Championship Ball

Book Description

The basketball season was opening at Valley Falls High and Chip Hilton, star center of last year's varsity, had his leg in a cast. In spite of Doc Jones' encouraging words, it looked like curtains for a sports career which had started out so brilliantly under Coach Hank Rockwell’s canny tutelage. It was a bitter dose to swallow for a youngster with Chip's strong spirit and will to win. Many a kid in his shoes would have given in to self-pity and let the circumstances throw him. But because he loved the game and because of his loyalty to "the Rock" and to the school, Chip swallowed his pride and took over the uninspiring job of managing the basketball team. This is the story of Chip Hilton, manager, who with one bum leg and an unquenchable spirit, won the state championship for his team over all contenders, and won an even greater victory over himself. CLAIR BEE, one of the most famous athletes in American collegiate history -- and later a winning coach -- has drawn upon his own experiences for two of the most unforgettable characters in sports’ fiction: Chip Hilton, the hero, and Hank Rockwell, the understanding coach.

Our Base Ball Club and How It Won the Championship

Book Description

'Our Base Ball Club and How It Won the Championship' by Noah Brooks is a charming novel that follows the story of Alice Howell and her beloved baseball team, the Catalpa Nine, as they fight for the championship against their rivals, the Jonesville Nine. In a town divided by class and social status, the Catalpas must band together to overcome the well-trained and rough Jonesvillians. Will they be able to win the championship and bring pride to their town?

Golf Illustrated

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Official Handbook

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The Universal Cyclopaedia

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Championship Ball

Book Description

When a broken leg forces him off the high school basketball squad, Chip Hilton faces the coming season with all odds against him as he attempts to help build a winning team.

Physical Training

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The Bystander

Book Description

Championship Ball

Book Description