Cellular and Molecular Aspects of Implantation

Book Description

Long was I hugg'd close-long and long. Immense have been the preparations for me, Faithful and friendly the arms that have help'd me. Cycles ferried my cradle, rowing and rowing like friendly boatmen. For room to me stars kept aside in their own rings, They sent influences to look after what was to hold me. Before I was born out of my mother, generations guided me, My embryo has never been torpid, nothing could overlay it. -Walt Whitman, "Song of Myself" The womb is the seat of all mammalian life. In pregnancy, the uterus acquires this impor tance with the arrival of the fertilized egg, which takes up residence for periods ranging from about 2 weeks in the opossum to about 2 years in the elephant. The arrival of the embryo signals a crucial time for the establishment of pregnancy. For several days the blas tocyst remains free in the uterine lumen, where it depends on uterine secretions for its sur vival and differentiation. During this time, essential changes in the endometrium take place in preparation for attachment of the blastocyst and implantation. Early embryonic loss is an economic problem of global proportions in animal husbandry, where, in pigs and cattle for example, some 30% of all fertilizations fail to result in a pregnancy. In humans this figure may be even higher, and estimates of early spontaneous abortions range from 40 to 60% of all conceptions.

Embryo Implantation

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the International Symposium on Embryo Implantation: Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Aspects, held from October 3-6, 1997 in Newport Beach, California. Internationally recognized experts discuss the development and future of human in vitro fertilization and embryo implantation, the cellular aspects of implantation, hormonal regulation, molecular markers of receptivity, trophoblast factors, primate models and animal studies, and transcriptional regulation of maternal-fetal recognition.

Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Periimplantation Processes

Book Description

This volume contains the proceedings of the Symposium on Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Periimplantation Processes, held July 15 - 18, 1994, in Boston, Massachusetts. Despite considerable research, the molecular and cellular bases of embryo-uterine interactions are still poorly understood. The papers included in this volume address recent advances in several areas in the field of implantation, including uterine receptivity, hormonal regulation, cell-cell interaction, growth factors/cytokines, immunobiology, and trophoblast invasion.

Trophoblast Invasion and Endometrial Receptivity

Book Description

Interest in mechanisms of embryo implantation is increasing, particularly with the realization that failure of implantation after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer places significant limits on the success of treatment. In addition, there is a need to provide hypotheses, and ultimately mechanisms, for the high rates of embryonic loss in women in the population at large. Traditionally, implantation research has concentrated on genetics and endocrinology without providing many therapeutic benefits. A new era is now beginning with the application of modem cellular and molecular approaches to the investigation of the relationship between trophoblast and endometrium. At the same time, older data can be reevaluated in the light of current research into cell cell and cell-matrix interactions. The feeling that new avenues of research are open was apparent when an international group of scientists came together at a workshop on "The Cell Biology of Trophoblast Invasion In Vivo and In Vitro" held during the XXIV Annual Meeting of the Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture Study Group (C.T.O.C.) at Heidelberg in 1986. What was unusual about this Conference was the interdisciplinary dialogue between implantation researchers and tumor biologists, highlighting aspects common to invasion of trophoblast and tumor cells.

Blastocyst Implantation

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Human Implantation

Book Description

This book explains and reviews some of the significant events involved in human implantation and the establishment of the placenta in the uterus. This critical phase in human reproduction has proved to be an elusive and challenging area of research, not least because of the immunological and genetic interactions between the mother and fetus. The volume focuses on the most recent advances in our understanding of the basic mechanisms involved, with a particular emphasis on cell biology and immunology. This lucid volume will benefit all those studying and undertaking research in reproductive biology and immunology, perinatal pathology, fetal medicine and obstetrics.

Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Reproduction

Book Description

Recently, considerable attention has been focused on studies of membrane structure and function--involvement of cell surface components in intercellular interaction, in translocation of ligands and receptors across cell membranes, and in the immunological properties of cells and gene expression and regulation. These investigations have led to the development of powerful technical tools which can be of immense value in the study of animal and human reproduction. The investigations of problems such as gamete interaction, fertilization, embryo implantation, and development have reached a stage where further meaningful progress in their understanding does not seem likely unless the conventional approaches are coupled with more modern molecular and cellular techniques. Furthermore, 1t is only through such basic studies that potential means of fertility regulation will emerge. The various physiological events in animal reproduction such as fertilization and implantation essentially involve an interaction between specific cell membrane components. Similarly, embryogenesis involves the expression and regulation of genes at various stages of development. Therefore, the entire Workshop was specifically devoted to two topics: 1) Structure, function, and biosynthesis of membrane components, and 2) Gene expression and regulation as related to animal reproduction. The presentations relating to each topic are presented in separate sections in this book.

Preimplantation Embryo Development

Book Description

This volume contains the Proceedings of the Serono Symposium on Pre implantation Embryo Development, held in Newton, Massachusetts, in 1991. The idea for the symposium grew out of the 1989 Serono Symposium on Fertilization in Mammals* at which preimplantation development was the predominant suggestion for a follow-up topic. This was indeed a timely subject in view of the recent resurgence of interest in this funda mental phase of embryogenesis and its relevance to basic research and applied fertility studies in humans, food-producing animals, and endangered species. The symposium brought together speakers from a broad range of disciplines in order to focus on key regulatory mechanisms in embryo development, using a wide variety of animal models, and on representative topics in human preimplantation embryogenesis. The culmination of preimplantation development is a blastocyst con taining the first differentiated embryonic tissues and capable of initiating and sustaining pregnancy. The central objective of the symposium was to throw light on the regulation of cellular and molecular events underlying blastocyst formation. It was particularly appropriate that the date of the symposium marked the 20th anniversary of the publication of the classic volume Biology of the Blastocyst, the proceedings of an international workshop held in 1970. This book, which summarized most of the information then available on this topic in mammals, was edited by the pioneer in blastocyst research, Dr. Richard B1andau, who was the guest speaker at the symposium.