Chemistry, Grades 6 - 12

Book Description

Connect students in grades 5 and up with science using Chemistry: Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter. This 80-page book reinforces scientific techniques. It includes teacher pages that provide quick overviews of the lessons and student pages with Knowledge Builders and Inquiry Investigations that can be completed individually or in groups. The book also includes tips for lesson preparation (materials lists, strategies, and alternative methods of instruction), a glossary, an inquiry investigation rubric, and a bibliography. It allows for differentiated instruction and supports National Science Education Standards and NCTM standards.

Chemistry (Teacher Guide)

Book Description

This book was created to help teachers as they instruct students through the Master’s Class Chemistry course by Master Books. The teacher is one who guides students through the subject matter, helps each student stay on schedule and be organized, and is their source of accountability along the way. With that in mind, this guide provides additional help through the laboratory exercises, as well as lessons, quizzes, and examinations that are provided along with the answers. The lessons in this study emphasize working through procedures and problem solving by learning patterns. The vocabulary is kept at the essential level. Practice exercises are given with their answers so that the patterns can be used in problem solving. These lessons and laboratory exercises are the result of over 30 years of teaching home school high school students and then working with them as they proceed through college. Guided labs are provided to enhance instruction of weekly lessons. There are many principles and truths given to us in Scripture by the God that created the universe and all of the laws by which it functions. It is important to see the hand of God and His principles and wisdom as it plays out in chemistry. This course integrates what God has told us in the context of this study. Features: Each suggested weekly schedule has five easy-to-manage lessons that combine reading and worksheets. Worksheets, quizzes, and tests are perforated and three-hole punched — materials are easy to tear out, hand out, grade, and store. Adjust the schedule and materials needed to best work within your educational program. Space is given for assignments dates. There is flexibility in scheduling. Adapt the days to your school schedule. Workflow: Students will read the pages in their book and then complete each section of the teacher guide. They should be encouraged to complete as many of the activities and projects as possible as well. Tests are given at regular intervals with space to record each grade. About the Author: DR. DENNIS ENGLIN earned his bachelor’s from Westmont College, his master of science from California State University, and his EdD from the University of Southern California. He enjoys teaching animal biology, vertebrate biology, wildlife biology, organismic biology, and astronomy at The Master’s University. His professional memberships include the Creation Research Society, the American Fisheries Association, Southern California Academy of Sciences, Yellowstone Association, and Au Sable Institute of Environmental Studies.


Book Description

Chemistry for grades 9 to 12 is designed to aid in the review and practice of chemistry topics. Chemistry covers topics such as metrics and measurements, matter, atomic structure, bonds, compounds, chemical equations, molarity, and acids and bases. The book includes realistic diagrams and engaging activities to support practice in all areas of chemistry. --The 100+ Series science books span grades 5 to 12. The activities in each book reinforce essential science skill practice in the areas of life science, physical science, and earth science. The books include engaging, grade-appropriate activities and clear thumbnail answer keys. Each book has 128 pages and 100 pages (or more) of reproducible content to help students review and reinforce essential skills in individual science topics. The series will be aligned to current science standards.

FTCE Biology 6-12

Book Description

Includes 10 competencies/skills sets found on the FTCE Biology 6-12 test and 125 sample-test questions. This guide is aligned specifically to standards prescribed by the Florida Department of Education.

Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12

Book Description

It is essential for today's students to learn about science and engineering in order to make sense of the world around them and participate as informed members of a democratic society. The skills and ways of thinking that are developed and honed through engaging in scientific and engineering endeavors can be used to engage with evidence in making personal decisions, to participate responsibly in civic life, and to improve and maintain the health of the environment, as well as to prepare for careers that use science and technology. The majority of Americans learn most of what they know about science and engineering as middle and high school students. During these years of rapid change for students' knowledge, attitudes, and interests, they can be engaged in learning science and engineering through schoolwork that piques their curiosity about the phenomena around them in ways that are relevant to their local surroundings and to their culture. Many decades of education research provide strong evidence for effective practices in teaching and learning of science and engineering. One of the effective practices that helps students learn is to engage in science investigation and engineering design. Broad implementation of science investigation and engineering design and other evidence-based practices in middle and high schools can help address present-day and future national challenges, including broadening access to science and engineering for communities who have traditionally been underrepresented and improving students' educational and life experiences. Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12: Investigation and Design at the Center revisits America's Lab Report: Investigations in High School Science in order to consider its discussion of laboratory experiences and teacher and school readiness in an updated context. It considers how to engage today's middle and high school students in doing science and engineering through an analysis of evidence and examples. This report provides guidance for teachers, administrators, creators of instructional resources, and leaders in teacher professional learning on how to support students as they make sense of phenomena, gather and analyze data/information, construct explanations and design solutions, and communicate reasoning to self and others during science investigation and engineering design. It also provides guidance to help educators get started with designing, implementing, and assessing investigation and design.

