Celestial Conversations: Sudama's Heartfelt Letters to Krishna

Book Description

In the sacred town of Vrindavan, where the air hums with divine melodies and the Yamuna flows with the grace of celestial rhythms, the legend of Lord Krishna, the Blue Prince, thrives in the hearts of His devotees. This book is a humble offering from Sudama, Krishna’s childhood friend and steadfast devotee, whose life was profoundly touched by the benevolence and divine play of the Lord. Hypothetically, as Janmashtami approaches this August, celebrating the birth of Lord Krishna, Sudama, present this collection of letters as a token of his eternal gratitude and love for his dearest friend. These letters are more than just words on parchment; they are the echoes of Sudama’s heart, filled with the myriad emotions and bhavas that Krishna has inspired within him throughout their journey together. In their youth, Krishna and Sudama shared the pure, unblemished bond of friendship in the serene environs of gurukul. Those days were marked by simplicity and joy, where they learned, played, and shared meals, oblivious to the vast destinies that awaited them. Krishna’s laughter was like the chime of temple bells, and His wisdom was a guiding light even then. Years later, when Sudama found himself in dire poverty, it was Krishna’s boundless compassion that transformed his life. With a heart as vast as the cosmos, He welcomed him into His palace, not as a poor Brahmin seeking alms, but as a dear friend in need. The Lord’s grace not only filled his household with wealth but also enriched his soul with the divine nectar of love. Each letter in this collection encapsulates a facet of gratitude and devotion. They recount the days in the gurukul, the simple joys of shared meals, and the overwhelming grace that Krishna bestowed upon his family. Through these letters, I have tried to convey the profound impact of His divine play (leela) on Sudama’s life and the myriad emotions it has evoked within. This book is not merely a compilation of words; it is a heartfelt tribute to the divine friendship that transcends the mundane bounds of this world. It is my hope that as you read these letters, you too will feel the divine presence of Krishna, the Blue Prince of Vrindavan, and be inspired by the boundless love and compassion that He embodies. With utmost reverence and devotion, Sudama offer this humble gift to his beloved Krishna on the auspicious occasion of His birthday, Janmashtami. May these letters serve as a testament to the eternal bond of friendship and the divine grace that He showers upon us all.

Stories from the Bhagavatam

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First Ebook Edition - March 2016

Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy

Book Description

Krishna is utterly incomparable, he is so unique. Firstly, his uniqueness lies in the fact that although Krishna happened in the ancient past he belongs to the future, is really of the future. Man has yet to grow to that height where he can be a contemporary of Krishna’s. He is still beyond man’s understanding; he continues to puzzle and battle us. Only in some future time will we be able to understand him and appreciate his virtues. And there are good reasons for it.

Shri Sai Satcharita

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The Nectar of Devotion

Book Description

We cannot be happy without satisfying our fundamental desire to love. Discover all the intricacies of spiritual love, bhakti, in this devotional classic. This is a summary study of Bhakti-rasamrita-sindhu, the Vaishnava classic written by Rupa Goswami that analyzes the various stages of bhakti (devotion) as a methodical practice resulting in love of God. Rupa Goswami uses a metaphor comparing an ocean (sindhu) to a devotional relationship with God. The title of the book conveys that loving relationships are enjoyable like sweet nectar and deep like an ocean. However, devotion is truly only meant for the supreme beloved, Krishna. Srila Prabhupada has written this summary study to show the essential understanding of the practices and ideals of Krishna consciousness, and to introduce the Western world to the beauty of devotional concepts. The spiritually thirsty can develop their relationship with Krishna by drinking from the unlimited reservoir of The Nectar of Devotion. Drink deeply.

Dharma, the Way of Transcendence

Book Description

The word dharma, originally from the Sanskrit, refers to the inherent, unchanging nature of something – sugar’s dharma is to be sweet, water’s dharma is to be wet, and fire’s dharma is to emit heat and light. Dharma also refers to our natural duty. We humans have ordinary dharma and an ultimate dharma that relates to who we are at soul level. That dharma requires that we ask existential questions and then seek ultimate answers – questions such as Who am I? Why am I here? and What is my ultimate purpose? Dharma, the Way of Transcendence is a compilation of lectures on human dharma given by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1972 as he toured India. Here he teaches that the dharma of all humans and every other living embodied soul – is service. No one can exist for a moment without serving someone or something else, even if it’s only the mind and senses. So the question is, whom or what can we serve if we want to be truest to ourselves?

