Cell Biology of Physarum and Didymium V2

Book Description

Cell Biology of Physarum and Didymium, Volume II: Differentiation, Metabolism, and Methodology summarizes important experimental research using Physarum and Didymium for developmental and cellular studies. This book is organized into three parts, encompassing 28 chapters that cover the differentiation, metabolism, and experimental techniques for cellular studies. After presenting an introduction to some aspects of developmental biology, this volume describes the ultrastructure and physiology of sporulation, spore germination, encystment, excystment, spherulation, and spherule germination. This is followed by a discussion on regulatory events leading to morphogenesis and on biochemical, physiological, and structural data on the amoeboid stage. The second part focuses on metabolic aspects. This includes metabolic characteristics of myxomycetes; the formation of nucleotides in Physarum by de novo synthesis and from nucleic acid degradation products; and radiation and radiomimetic agents on myxomycete species. Considerable chapters in the concluding part are devoted to procedures and protocol for isolation of cell components from Physarum and Didymium species. This volume also evaluates some techniques, including electron microscopy, time-lapse microcinematography, phase-contrast microscopy, Feulgen staining, and culture methods. The concluding chapters examine the preparation, isolation, and characterization of ribonucleic acid, histone, plasmodial polysaccharides, myosin, actins, and fragmin. The book will serve as a frequent, single reference source to brief cell biologists on the primary research on Physarum and Didymium. It will also be a good source for graduate students in cell biology and perhaps in other graduate courses.

The Molecular Biology of Physarum polycephalum

Book Description

One landmark in the long history of biological studies on the "slime mold" Physarum polycephalum was the introduction of chemi cally defined growth conditions for the plasmodial phase of this organism in the laboratory of Harold P. Rusch in Wisconsin in the 1950s. A number of investigators began working with Physarum in that era, then dispersed over the world. In the 1950s to 1960s, the regular meetings of Physarum workers in North America were commonly held in Wisconsin. Strong new scientific initiatives in Physarum have grown up independently, from the disciplines of genetics, cytology, photo biology, and biophysics, in countries scattered over the world from Japan to Poland, Germany, France, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Turkey, and Great Britain. Infusion of the technical power of contemporary molecular biology--in particular, gene cloning and monoclonal antibodies--has brought these dispersed investigators into mutual communication. It was therefore timely and appropriate to assemble the Physarum community again in Wisconsin after a hiatus of 20 years, at a conference in the Friedrick Conference Center at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, from July 8 to 13, 1985.

Advances in Microbial Physiology

Book Description

This research level review series covers diverse aspects of microbial physiology and biochemistry, including: inositol metabolism in yeasts, bacterial adhesion, organic acids, the bacterial flagellum, mechanical behaviour of bacterial cell walls.

Origin, Evolution, and Modern Aspects of Biomineralization in Plants and Animals

Book Description

The Fifth International Biomineralization Symposium was held in May 1986 at The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, Texas. The chosen theme was the origin, evolution and modern aspects of biomineralization in plants and animals. Thus, the symposium was designed to bring together experts in ocean and atmospheric chemistry, geochemistry, paleontology, biology, medicine and related fields to share accumulated knowledge and to broaden research horizons. The contents of this volume reflect the diversified interests and views of contributors from these fields. Topics range from contrasting views of the origin of ocean chemistry, the cause or causes for the biomineralization among plants and animals, the evolution of style and structure of biomineralization, and the role of inorganic and organic compounds in biomineraliza tion. It was clear from those gathered in Arlington that the efforts of all researchers in any aspect of biomineralization can be strengthened and extended by greater exposure to the work of others in allied fields. At the time of this printing, several collaborative efforts have grown from interest and contacts developed during the symposium. Rex E. Crick viii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The symposium would not have occurred with the financial support of The Organized Research Fund of The University of Texas at Arlington and The Sea Grant Program administered by Texas A & M University. The staff of the Department of Geology of The University of Texas at Arlington were largely responsible for providing a pleasant atmosphere for learning.

Fungus-Insect Relationships

Book Description

A significant addition to the field of fungus-insect relationships, this book presents an interesting array of approaches to the subject of evolutionary and ecological associations of insects and fungi, written by both mycologists and entomologists.The volume is indispensable as an introduction to modern approaches in the field, a reference on host associations, and a theoretical basis for future research.

Cellular Interactions

Book Description

H. F. LINSKENS and J. HESLOP-HARRISON The chapters of this volume deal with intercellular interaction phenomena in plants. Collectively they provide a broad conspectus of a highly active, if greatly fragmented, research field. Certain limitations have been imposed on the subject matter, the most impor tant being the exclusion of long-range interactions within the plant body. It is true that pervasive hormonal control systems cannot readily be demarcated from controls mediated by pheromones or information-carrying molecules with more limited spheres of action, but consideration is given in this volume to the main classes of plant hormones and their functions only incidentally, since these are treated adequately in other volumes of this Encyclopedia series (V - ume 9-11) and in numerous other texts and reviews. Similarly, certain other effects, such as those associated with nutrients and ions, are not considered in any detail. Furthermore, we have excluded intracellular interactions, and also consideration of transport phenomena, which are treated in detail in Vol ume 3 of this Series. Other aspects of inter-cellular interaction, such as cell surface phenomena and implications of lectin-carbohydrate interactions, and plant-virus inter-relationships, are treated in other sections of this Encyclopedia (Volumes 13B and 14B, respectively). In the volume on physiological plant pathology (Volume 4 of this series) special attention has been given to host pathogen interaction. These aspects of our subject will therefore be excluded in the present treatise.