Chandi Path

Book Description

The name Chandi comes from the word "chand" which in Sanskrit means to tear apart. The spiritual meaning of Chandi is "She Who Tears Apart Thought." The recitation of the Chandi Path is designed to guide the reader's awareness into the presence of Chandi - the Divine Mother Herself - so that all conflict of mind may return to Peace.

Goddess Durga and Sacred Female Power

Book Description

"Amazzone's voice is strong and clear. Goddess Durga promises the transformation, empowerment, and dignity that is our birthright."--Marisa Tomei, Academy Award-winning actor.

Secret Bija Mantras of the Chandi Pathah

Book Description

The entire Chaṇḍī Pāṭhaḥ purports to be a bridge or commentary on the two Rig Vedic hymns included at its beginning and end: the Rātri Sūktam, Praise to the Night of Duality, and the Devi Sūktam, Praise to the Goddess who is Unity. The 700 verses of DurgāSaptaśatī, or Chaṇḍī Pāṭhaḥ, tell us how to make the journey from duality to unity, by calling upon the Divine Mother to withdraw Her energy from negativity and give it unequivocally to positivity. Contained within are the Bija mantras which represent the 700 verses. The text is presented in Devanagari, Roman transliteration, and English translation

Sri Sri Chandi (Durga Saptasati)

Book Description

This is a scriptural commentary of Lahiri Mahasaya on Sri Sri Chandi, also known as Sri Durgasaptasati. In the dialogue, there is a point to answer. Where there are no words, there is no need to talk. The Lord who stays within the heart causes a person to express the Message which reveals accordingly. There are many words of wisdom in this Scripture, but they have been condensed here to help the Kriyanwits increase their sincerity and devotion. The Rig Veda states: Whatever blissful feelings are generated by discussing and practicing Kriya are called Prema : Divine Love and Bhakti : Utmost sincerity and Devotion. The spontaneous Revelation of the glories of the Goddess Durga is reflected in Her image, and the Yogis who witness this between the eyebrows transcend dualism (Dwaita) and monism (Adwaita) to establish themselves in Oneness with the ultimate Self. When the Yogi holds onto the state of the After-effect-poise of Kriya, then there is nothing to say. Whatever is expressed in Speech which comes out from the Tranquil Breath is the form and energy of Durga Gayatri. Everything is present in Her. Nama : Name and Rupa : Form are the same, for everything is Her name and Her form. The cause of Liberation (Mukti) and cause of man is Divine Mother. In the Rig Veda, She is referred to in many ways such as Bhadrang, Bhagavating, Krisnang, Graha Nakshatra Malini, Sivang. Durgang, Twang, Samutpannang, Agnivarnang, Sutang, Soumyang, Idang, Sresthang and Jyotisang Jyotiruttamang. Such is the form of the Goddess Durga, and it is everybody's duty to worship Her, that is, to practice Kriya sincerely.

Chandi Path - Study of Chapter One

Book Description

The Study of Chapter One is the most in depth analysis of the Chandi Path available. It breaks down each word of Chapter One and includes an elaborately detailed account of the segments of time enumerated from a fraction of a second, to the length of one exhalation of God. It also includes other additional background information that a chanter of the Chandi will enjoy and benefit from immensely.

In Praise of the Goddess

Book Description

About 16 centuries ago, an unknown Indian author or authors gathered together the diverse threads of already ancient traditions and wove them into a verbal tapestry that today is still the central text for worshippers of the Hindu Devi, the Divine Mother. This spiritual classic, the Devimahatmya, addresses the perennial questions of the nature of the universe, humankind, and divinity. How are they related, how do we live in a world torn between good and evil, and how do we find lasting satisfaction and inner peace? These questions and their answers form the substance of the Devimahatmya. Its narrative of a dispossessed king, a merchant betrayed by the family he loves, and a seer whose teaching leads beyond existential suffering sets the stage for a trilogy of myths concerning the all-powerful Divine Mother, Durga, and the fierce battles she wages against throngs of demonic foes. In these allegories, her adversaries represent our all-too-human impulses toward power, possessions, and pleasure. The battlefields symbolize the field of human consciousness on which our lives' dramas play out in joy and sorrow, in wisdom and folly. The Devimahatmya speaks to us across the ages of the experiences and beliefs of our ancient ancestors. We sense their enchantment at nature's bounty and their terror before its destructive fury, their recognition of the good and evil in the human heart, and their understanding that everything in our experience is the expression of a greater reality, personified as the Divine Mother.

Shree Maa

Book Description

The biography of Shree Maa describes the extraordinary experiences of an enlightened being. Knowing her divinity from childhood, Shree Maa left home at an early age to reside in the seclusion of the Himalayas and devote her life to spiritual practices. Having realized her ultimate unity with God, she has dedicated her life to sharing wisdom and inspiration. The story of Shree Maa's journey is a classic example of realizing the human potential, no matter what field of endeavor one may choose.

Return to Glow

Book Description

After a divorce and traumatic illness, Chandi Wyant set out on Italy's historic pilgrimage route to walk for forty days to Rome. With a boundless passion for Italy, she brings alive the history of the route while leading the reader on her inner journey as she finds sustenance and comfort from surprising sources.

Chandi Path - Study of Chapter Two

Book Description

In Chapter Two, Chandi is propitiated by the Gods, and bedecked with divine ornaments. Then She cuts down the many Generals of the Ego. In various ways She and Dharma, her Lion tear apart the appendages of the Great Ego and restore harmony to the universe. This book is highly recommended for Sanskrit students, scholars of philosophy, or anyone interested in the Glory of the Goddess as a tool for personal transformation.

Chandi Borobudur

Book Description

The magic tree house transports Jack and Annie to the deck of the Titanic to find the mysterious gift that will free a small dog from a magic spell.