Chhota Bheem Vol. 76

Book Description

One day Kalia's minions Dholu and Bholu go missing without a trace. Kalia is very worried and disturbed. Missing posters are put up all around the village. A passer-by sees the poster and tells them that the boys are in Bothakpur prison. Will Bheem rescue Dholu and Bholu? Enjoy reading this thrilling story!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 26

Book Description

The tranquility of the kingdom of Dholakpur, is tested again when the King gets coincidentally involved in a series of suspicious mishap. But then, he miraculously survives.Bheem & Kalia, after taking the King`s permission, set out to investigate the mishaps and for a change, reach a similar conclusion.The Army Genera is arrested as all clue`s point towards him. But the mystery is much more deep than it seems. Can Bheem find out the truth? Is the Army General really the one behind the attacks? Find out as Chhota Bheem & his team unravels the mystery!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 68

Book Description

One day when princess Indumati along with Bheem and friends is making plans to celebrate her father, king Indravarma's birthday; Jaywardhan, who is the king's brothter-in-law barges in the palace. He says that his son Vishnuwardan is kidnapped by tribals and he needs help. But jaywardhan wants Bheem to rescue his son, instead of the soldiers. Will the king understand the conspiracy of Jaywardhan and send Bheem to face the dangerous tribals? Read this story which is filled with adventure, thrill, And fantasy; all rolled in one!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 69

Book Description

The dacoit Chaner comes to Mangal Ghat to meet his nephew Mangal Singh. Meanwhile, a kid's fair is organized in the village of Dholakpur and Mangal Singh along with his uncle abduct the toddlers and demand a huge ransom.Now will Bheem be able to rescue the kids from the clutches of the dacoits? Read this thrilling story filled with fun!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 48

Book Description

One fine day, as Kalia, Dholu & Bholu were whiling away time by the lake, two men come asking for directions. The two men turn out to be on the panel for the ‘Book of World Records’, who were on their way to Hasmukh Nagar, to capture a new world record. Kalia instantly gets an idea to become world famous. He decides to tame a new horse in the least time possible, which the king, Raja Indraverma II had brought to try in the Dholakpur army. The show begins but during the countdown, Kalia’s horse goes out of control and runs amock. What happens now? Who saves the villagers from the angry horse? Is any world record created at all? Catch this thrilling mis-adventure of Kalia and see how Bheem plays his part yet again.

Chhota Bheem Vol. 86

Book Description

One day Bheem and his friends board a ship for a fun ride with captain uncle. But their happiness does not last for a long time as they are attacked by the sea pirates. Bheem bravely fights the pirates giving them a run for their lives.But little did they know that they were going to be trapped in a whirlpool which is going to take them to a fantasy world under the sea. Can Bheem be able to bring back his friends to Dholakpur? Enjoy reading this adventurous journey which has lots of twists and turns!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 58

Book Description

Bheem and his friends are enjoying a fair in Dholakpur where princess Indumati wins a chalk in the lucky draw. She dismisses it as a normal chalk, until what she writes with that chalk begins to come true! Two trees have started to walk and talk, not to mention the havoc they are creating. Will Bheem be able to do something to stop the chaos and save his friends?

Chhota Bheem Vol. 67

Book Description

One day while passing through the jungle, Kalia comes across a saint. He later finds out that the saint is a cheat and unmasks his true character. The scared saint quickly gives Kalia a few magical darts and escapes. Meanwhile, there is a wrestling competition in Dholakpur and Kalia is desperate to beat Bheem and Kichak of Pehalwanpur. He plans to use the magical darts with Dholu, Bholu’s help. Will Bheem fall into Kalia's trap? Read this yet another story bundled with humour you would love!

Chhota Bheem Vol. 57

Book Description

A mysterious light strikes through the sky, sending down a message to Kalia echoing that whatever he touches would turn into stone. As Kalia realizes that it was just a dream, he is surprised to see it become real when everything he touches becomes stone, including his minions, Dholu and Bholu. How does Bheem stop Kalia from turning people of Dholakpur into statues? Does Bheem become a victim too? This story will take you on a ‘stony’ ride till Kalia mends his ways.

Chhota Bheem Vol. 42

Book Description

Chagan, a new sweets vendor comes to Dholakpur market and sets up a stall. He is baffled to see the entire crowd go to Tuntun aunty for laddoos. All his plans fail to attract the crowd. Bheem tricks Chagan when he overhears the latter’s plan to steal Tuntun’s secret ingredient. Furious Chagan uses his brawn to get even with Bheem. Is Bheem able to match up to Chagan? Can Bheem defend Tuntun’s laddoos, the pride of Dholakpur? Find out!