The Guru Business

Book Description

Sulocana Prabhu was murdered May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m., Los Angeles, two days after compiling his book "THE GURU BUSINESS", which describes how the Leaders of the Hare Krishna movement deviated from the pure path as taught and exemplified by its founder, His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Sulocana was one of the first devotees to realize the complete hoax of the GBC policy to rubber-stamp eleven unqualified personalities as the exclusive 'diksa-guru' successors to Srila Prabhupada in 1977. Let us be quite clear that this policy was an unqualified lie as to the intentions of Srila Prabhupada post-samadhi 1977. As the eleven self-declared gurus "paramhamsa-parivakacaryas" established their zonal power centers by initiating anyone in sight and throwing out of ISKCON even the most slightly dissenting godbrothers, Sulocana researched Srila Prabhupada's statements and fearlessly wrote a book exposing this fraud in the name of disciplic succession. From his research he also realized the trouble Kirtanananda had been causing Srila Prabhupada right from the time of his sannyasa. This was pertinent, as Sulocana had lost his wife when Kirtanananda had maniplulated her away, initiated her, and married her away to one of his money collectors at New Vrndavana. Sulocana also came to know of the sexual and otherwise corruption that was rife amongst practically all the "exclusive eleven". Moreover, Kirtanananda in New Vrndavana was living a hypocritical life as an active predatory homosexual pedophile, simultaneously taking worship as a paramahamsa. "The Guru Business" was the first realistic and comprehensive view of the topic false gurus, based on quotes given by Srila Prabhupada. PURPOSE OF THIS BOOK (by Sulocana dasa) 1) It must be revealed to the world exactly who Srila Prabhupada is and how he has nothing whatsoever to do with the corruption going on amongst ISKCON's leaders today. 2) There is a crying need to increase and even rekindle love for Prabhupada from his own disciples. To a large extent, they have left Prabhupada's mission out of frustration and discouragement. 3) An effort should be made to clean up ISKCON and remove the influence of personally motivated leaders. In other words, we should fully awaken the devotees to the politics and duplicity going on behind the facade. 4) There is now a new imperative to inspire married couples to be bold and go out to open temples. This was Srila Prabhupada's desire from the beginning. "Anyone who has read The Guru Business will have at once felt the powerful and illuminating clarity in the words of Sulocana prabhu. The way in which he has strung together Prabhupada's words, like pearls on the thread of his own amazing realizations, came from his total surrender to the instruction of Srila Prabhupada. Sulocana prabhu was prepared to die rather than not execute Prabhupada's mission properly. Because of this faith not only did the Lord manifest Prabhupada's previously hidden letters to Sulocana but he revealed their purport in his heart." Mukunda dasa from Killing For Keith, Chapter Seven. "Sulocana prabhu, you totally abandoned all personal considerations and sacrificed your life to expose the demoniac activities of these rogues and nondevotees and their apa-siddhantic philosophy. Such a perfect disciple as yourself, who fought so bravely to take serious charge of Prabhupada's mission and execute it correctly, has surely seen the Supreme Personality of Godhead and become liberated back to Godhead, or at least you have become an exalted soul on a heavenly planet. "Mukunda dasa - Foreword to The Guru Business - March 2020

Renunciation Through Wisdom

Book Description

Renunciation Through Wisdom is a collection of essays originally written in Bengali and published by Srila Prabhupada in India during the 1940s. They were later translated into English by his disciples. In these essays Srila Prabhupada expands on themes found in the Bhagavad-gita, discussing such topics as why people are averse to God, the ultimate causes of suffering, and how the world’s troubles are extraordinarily fleeting when seen from the standpoint of eternity. Students of Srila Prabhupada will recognize the same common-sense writing style in Renunciation Through Wisdom as in his later, well-known works such as Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita As It Is, as well as his expertise at distilling the essence of India's ancient Vedic wisdom into powerful, convincing, practical, and easily readable directives.

Hindu Rites and Rituals

Book Description

Why is the tulsi considered sacred? What is the significance of namaste? Why do Hindus light a lamp before performing a ritual? Why is it forbidden to sleep facing the south? Why do Hindus chant 'shanti' three times after performing a rite? Millions of Hindus the world over grow up observing rites, rituals and religious practices that lie at the heart of Hinduism, but which they don't know the significance of. Often the age-old customs, whose relevance is lost to modern times, are dismissed as meaningless superstitions. The truth, however, is that these practices reveal the philosophical and scientific approach to life that has characterized Hindu thought since ancient times; it is important to revive their original meanings today. This handy book tells the fascinating stories and explains the science behind the Hindu rites and rituals that we sometimes follow blindly. It is essential reading for anyone interested in India's cultural tradition.