e-commerce.

Literacy Enrichment and Technology Integration in Pre-Service Teacher Education

Book Description

With the emergence of innovative technologies, the digital nature of learning environments has changed the face of education. The integration of these technologies into classroom instruction is essential for promoting student learning. Literacy Enrichment and Technology Integration in Pre-Service Teacher Education examines the various strategies to resolve the challenges of technology integrations for teachers while offering best practices for transforming education. Focusing on the future of technology integration in education; this book is an essential tool for administrators, technology leaders, faculty, teachers, technology staff, and other educational technology stakeholders in various education-related disciplines.

Handbook of Research on Teacher Education and Professional Development

Book Description

With the ever-changing climate of education around the globe, it is essential that educators stay abreast of the most updated teaching methods and applications. To do this, fostering teacher education programs that include innovative practices and initiatives within the field is imperative. The Handbook of Research on Teacher Education and Professional Development investigates current initiatives and approaches in educational programs. Focusing on research studies and theoretical concepts on innovative projects related to teacher education and professional development programs, this book is a pivotal reference source for academics, professionals, students, practitioners, and researchers.

Bridging the Scholar-Practitioner Gap in Human Resources Development

Book Description

Human resource professionals are an essential part of an organization; by helping to establish a rapport between employees and their managers and providing individual support, they ensure the overall well-being and success of an establishment. However, in certain sectors, such as academia or industrial settings, their role still remains unclear. Bridging the Scholar-Practitioner Gap in Human Resources Development examines the knowledge breach in the role of human resources professionals and the pivotal role they play in an organization. Featuring timely research, future implications, and practical applications of theoretical assumptions, this publication is a pivotal source for professionals, practitioners, academics, and researchers interested in the impact human resources specialists have in organizational settings.

Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies

Book Description

Once considered disruptive to learning, technology has increasingly become an integrated and valued part of the modern classroom. In particular, mobile technologies provide the ability to encourage evocative student learning through new experiences. Promoting Active Learning through the Integration of Mobile and Ubiquitous Technologies showcases the widely varied ways that technology can be applied to enhance classroom learning. Closely examining and critiquing the best methods in assimilating technologies, this publication is a valuable resource for faculty, teachers, administrators, technology staff, directors of learning centers, and other education technology leaders interested in incorporating new technologies within the classroom for engaging student learning.