Catholic Prayer Therapy

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From the beginning of time, Satan has held the sons of men captive in countless ways. Chief among his ploys to instill fear in our hearts and force us to follow him is the manipulation of our minds and bodies. His demons are everywhere in various forms and using unsuspecting victims to lure us down to hell. However, the bigger threat is that evil men and women place curses, cast spells, make witchcraft, hexes and maledictions to torment the innocent and make their lives unbearable. But we are glad that Christ died for this purpose - to deliver us from all the powers of darkness. He has promised and will never fail. It is very important to state here that if you don't first surrender your life to God, no matter how hard you pray for your deliverance - even with this intensive prayer formula - you will not receive your desired liberation. Make a sincere examination of conscience and go to confession before using this prayer formula. The Catholic Prayer Therapy for Divine Deliverance is a scripture-based prayer guide for anyone seeking supernatural release from all spiritual bondages and manipulations. Like its counterparts in the series, it has been in use for over a decade and has seen countless testimonies. This is the first time I am publishing it in a book form. If you would like me to pray along with you, or have a testimony, send me a message through the email at the end of the book. May God Almighty hear and answer your prayers. Amen.

Catholic Prayer Therapy

Book Description

Millions of people today are looking for healing. Whether it is healing of bodily ailments, emotional ailments or spiritual ailments, all these can be a burden on us. Jesus, during his life time, healed people from all kinds of disease - body, mind and soul. Even today, people come to Jesus looking for a miracle healing and countless have their prayers answered. However, if you are expecting a miracle, it takes more than just asking. One factor is the action of faith. The Bible clearly shows this in the story of the paralytic brought in through the roof by four men. "And when Jesus saw their faith he said to the paralytic, "My son; your sins are forgiven." {Mark 2:3-5} This scripture-based therapy helps us build up our faith as we implore God's healing grace. Another important factor is our ability to forgive those who hurt us. Forgiveness is crucial for inner healing. The ability to totally forgive, gives us a feeling of total freedom. The prayer formula in this book guides us through the process. The Catholic Prayer Therapy for Divine Healing is a scripture-based prayer guide for anyone seeking spiritual, emotional and physical healing. Like its counterparts in the series, it has been in use for over a decade and has been instrumental to countless miracles. This is the first time I am publishing it in the book form. If you would like me to pray along with you, or have a testimony, send me a message through the email at the end of the book. May God Almighty hear and answer your prayers. Amen.

Catholic Prayer Therapy

Book Description

Finding a dream job or achieving a significant business boost can change one's life forever. Your desire might be to secure a more rewarding employment or one that affords you the time and resources to invest in your other pet projects. It might be to score a multi-million dollar funding round or a record-breaking acquisition by Amazon, Google or some other tech giants. No matter what your desires are - so far as they are not evil in themselves or have evil consequences - they are not impossible for God. There are thousands of formulas out there that posit their 'perfect how-to make a financial breakthrough'. However, the truth is that many persons who are experiencing repeated difficulties in their businesses or have unsuccessfully sought employment, in spite of their qualifications, are under spiritual yokes - curses, spells, witchcraft, bad omen, hexes or maledictions - that prevent them from finding financial happiness. No matter how hard they try, they just won't find the breakthrough they desire until they are delivered from the satanic shackles that bind them. The Catholic Prayer Therapy for Employment and Business Growth is a scripture-based prayer guide for anyone seeking divine intervention in his or her quest work employment or for growth in business. Like its counterparts in the series, it has been in use for over a decade and has seen countless testimonies. This is the first time I am publishing it in a book form. If you would like me to pray along with you, or have a testimony, send me a message through the email at the end of the book. May God Almighty hear and answer your prayers. Amen.

The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass

Book Description

The Vatican-approved guide to opening up new connections to God. Today, more and more Catholics are looking to explore their spirituality in new ways: by trying meditation or contemplation, seeking to adapt monastic traditions to modern life, or seeking a deeper connection to Jesus through the Eucharist, giving rise to the growing popularity of Adoration. The Essential Guide to Catholic Prayer and the Mass offers Catholics a way to explore prayer styles they may have never before considered, and non-Catholics or fringe Catholics a look into a world that can sometimes seem mysterious or intimidating. Through Mass, scripture, ancient rituals, the examples of the saints, the lives of holy men and women in the world today, and more, Catholics of every mindset can find a style of prayer to suit them. • One of the first books with a detailed explanation and instructions on how to follow the new translation of Mass as prepared by the Catholic Church • Includes an imprimatur-a seal of approval from Paul G. Bootkoski, Bishop of Metuchen • Perfect for cradle, convert, and revert Catholics, as well as people from other faiths, students, and teachers

Surviving Depression, 3rd Edition

Book Description

How would it feel to live through periods of emotional fragility and be surrounded by a supportive community, get up most mornings believing your life has meaning, and be confident that Jesus understands and holds your tears as sacred? It might seem an incredible dream, and almost impossible when we consider the feeling of utter emptiness, the collapse of the will to live, the devastating loss of self-worth that fills the heart of the person who lives with the heavy burden of depression or mental illness. Sr Kathryn Hermes knows the dull ache of depression firsthand and in Surviving Depression offers a practical method to progressively greater health and wholeness. Surviving Depression shows you how to take the first steps to healing and how to build into your life practices that will help you embark on a spiritual journey through the darkness. You will learn how to reconnect with your heart, build connections with others, grow in self-esteem, stop spiraling negative thoughts, and live with more inner peace and gratitude. This edition incorporates additional material that reflects new developments in wellness with regard to depression and is more grounded in the interlinking of God’s life within us and our concrete psychological makeup. Practical tips for friends and family members of someone suffering with depression appear at the end of each chapter, as well as an entire chapter devoted to companioning a depressed friend. Things can be different. Surviving Depression will guide you from the winter of first diagnosis to the spring of new life.

