Book Description

Learning the Old Testament as one redemptive story through CASKET EMPTY® enables you to trace its storyline in chronological sequence through six key periods: Creation, Abraham, Sinai, Kings, Exile, and Temple, represented by the acronym CASKET. In this eighteen week study, you will learn about key people, events, and promises in the Old Testament and discover how God's plan of redemption is being fulfilled in Jesus. When used with the companion New Testament Bible Study, represented by the acronym EMPTY, the entire story of the Bible is traced from Genesis to Revelation-with Jesus at the center.

Casket Empty: Old Testament Study Guide

Book Description

This book will help you understand the redemptive story of the Old Testament through six major periods: Creation, Abraham, Sinai, Kings, Exile and Temple, with the first letter of each heading making up the word CASKET. This acronym will enable you to memorize the storyline of the Old Testament and place key events, people and biblical books in their correct time period. The author takes you through each period step by step, explaining the major covenants and highlighting the most important people, events, and biblical themes. As you become familiar with storyline of the Old Testament you will learn that God's redemptive plan is climactically fulfilled in the New Testament with the coming Messiah. The acronym for the entire Bible is CASKET EMPTY, therefore, which points to the empty tomb of Jesus as the beginning of God's new creation, the assurance that death has been defeated, and the guarantee of our resurrection yet to come. Through the acronym CASKET EMPTY you will have a framework for remembering the entire sweep of the Bible with the person and work of Christ at the center.

Casket Empty God's Plan of Redemption Through History

Book Description

This book will help you understand the redemptive story of the Old Testament through six major periods: Creation, Abraham, Sinai, Kings, Exile, and Temple, with the first letter of each heading making up the word CASKET. This acronym will enable you to memorize the storyline of the Old Testament and place key events, people, and biblical books in their correct time periods. The author takes you through each period step by step, explaining the major covenants and highlighting the most important people, events, and biblical themes. As you become familiar with the storyline of the Old Testament you will learn that God's redemptive plan is climactically fulfilled in the New Testament with the coming Messiah. The acronym for the entire Bible is CASKET EMPTY, therefore, which points to the empty tomb of Jesus as the beginning of God's new creation, the assurance that death has been defeated, and the guarantee of our resurrection yet to come. Through the acronym CASKET EMPTY you will have a framework for remembering the entire sweep of the Bible with the person and work of Christ at the center.


Book Description

Learning the New Testament as one redemptive story through CASKET EMPTY® enables you to trace its storyline in chronological sequence through five key periods: Expectations, Messiah, Pentecost, Teaching, and Yet-to-come, represented by the acronym EMPTY. In the weekly readings and questions, you will learn that Jesus is at the center of God's plan of redemption and that God's saving work in Christ advances through the expanding missionary witness of the church. When used with the companion Old Testament Bible Study, represented by the acronym CASKET, the entire story of the Bible can be studied from Genesis to Malachi-with Jesus at the center.

Readings from the Ancient Near East

Book Description

Comprehensive, up-to-date collection of primary source documents (creation accounts, epic literature, etc.) gives insight into the Ancient Near East and the Old Testament.

From Noah to Israel

Book Description

The primaeval blessing, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth,' first announced to humankind in Genesis 1.28 is renewed to Noah and his sons after the flood in Genesis 9.1. There is widespread scholarly consensus that the ensuing dispersion in Genesis 10.1-32 and 11.1-9 is the means by which the creation blessing is fulfilled. Kaminski argues that the primeval blessing is not fulfilled in the Table of Nations and that Yahweh's scattering Noah's descendants in the Babel story does not contribute positively to the creation theme. Rather, the creation blessing is being taken up in the primary line of Shem (Genesis 11.10-26), which leads directly to Abraham. She further suggests that divine grace is not absent after the Babel judgment, as is commonly assumed, but is at work in the Shemite genealogy. She argues that the primeval blessing, which is unfulfilled in the primaeval history, is taken up by Abraham and his descendants by means of a divine promise. While the blessing is in the process of being realised in the patriarchal narratives, it is not fulfilled. The multiplication theme is resumed, however, in Exodus 1.7, which describes Israel's proliferation in Egypt. This is the first indication that the creation blessing is fulfilled. Realisation of the primaeval blessing progresses after the flood, therefore, from Noah to Israel. Yet God's blessing on Israel is not for their sake alone - it is the means through which the divine intention for creation will be restored to the world. JSOTS413


