Chess Tactics for Advanced Players

Book Description

Any chess enthusiast knows how important tactics is in the "royal game" and how crucial it is to make a. thorough study of this aspect of the game. But up to now opinion has been divided on the best way of studying tactics. The well-known Soviet international, grandmaster and chess author Averbakh has developed an entirely novel approach, which is expounded in the present work. His main aim was to create a theoretical basis with whose aid the learner can effortlessly study the numerous and manifold tactical problems facing the chess player. Averbakh begins by examining the simplest situations resulting from confrontations between different pieces. He then proceeds to analyze more complex situations and demonstrates the importance of the double attack. With instructive examples he proves that double attacks in the broadest sense are the basis of most tactical operations. This discovery prompted Averbakh to focus his attention on the double attack in the first part of the book. The second part is devoted to combinations. The author delves into the question of what lies hidden behind the mysterious concept of harmony of pieces. The astonishing simplicity of the answer he finds to this question enables him to reduce the bulk of the combinations to a handful of basic elements. From this Averbakh derives a convincing definition of the term "combination" and introduces a new, promising system of classifying different combinations. All this is explained with the aid of numerous practical examples including complete games and chess problems. The book contains special chapters with numerous exercise problems for the reader to test and consolidate his newly-acquired skill. In this way Averbakh's work is both very instructive and easy to understand.

Chess Tactics for Champions

Book Description

Susan Polgar became the first female Grandmaster at age 15—and it wasn't luck that got her there. Her use of tactics, combinations, and strategy during her games gave her the critical advantage she needed against her opponents. In Chess Tactics for Champions, Polgar gives insight into the kind of thinking that chess champions rely on while playing the game, specifically the ability to recognize patterns and combinations. With coauthor Paul Truong, Susan Polgar teaches the tactics she learned from her father, Laszlo Polgar, one of the world's best chess coaches. • Teaches players how to calculate the effect of a move in order to gain an edge over an opponent • For intermediate to advanced chess players of all ages

Tune Your Chess Tactics Antenna

Book Description

If only real life were like a book on chess tactics! But during a game you are on your own, and nobody will whisper in your ear that you have reached a position that is, in fact, a tactical puzzle and all you have to do is solve it. What you need, discovered Emmanuel Neiman in his long career as a chess trainer, is a way to read the signals which indicate that, somewhere in the position you are looking at, there is a tactical blow. What you need is a Chess Tactics Antenna! This trailblazing book by award-winning author Neiman provides a set of tools that enables the average club player to determine the moment he needs to look for win. ,

Improve Your Chess Tactics

Book Description

The best advice for chess players who want to improve quickly is: get better at tactics! Simply because the vast majority of amateur games is decided through tactics you will immediately start beating more opponents when you improve your tactical skills. Experienced Russian Grandmaster Jakov Neishtadt has selected those examples from the games of masters that have the biggest instructional value for club players. In the first part of the book Neishstadt teaches a systematic course on the most important tactical themes. The second part consist of an exam with hundreds of tests from real-life chess, in random order so as not to give unwelcome hints on how to solve them. The solutions are not just lists of moves, but include instructive prose.

Forcing Chess Moves

Book Description

Charles Hertan, an experienced chess coach from Massachusetts, has made an astonishing discovery: the failure to consider key winning moves is often due to human bias, since your brain tends to disregard many winning moves because they are counter-intuitive or look unnatural. Charles Hertan?s radically different approach is: use COMPUTER EYES and always look for the most forcing move first! By studying forcing sequences according to Hertan?s method you will develop analytical precision, improve your tactical vision, overcome human bias and staleness, and enjoy the calculation of difficult positions. By recognizing moves that matter, you will win more games!

Chess Tactics

Book Description

Are you ready to up your game and go from chess chump to chess master? Chess is one of the oldest and often times most difficult games to master. Depending on the moves you make it's like a puzzle with a thousand different possibilities, but this book will teach you advanced techniques by having you solve puzzles so you will be able to anticipate absolutely anything that your opponent throws at you. This book is broken down in three parts with puzzles that range from easy to hard and will help you to build chess skills that will last you a life time, will teach you, step by step how to improve your game so that you can beat anyone you play against. Building off of volume 1 this book shows you advanced techniques by using puzzles so that you will better understand the board and the game inside and out. What kind of puzzles are in this book: -Over 300 advanced chess techniques-Solutions to these techniques if an opponent tries them against you-You'll learn how to get to take someones king in two or less moves-And so much more! Chess is one of the most rewarding board games there is. Played all over the world competitively and leisurely you'll learn by being able to solve these puzzles in your own time how how to never lose again. By learning and understanding how the techniques in this book work and why they work, you'll be safe guarding yourself against ever being surprised at your opponents moves again. It's time for you to up your game so that you can take on more challenging opponents and get better with your own technique. Chess is about expanding your mind to new horizons and understanding opportunity when it's in front of you. This book will teach you how to use advanced techniques so that you can learn to spot those opportunities. If you are ready to learn advanced chess techniques used by champions all over the world then you need to get this book today!

1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate

Book Description

A 21st-Century Edition of a Great Checkmate Collection! Ask most chessplayers from the “baby boomer” generation how they acquired and sharpened their tactical skills, and chances are a Fred Reinfeld tactics collection will be part of their answer. And now, for the first time, 1001 Brilliant Ways to Checkmate is available in modern algebraic notation. This may be the all-time great checkmate collection, with forced checkmate positions culled mainly from actual play. And Reinfeld's selection is simply marvelous, touching on all the important tactical themes. In short, this is an outstanding book to hone your tactical abilities. It will help you recognize mating patterns, develop visualization skills, enhance imagination, and improve tactical sharpness. And now, with a modern 21st-century edition of this great checkmate collection finally available, there is no excuse for not only improving your tactical skills, but also enjoying yourself along the way.

1001 Chess Exercises for Club Players

Book Description

Chess is 99% tactics. This celebrated observation is not only true for beginners, but also for club players (Elo 1500 – 2000). If you want to win more games, nothing works better than training your combination skills. There are two types of books on tactics: those that introduce the concepts followed by some examples, and workbooks that contain lots of exercises. FIDE Master Frank Erwich has done both: he explains all key tactical ideas AND provides an enormous amount of exercises for each different theme. Erwich has created a complete tactics book for ambitious club and tournament players. He teaches you how to reach the next level of identifying weak spots in the position of your opponent, recognizing patterns of combinations, visualizing tricks and calculating effectively. Erwich has also included a new and important element: tests that will improve your defensive skills. 1001 Chess Exercises for Club Players is not a collection of freewheeling puzzles. It serves as a course text book, because only the most didactically productive exercises are featured. Every chapter starts with easy examples, but no worries: the level of difficulty will steadily increase.

Chess Tactics for Kids

Book Description

Chess Tactics for Kids By Murray Chandler