Catholic Prayer Therapy

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Finding your life partner is basically finding that one person who has the right traits, is fun to be with, loves you in return and is willing to make a life-time commitment to be with you. You have to find a person whom you can put up with and who, more importantly, can put up with you forever. For the hopelessly single, finding the ideal mate seems like a daunting, impossible task. There are a million and one guides on finding the ideal life partner. Many of the 'How-to find true love' publications advise readers to work on their personality, sense of humor, looks, cleanliness, sexiness and social life. I am not against these manuals - in fact, most of our bachelors and spinsters need plenty of grooming to make them attractive to the right person. However, the truth is that many young persons who have unsuccessfully sought a husband or wife, to begin a family with, are under spiritual yokes - curses, spells, witchcraft, bad omen, hexes or maledictions - that prevent them from finding marital happiness. No matter how hard they try, they just won't find that right person until they are delivered from the satanic shackles that bind them. The Catholic Prayer Therapy to Find One's Life Partner is a scripture-based prayer guide for anyone seeking divine intervention in his or her quest for a happy married life. It has been in use for over a decade and has seen countless testimonies. This is the first time I am publishing it in a book form. If you would like me to pray along with you, or have a testimony, send me a message through the email at the end of the book. May God Almighty hear and answer your prayers. Amen.

The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments

Book Description

Winner of a 2018 Catholic Press Association Award: Sacraments. (Second Place). In the first book to directly integrate the Twelve Steps with the practice of Catholicism, Scott Weeman, founder and director of Catholic in Recovery, pairs his personal story with compassionate straight talk to show Catholics how to bridge the commonly felt gap between the Higher Power of twelve-step programs and the merciful God that he rediscovered in the heart of the sacraments. Weeman entered sobriety from alcohol and drugs on October 10, 2011, and he's made it his full-time ministry to help others who struggle with various types of addiction to find spiritual wholeness through Catholic in Recovery, an organization he founded and directs. In The Twelve Steps and the Sacraments, Weeman candidly tackles the struggle he and other addicts have with getting to know intimately the unnamed Higher Power of recovery. He shares stories of his compulsion to find a personal relationship with God and how his tentative steps back to the Catholic Church opened new doors of healing and brought him surprising joy as he came to know Christ in the sacraments. Catholics in recovery and those moving toward it, as well as the people who love them will recognize Weeman's story and his spiritual struggle to personally encounter God. He tells us how: Baptism helps you admit powerlessness over an unmanageable problem, face your desperate need for God, and choose to believe in and submit to God’s mercy. Reconciliation affirms and strengthens the hard work of examining your life, admitting wrongs, and making amends. The Eucharist provides ongoing sustenance and draws you to the healing power of Christ. The graces of Confirmation strengthen each person to keep moving forward and to share the good news of recovery and new life in Christ. Weeman's words are boldly challenging and brimming with compassion and through them you will discover inspiration, hope, sage advice, and refreshingly practical help.

The Practice of Healing Prayer

Book Description

Most Catholics did not grow up learning how to pray with others for healing or to expect that their prayers could be powerful and transformative. In this book, Francis MacNutt, an early leader in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal and head of Christian Healing Ministries, encourages Catholics to do both. This easy-to-read and informative book: includes a step-by-step guide for how to pray with others through the laying on of hands; explains the various types of healings that we can expect—physical, emotional, and spiritual; discusses the healing effects of the sacraments; features many stories of people who have been healed through prayer. This book will help Catholics view healing prayer as an integral part of their life in Christ and step out in faith by praying with others and by asking for prayer when they need healing.

Let Nothing Disturb You

Book Description

Discover the timeless spiritual counsel of St. Teresa of Avila, first woman Doctor of the Church, in an easily accessible format. In Let Nothing Disturb You, selections from Teresa's writings have been carefully chosen and arranged for morning and evening meditation. Each book in theGreat Spiritual Teachers series provides a month of daily readings from one of Christianity's most beloved spiritual guides. For each day there is a brief and accessible morning meditation drawn from the mystic's writings, a simple mantra for use throughout the day, and a night prayer to focus one's thoughts as the day ends. These easy-to-use books are the perfect prayer companion for busy people who want to root their spiritual practice in the solid ground of these great spiritual teachers.

Reclaim Regret

Book Description

This book by bestselling author Sr. Kathryn Hermes can help you reshape past regret and disappointment in the context of your life story. Real-world examples, powerful meditations, and Sr. Kathryn's own experiences can transform a feeling of midlife stagnation into spiritual liberation. Learn about God's four promises to you through sacred scripture and prayer; they will help you forgive yourself, encounter God's love and healing, and embrace spiritual freedom..