Characterizing Geomorphological Change Utilizing Remote Sensing and Field-Based Methods at the Cotton Brook Landslide, Waterbury, Vt

Book Description

Landslides are instrumental drivers of geomorphological change and can cause costly property damage and threaten community safety. The quantitative impact of slope failure on differing spatial and temporal scales on the landscape remains poorly constrained. Here, we evaluate geomorphological change at one of Vermont's largest documented landslides located in Waterbury, Vermont. The Cotton Brook landslide initially failed in 2019 and mobilized large volumes of sediment downstream toward the Waterbury Reservoir. This study spans from 2014 to 2023 and integrates field-based and remotely sensed data to 1) identify active erosive mechanisms following the 2019 event and 2) develop a workflow that allows us to estimate quantitative topographic change linked to distinct geologic processes. Geomorphological field surveys allowed us to map active landscape change mechanisms and ground truth geospatial data analysis results at Cotton Brook. LiDAR data were processed and analyzed using ArcGIS Pro, Agisoft Metashape Pro and CloudCompare softwares to apply topographic differencing techniques to digital elevation models (DEM) and 3-dimensional point clouds. We develop a workflow and use it to compare the change detection outcomes from each software package to quantify uncertainty. Vertical change measurements derived from models across all techniques ranged from -16.59 m to 16.37 m. Estimates derived from DEMs exceeded point cloud results by up to ~15%. We interpret this discrepancy as an overestimation of change by propagated alignment and interpolation error. Calculated vertical uncertainties are influenced by alignment registration errors and range from ~0 cm to 1.5 m. Elevation change measurements were used to extract sediment volume estimates attributed to landslide features. For instance, our results suggest that up to 123,279.8 m3 of debris material has been deposited at the toe of the landslide. Our approach allowed us to identify how different mechanisms of landscape change contributed to the volumes of erosion and deposition on and around the landslide. An integration of field observations with topographic change modeling results suggest that there are heterogeneous processes influencing mass wasting in our study region including erosional features, which have formed since the 2019 landslide and others that are operating throughout the study region. Notable processes include the collapse of thick units of glacial material bordering the main slip region, gully erosion, and rapid stream bank erosion. The findings of this multi-disciplinary research provide an opportunity to quantify the impact of distinctive geomorphological processes and can help to inform future landslide hazard reduction strategies in the Vermont community.

Characterisation of Large Catastrophic Landslides Using an Integrated Field, Remote Sensing and Numerical Modelling Approach

Book Description

I apply a forensic, multidisciplinary approach that integrates engineering geology field investigations, engineering geomorphology mapping, long-range terrestrial photogrammetry, and a numerical modelling toolbox to two large rock slope failures to study their causes, initiation, kinematics, and dynamics. I demonstrate the significance of endogenic and exogenic processes, both separately and in concert, in contributing to landscape evolution and conditioning slopes for failure, and use geomorphological and geological observations to validate numerical models. The 1963 Vajont Slide in northeast Italy involved a 270-million-m3 carbonate-dominated mass that slid into the newly created Vajont Reservoir, displacing water that overtopped the Vajont Dam and killed 1910 people. Based on literature, maps and imagery, I propose that the landslide was the last phase of slow, deep-seated slope deformation that began after the valley was deglaciated in the Pleistocene. Field and air photograph observations and stream profiles provide the context of Vajont Slide. The first long-range terrestrial digital photogrammetry models of the landslide aid in characterising the failure scar. Analysis of the failure scar emphasises the complexity of the failure surface due to faults and interference between two tectonic fold generations, influencing failure behaviour. Observations of the pre- and post-failure slope and interpretation of numerical simulations suggest a complex three-dimensional active-passive wedge- sliding mechanism, with two main landslide blocks and five sub-blocks in the west block, separated by secondary shear surfaces. The 1959 Madison Canyon Slide in Montana, USA, was triggered by an M = 7.5 earthquake. A 20-million-m3 rock mass descended from the ridge crest, killing 24 people and blocking Madison River to create Earthquake Lake. Marble at the toe of the slope acted as a buttress for weaker schist and gneiss upslope until the earthquake undermined its integrity and triggered failure. Rock mass characterisation, long-range terrestrial digital photogrammetry, and kinematic analysis indicate that the lateral, rear, and basal release surfaces formed a hexahedral wedge-biplanar failure. Dynamic numerical modelling suggests topographic and damage amplification due to ridge geometry and pre-existing tension cracks. Analysis of the case studies highlights the complexity of large, catastrophic rock slope failures, their causes, and their evolution from incipient failure to disaster.

Landslide Dynamics: ISDR-ICL Landslide Interactive Teaching Tools

Book Description

This interactive book presents comprehensive information on the fundamentals of landslide types and dynamics, while also providing a set of PPT, PDF, and text tools for education and capacity development. It is the second part of a two-volume work created as the core activity of the Sendai Partnerships, the International Consortium of Landslides. The book will be regularly updated and improved over the coming years, based on responses from users and lessons learned during its application.

Downie Slide

Book Description

This study demonstrates the advantages of combining remote sensing with field data in landslide investigations and provides improved data on the structural geology and its influence on slope movements at Downie Slide, a large landslide located in southeastern British Columbia, Canada. The geomorphology of the Downie Slide was studied using airborne LiDAR in a GIS environment to provide new insights on the landslide displacement mechanism. Surface and underground areas of the slide were compared and contrasted using terrestrial laser scanning and photogrammetry. Six joint sets were identified. Some structures and domain boundaries were found to be pervasive throughout the slide. A correlation between slope deformation, and large-scale structural and damage features was made and 12 structural domains defined within the landslide. Large secondary retrogressive-failures were identified for the head scarp and retrogression of the northern boundary, increasing the overall area of slide material by ~ 1 km2.

