Christ and the Christian in Temptation

Book Description

"O my soul! Nothing comes between you and God but the atoning blood of Jesus. His blood annihilates all your sin and guilt. Robed in His imputed righteousness, you are to God nearer than the highest angel in heaven--and nearer you can not be--and God draws near to you and speaks--"A God at hand, says the Lord." "It is because we have such shallow views of God's love that we have such defective views of God's dealings. We blindly interpret the symbols of His providence, because we so imperfectly read the engravings of His heart." "Admirably true to its title. It consists, we presume, of a series of sermons on a theme which can never become obsolete. The author does not deal with the difficulties urged by the Rationalistic critics, but simply regards Our Lord's temptation as identical in all its essential features with the temptations through which we also, as His disciples, must pass. Dr. Winslow is a careful and reverent thinker, and writes with peculiar grace and beauty of expression. He is never weak or commonplace. His words will afford wise counsel and effective consolation to all who read them. We cordially commend this valuable work." -The Baptist Magazine, 1878 CONTENTS: Preface 1. The Tempter, Occasion, and Scene of Christ's Temptation 2. Christ and the Christian Tempted to Distrust Divine Providence 3. Christ and the Christian Tempted to Self-Destruction 4. Christ and the Christian Tempted to False and Idolatrous Worship 5. Christ and the Christian Tempted with Worldly Grandeur and Possession 6. The Sympathy of Angels with Christ and the Christian in Temptation 7. The Sympathy of Christ with the Christian in Temptation 8. The Final Overthrow of the Tempter and Blessedness of the Tempted

The Christian and Temptation

Book Description

Satan is a past master in the art of temptation. After all, he has had thousands of years of experience in thus opposing the people of God. None of us, in ourselves, is immune from his attacks. This booklet helps us to understand the nature of temptation and looks at ways to overcome it.

Tempted and Tried

Book Description

Examines the wilderness temptations of Christ to underscore the cosmic scale of temptation, the universal strategies of the Tempter, and the way of escape made possible for God's people in Christ.

Tempted for Us

Book Description

This is an approach to Christ's impeccability and temptation through exploring and evaluating the theological models that have been developed from the early church to the present day. Drawing from tradition and the relevant biblical evidence, John McKinley argues that Jesus was truly tempted in ways that are closely relevant to the temptations common to us. Having been tempted for us in this way, Jesus can provide true help as the credible example to follow and truly sympathetic ally in the fight against sin. Key to understanding how Jesus remained unable to sin and sharply vulnerable to temptation is the role of the Holy Spirit.

Tempted, Tested, True

Book Description

Back to the Bible Leaders Reveal a Proven Strategy for Overcoming Temptation Many Christians are feeling guilty, discouraged, and even hopeless. Their faith means a lot to them, but they repeatedly succumb to temptation. Building on the message of Unstuck, Cole and Ross give readers a path to break free from what holds them back, make lasting changes, and win the age-old battle with temptation. This book is part of a strategic ministry plan developed by Back to the Bible. Through multimedia products and services, the ministry walks alongside individuals and churches, helping Christ-followers live the life God wants them to have.

Temptation: Lessons from Trials in the Wilderness

Book Description

This book helps readers see how knowing the truth of our identity as born again believers in Christ Jesus liberates us from those mental and physical shackels that sin causes. Knowing the purpose and the background of temptation also equips us to more completely and permanently overcome. If it was as easy as Just dont do it, no one today would be suffering due to the consequences of self-indulgence associated with overeating, drug and alcohol substance abuse, hyper-sexual deviance, gambling, internet lusts, and all other addictions and snares of the enemy. My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6 KJV) Certain portions of 'Temptation: Lessons from Trials in the Wilderness' are derived from question and answer sessions.


Book Description

Then reach for this modest book by Fr. P.J. Michel, S.J., a savvy professor of theology whose wisdom and common sense have been forged not only in the classroom, but by decades of ardent prayer and service to penitent souls in the confessional. Here Fr. Michel explains where your temptations come from and helps rid you of them (and of your fear of them). He teaches you how to best respond to the different kinds of temptations that assail you, and he even shows you how to profit spiritually from your temptations, no matter how strong or frequent they may be!From these clear, succinct pages you’ll learn: Why you, in particular, are still tempted (and why God allows it)Whether your temptations show that you’ve turned away from GodWhether the evil thoughts and impulses that afflict you regularly are merely temptations . . . or sins to which you have somehow consentedWhether your temptations are a test, a punishment, neither, or bothHow to arm yourself against temptations… before they occurWhen it’s better simply to ignore — rather than battle — certain temptationsThe one, simple thing you must do when strong, persistent temptations occupy your mindWhat makes it easier to fend off sensual temptationsWhich temptations you must never reason with (as did poor Eve, to her sorrow – and ours!)What to do about temptations that arise from acts of virtue (e.g. pride that you’ve fasted well)The one promise of God you must be sure to remember when temptations discourage youAnd why you must never yield to despair, especially after you’ve yielded to temptations (and what to do instead)

Some Problems Christians Face

Book Description

"The Christian and Temptation", "The Christian and Hypocrisy", "The Christian and Commitment" and "The Christian and Conflict" together in one pocket-sized volume. Satan is a past master in the art of temptation. After all, he has had thousands of years of experience in thus opposing the people of God. None of us, in ourselves, is immune from his attacks. "The Christian and Temptation" helps us to understand the nature of temptation and looks at ways to overcome it. Reality or pretence? Do not read "The Christian and Hypocrisy" unless you are prepared to be challenged by it! It surveys the Bible's teaching on hypocrisy, a subject that is all too prevalent in today's world. "The Christian and Commitment" cuts right across the easy-going 'What's in it for me?' attitude that characterises much of 21st Century living. It calls for a thoroughgoing commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ. Read it and be challenged! "Divide and rule" seems to be Satan's policy in his attacks on the Church today. But why does his programme for conflict have to be so successful? "The Christian and Conflict" takes a helpful look at the problems Christians face in getting on with one another.

Temptations and Trials Faced by Bible Legends

Book Description

We all face temptations and trials in our lives, and how we deal with these times can be defining moments in our lives. So how do we choose the right thing instead of the easiest thing, or the most pleasurable thing? The best way for Christians to successfully respond to temptations and trials in their lives is to start with the Bible. Temptations and Trials Faced by Bible Legends looks at temptations and trials that major characters of the Bible faced, and author and psychologist Michael Kotch shows how these Bible legends tended to fall into one of three categories when faced with a major trial or temptation: either they turned to God for guidance and did whatever God wanted them to do, or they did not follow God, with one group repenting for their disobedience and the other group simply continuing in the wrong direction. In the end, we can learn how doing what is right in God’s eyes can be much different than doing what is “right” in our own, and that the best outcomes follow from consulting with God. God promises that we will never be tempted beyond our abilities, and he will always provide us with a way out of our temptations and trials. And for Christians, when we read the Bible daily, use it to create a plan of action, and always do what is right according to God, we can be confident in God’s leadership as we develop a character in the image of Christ.