Book Description

Embrace your identity as God's beloved, step out of your own brokenness, and bring hope to a darkened world. You have a calling to fulfill. Are you ready to take the risk of moving past your past to fulfill it? Christine Caine faced hurdles that seemed insurmountable--abuse, abandonment, and the loss of a child. Yet she decided to answer God's call on her life no matter where it would lead her. Many times, the only thing that kept her going was knowing that she was God's beloved. She was God's chosen. Secure in those truths, she moved beyond her pain so she could live the adventure of bringing God's light and love to others around the world. In this updated and expanded edition of her bestselling book, Undaunted, Christine challenges you to embrace the reality of God's love so you can speak it to others as you live out your own unique calling. As Christine writes, "Love like Christ's can lift you out of betrayal and hurt. It can deliver you from any mess. Love like that can release you from every prison of fear and confusion. And love like God's can fill you up till it spills out of you, and you have to speak about it, share it, spread it around." You already have all you need to bring hope to others. With additional biblical teaching, new stories, and a new epilogue, this updated and expanded edition of Undaunted will awaken you to how God wants to work through you and in you as you dare to become who God created you to be. Also available: Undaunted student edition, video curriculum, and study guide.

The World that Shaped the New Testament

Book Description

In this book, Calvin Roetzel explores the social, political, religious, and intellectual environment of the New Testament writers. Roetzel maps the major features of the first-century landscape so that the student may be able to view the whole, and through the whole gain new perspective on and insight into each part. Now updated with the most current scholarship and with revisions taking into account archeological findings, this is the best available introduction to the subject. Expanded materials include discussion of the social structure of Roman society, political dimensions of Pharisaism, Hellenistic religious expression, the Jewish Diaspora, the influence of the Septuagint on the Gospel writers and Paul, and women in antiquity. Pictures are integrated into the text at relevant points, the end of each chapter contains suggestions for further reading, and there is also a current and comprehensive bibliography of topics and authors.

The New You & the Holy Spirit

Book Description

The New You It's important to understand what happened when you received Jesus as your Savior. That knowledge and understanding will keep the Word that was sown in your heart from being stolen by Satan. There is more to salvation than you have ever imagined. The forgiveness of sin was not the only thing included in your salvation. From God's perspective, it is just the beginning, a means to an end. Fellowship is the real goal. Now, become a disciple (learner and follower) of Jesus. Learn what separates Christianity from every other religion; how God sees past, present, and future sins; and much more. The Holy Spirit Living the abundant life that Jesus provided is impossible without the Holy Spirit. Before Jesus disciples received Him, they were weak and fearful. After receiving, each one became a powerhouse of God's miraculous power, and that's available to you. If you believe the Bible is true, then you must also believe the baptism in the Holy Spirit is God's will for everyone. In this book, Andrew establishes the validity of speaking in tongues, talks about the many gifts that accompany it, shares other little-known benefits, and explains how to begin speaking in tongues.

CASKET EMPTY Old Testament Maps

Book Description

The CASKET EMPTY? Old Testament Maps consists of seven maps in a fold-out color pamphlet that is small enough to fit into the pocket of your Bible, yet easily accessible so that you can have it open when studying or reading the Old Testament. The maps will help you trace the geographical movement of God's people in the Old Testament and identify important locations in the Bible. The color pamphlet includes the following seven maps given in chronological order: Abraham's Journey to the Promised Land (Map 1), The Exodus from Egypt (Map 2), Tribal Allotment of the Promised Land (Map 3), The United Kingdom (Map 4), The Divided Kingdom (Map 5), The Assyrian and Babylonian Empires (Map 6), and the Persian Empire (Map 7). The maps created by International Mapping are designed to be used with the Old Testament Timeline, Study Guide, and Bible Study in the CASKET EMPTY? Bible series.