Evaluation of Manual and Semi-Automated Deep-Seated Landslide Inventory Processes

Book Description

Recent advances in remote sensing data and technology have allowed for computational models to be designed that successfully extract landforms from the landscape. The goal of this work is to create one such semi-automated model to extract deep-seated landslides located in complex geomorphic terrain. This is accomplished using geographic object-based image analysis (GEOBIA) techniques, considered by leaders in the field of image analysis to have an advantage over traditional automated classification methods. GEOBIA methods can mimic human visual interpretation by including more characteristic features used to assess the relationship between image data and the ground surface such as color reflectance (spectral), texture, shadow, location, pattern, height, tone, context, size, and shape. The standard method for identifying and mapping landslides in the Pacific Northwest is for professional geologists to manually delineate landform features using remote sensing data, referred to as remote mapping. The method is currently employed by United States Geological Survey (USGS), Washington State Department of Natural Resources (WA DNR), and Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI). The question remains if semi-automated models can perform as well as independent manual mappers when identifying landslides, while reducing bias due to interpretation discrepancies between mappers. To test this hypothesis, two modeled landslide datasets are created. The first, using a model design that was not influenced by manual mapping efforts, and the second created using manually-mapped landslides for visual reference. These two modeled datasets are then compared to a manually-mapped landslide inventory, created with input from four professional geomorphologists. Differences in landslide numbers, densities, geometries, and extents, that were delineated by the geologists, reflected the range of professional backgrounds. The data suggest the model is objectively using a set of morphometric characteristics to map the landslides, while the professional geomorphologists have developed interpretation style biases that lead to a large range in area mapped as a landslide. Incorrectly identifying terrain as stable could have negative impacts on public safety, suggesting more research is necessary to determine the true population of landslides that exist on the landscape. Automated models can be useful with that effort.

Modern Technologies for Landslide Monitoring and Prediction

Book Description

Modern Technologies for Landslide Investigation and Prediction presents eleven contributed chapters from Chinese and Italian authors, as a follow-up of a bilateral workshop held in Shanghai on September 2013. Chapters are organized in three main parts: ground-based monitoring techniques (photogrammetry, terrestrial laser scanning, ground-based InSAR, infrared thermography, and GNSS networks), geophysical (passive seismic sensor networks) and geotechnical methods (SPH and SLIDE), and satellite remote-sensing techniques (InSAR and optical images). Authors of these contributes are internationally-recognized experts in their respective research fields. Marco Scaioni works in the college of Surveying and Geo-Informatics at Tongji University, Shanghai (P.R. China). His research fields are mainly Close-range Photogrammetry, Terrestrial Laser Scanning, and other ground-based sensors for metrological and deformation monitoring applications to structural engineering and geosciences. In the period 2012-2016 he is chairman of the Working Group V/3 in the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, focusing on ‘Terrestrial 3D Imaging and Sensors’.

Geoinformatics and Modelling of Landslide Susceptibility and Risk

Book Description

This book discusses various statistical models and their implications for developing landslide susceptibility and risk zonation maps. It also presents a range of statistical techniques, i.e. bivariate and multivariate statistical models and machine learning models, as well as multi-criteria evaluation, pseudo-quantitative and probabilistic approaches. As such, it provides methods and techniques for RS & GIS-based models in spatial distribution for all those engaged in the preparation and development of projects, research, training courses and postgraduate studies. Further, the book offers a valuable resource for students using RS & GIS techniques in their studies.

Landslide Ecology

Book Description

Despite their often dangerous and unpredictable nature, landslides provide fascinating templates for studying how soil organisms, plants and animals respond to such destruction. The emerging field of landslide ecology helps us understand these responses, aiding slope stabilisation and restoration and contributing to the progress made in geological approaches to landslide prediction and mitigation. Summarising the growing body of literature on the ecological consequences of landslides, this book provides a framework for the promotion of ecological tools in predicting, stabilising, and restoring biodiversity to landslide scars at both local and landscape scales. It explores nutrient cycling; soil development; and how soil organisms disperse, colonise and interact in what is often an inhospitable environment. Recognising the role that these processes play in providing solutions to the problem of unstable slopes, the authors present ecological approaches as useful, economical and resilient supplements to landslide management.

Semi-quantitative Approaches for Landslide Assessment and Prediction

Book Description

In the present authors attempted to have a clear insight into the interworking of geotectonic, geomorphic, hydrologic and anthropogenic factors leading to landslide in the Shiv khola Watershed, the most worst affected region of Darjiling Himalaya. This book includes the parameters responsible for landslide events in mountainous areas. It provides knowledge and understanding to the local people, planners, and policy makers about the causes and consequences of landslides as well as provides a suitable method to mitigate the landslips. The book deals with the role of land, water and soil in landslide phenomena. These three attributes have been described in terms of critical rainfall, critical slope, critical height and changes and development of drainage network in landslides. Mitigations and site-specific management options are evaluated considering the roles of local govt., community and other organizations in both pre-slide and post-slide periods. Various scientific methods have been used to assess the landslides that will bring about tremendous help to researchers in the field. In particular, Researchers in Mountain Geomorphology and Geological and Geographical Society will get tremendous help from some topics such as 1-D slope stability model, SCS Curve Number Technique, Assessment of morphological parameters, application of RS & GIS, Application of Analytical Hierarchy Process. Semi-quantitative approach is followed for understanding spatial distribution of cohesion, friction angle slope, lithology and lineaments, drainage, upslope contributing area, land use and land cover types etc. This book also reveals some techniques and models for initiating slope instability.