Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States, 1993-94

Book Description

This publication provides basic descriptive information about the 100 largest school districts in the United States and its outlying areas. Almost one in every four public school students in the country is served by one of these districts. They are distinguished from smaller districts by characteristics other than sheer size, such as average and median school size, pupil-teacher ratios, numbers of high school graduates, numbers of students receiving special education services, and minority enrollment as a proportion of total enrollment. The 100 largest districts employ 19.9% of the nation's public school teachers and account for 16.6% of the nation's schools and 19.2% of its high school graduates. Almost all of these districts encompass large cities, but only about half are confined to the city limits. Three states, Florida, Texas, and California, accounted for over one-third of these districts. More than half of these districts have over 50% minority enrollment. Current expenditures per pupil in the 100 largest school districts ranged from a low of $2,052 in the Puerto Rican Department of Education to a high of $9,501 in Newark, New Jersey Public Schools. This information is found in 10 basic tables, which are preceded by 3 text tables that establish the context for the information on the 100 largest districts. Appendixes list the largest districts, provide some identifying information, and list the districts alphabetically. (SLD)

Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States, 1991-92

Book Description

This report provides basic descriptive information about the 100 largest school districts in the United States and its outlying areas. Almost one in four public school students in the country is served by one of these districts. Characteristics, which include average and median school size, pupil/teacher ratios, number of high school graduates, enrollment of special education students and minorities, and selected fiscal data, are presented in 10 basic tables. Preceding these are Tables A through C, which establish the context of education in these largest districts. Although these districts represent fewer than 1 percent of all school districts, they educate nearly 23 percent of students. Fifty of the 99 districts that report racial and ethnic information have more than 50 percent minority enrollment. These 100 largest districts employ nearly 23 percent of the nation's public school teachers and account for more than 19 percent of all public high school graduates. Appendix A lists the nation's 500 largest districts with some basic data, while Appendix B lists them alphabetically. Appendixes C and D are representations of the data collection instruments used in the Common Core of Data surveys on which this report is based. One map locates the 100 largest districts. (SLD)

Characteristics of the 100 Largest Public Elementary and Secondary School Districts in the United States, 1992-93

Book Description

This publication provides basic descriptive information about the 100 largest school districts in the United States and its outlying areas. The information was provided by state education agencies about student membership, revenues, and expenditures. The 100 largest districts, representing fewer than 1% of the nation's school districts, serve about 23% of public school students and employ about 23% of public school teachers. Almost all of these districts encompass large cities, but only about half are confined to city limits. One-third of these districts are found in Florida, Texas, and California; and more than half of these large districts have minority enrollment of over 50%. In addition, schools in the 100 largest districts tend to be about 38% larger than the average American school. Information on school and student characteristics and school finances is presented in 10 basic tables. Three text tables establish a meaningful context for the information on the 100 school districts. Appendixes list the 500 largest school districts, and an alphabetical list of the 500 districts. (SLD)

Statistical Abstract of the United States 2007

Book Description

The Statistical Abstract of the United States is one of the most reliable and popular statistical references in existence. The Bernan Press Library Edition presents the complete, official content of the Statistical Abstract in an easily readable format - with 25 percent larger type than in the U.S. government edition - and with a sturdy binding designed to withstand heavy use in libraries.