Science and Engineering for Grades 6-12

Book Description

"Students learn by doing. Science investigation and engineering design provide an opportunity for students to do. When students engage in science investigation and engineering design, they are able to engage deeply with phenomena as they ask questions, collect and analyze data, generate and utilize evidence, and develop models to support explanations and solutions. Research studies demonstrate that deeper engagement leads to stronger conceptual understandings of science content than what is demonstrated through more traditional, memorization-intensive approaches. Investigations provide the evidence student need to construct explanations for the causes of phenomena. Constructing understanding by actively engaging in investigation and design also creates meaningful and memorable learning experiences for all students. These experiences pique students' curiosity and lead to greater interest and identity in science"--Preface.

A Framework for K-12 Science Education

Book Description

Science, engineering, and technology permeate nearly every facet of modern life and hold the key to solving many of humanity's most pressing current and future challenges. The United States' position in the global economy is declining, in part because U.S. workers lack fundamental knowledge in these fields. To address the critical issues of U.S. competitiveness and to better prepare the workforce, A Framework for K-12 Science Education proposes a new approach to K-12 science education that will capture students' interest and provide them with the necessary foundational knowledge in the field. A Framework for K-12 Science Education outlines a broad set of expectations for students in science and engineering in grades K-12. These expectations will inform the development of new standards for K-12 science education and, subsequently, revisions to curriculum, instruction, assessment, and professional development for educators. This book identifies three dimensions that convey the core ideas and practices around which science and engineering education in these grades should be built. These three dimensions are: crosscutting concepts that unify the study of science through their common application across science and engineering; scientific and engineering practices; and disciplinary core ideas in the physical sciences, life sciences, and earth and space sciences and for engineering, technology, and the applications of science. The overarching goal is for all high school graduates to have sufficient knowledge of science and engineering to engage in public discussions on science-related issues, be careful consumers of scientific and technical information, and enter the careers of their choice. A Framework for K-12 Science Education is the first step in a process that can inform state-level decisions and achieve a research-grounded basis for improving science instruction and learning across the country. The book will guide standards developers, teachers, curriculum designers, assessment developers, state and district science administrators, and educators who teach science in informal environments.

ENC Focus

Book Description

Mystery of the Periodic Table

Book Description

Leads the reader on a delightful and absorbing journey through the ages, on the trail of the elements of the Periodic Table as we know them today. He introduces the young reader to people like Von Helmont, Boyle, Stahl, Priestly, Cavendish, Lavoisier, and many others, all incredibly diverse in personality and approach, who have laid the groundwork for a search that is still unfolding to this day. The first part of Wiker's witty and solidly instructive presentation is most suitable to middle school age, while the later chapters are designed for ages 12-13 and up, with a final chapter somewhat more advanced. Illustrated by Jeanne Bendick and Ted Schluenderfritz.

Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices

Book Description

When it’s time for a game change, you need a guide to the new rules. Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices provides a play-by-play understanding of the practices strand of A Framework for K–12 Science Education (Framework) and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Written in clear, nontechnical language, this book provides a wealth of real-world examples to show you what’s different about practice-centered teaching and learning at all grade levels. The book addresses three important questions: 1. How will engaging students in science and engineering practices help improve science education? 2. What do the eight practices look like in the classroom? 3. How can educators engage students in practices to bring the NGSS to life? Helping Students Make Sense of the World Using Next Generation Science and Engineering Practices was developed for K–12 science teachers, curriculum developers, teacher educators, and administrators. Many of its authors contributed to the Framework’s initial vision and tested their ideas in actual science classrooms. If you want a fresh game plan to help students work together to generate and revise knowledge—not just receive and repeat information—this book is for you.