Christ the Ideal of the Priest

Book Description

The highly acclaimed spiritual writer, Blessed Columba Marmion, wrote this classic work on the priesthood to show the great holiness that priests are called to, and how that holiness can only be attained through close union with, and imitation of, Jesus Christ. While aimed at the clergy, this profound spiritual work will also be of immense inspiration for laity in coming to a deeper understanding of the true nature and calling of the priesthood. Echoing the thought and writing of St Paul, Marmion stresses that the priestly life must be dominated by Christ and in constant dependence on His merits, His grace and His activity in the soul of the priest. In this perspective, the dignity of the priesthood and the work of the priest's santification are understood. In all his actions, in the sacred acts of worship, the adminstration of the sacraments, private prayer and devotions, and serving the various needs of his flock, Marmion says the priest must always see himself as the minister of the Saviour, as 'Alter Christus'. Blessed Columba Marmion was a Benedictine priest in the first half of the twentieth century who wrote several works that are considered spiritual classics, most notably his book 'Christ the life of the Soul', also published by Gracewing in a new translation by Alan Bancroft

Christ the Ideal of the Monk

Book Description

Columba Marmion believes that Christian discipleship means imitating Christ the Monk no matter your walk or way of life. Christ is the divine model presented by God himself , the ideal of all holiness. By faith, we accept this holiness into our lives—but we must also allow Christ Jesus to become “the very life of our souls.” This book, an abridged edition of the original, explores how this is possible by examining the writings of St. Paul and St. John in the light of the Gospels and, offering spiritual understanding to any Christian’s religious life. Christ, the Ideal of the Monk sold 100,000 copies when it was published 90 years ago, one of many bestselling books written by the popular Irish-born monk, Columba Marmion, OSB, (1858-1923). He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 2000.

Christ, the Life of the Soul

Book Description

A classic guide to the spiritual life that has had a direct influence on several Popes, generations of priests and religious, and countless members of the laity. In clear, inspiring language, the author discusses every aspect of our journey to Christ: 'the source of all light, all grace, all holiness - the true Life of our life'. Written for Christians in every walk of life, here are pages of practical knowledge and timeless wisdom: a 'how-to' guide filled with rich insight, spiritual refereshment, inspiration and encouragement. Blessed Columba Marmion was born in Ireland, and served as a priest in Dublin for several years before finding a vocation to the monastery. He eventually became Abbot of Maredsous Abbey, Belgium.

Jesus Our Priest

Book Description

In recent years many books have been published in the area of Christology (who is Jesus in himself?) and soteriology (what did he do as Saviour?). A number of notable, ecumenical documents on Christian ministry have also appeared. But in all this literature there is surprisingly little reflection on the priesthood of Christ, from which derives all ministry, whether the priesthood of all the faithful or ministerial priesthood. This present work aims to fill that gap by examining, in the light of the Scriptures and the Christian tradition, what it means to call Christ our priest. Beginning with a study of the biblical material, the book then moves to the witness to Christ's priesthood coming from the fathers of the Church, Thomas Aquinas, Luther and Calvin, the Council of Trent, the seventeenth-century 'French School', John Henry Newman, Tom Torrance and the Second Vatican Council. The two concluding chapters describe and define in twelve theses the key characteristics of Christ's priesthood and what sharing in that priesthood, through baptism and ordination, involves.

Christ the Ideal of the Monk (Unabridged)

Book Description

"Every vocation, even the simple Christian vocation, comes from God. Our Lord Himself says 'No man can come to Me, except the Father draw him.' But it is God's love for us-and as we are born miserable, it is His merciful love-which is the origin of this call." A work which goes to the heart of the Rule of St Benedict, this classic of the Irish Benedictine Blessed Columba Marmion has fed generations of God-seeking souls. Capable of touching the heart of anyone drawn to the monastic virtues, it is a book which grounds every aspect of the religious life in the person of Christ. "All the Divine mercies towards us have for their first principle this invitation to share, by adoption, in the Sonship of Christ Jesus," writes Abbot Marmion. "The monastic vocation itself only aims at perfecting this adoption, at making it more extensive, by a deeper participation in Christ's grace, by a more finished imitation of the Divine Model." Drawing on centuries of tradition and monastic literature as well as decades of personal experience as a monk and father of souls, Abbot Marmion presents monastic observance in a way which is both accessible and profound. In the foreword to this new edition, Abbot Xavier Perrin says of this book: "Full of wisdom and simplicity, it provides an almost complete commentary on the Rule. One feels in it the power of the Gospel and the real grandeur of monasticism. It is able to give to monks and nuns, oblates and friends of monasteries, as well as to many Christians, a renewed trust in Christ and in St Benedict's sure guidance." This centenary edition features entirely re-typeset, corrected references, new translations of all of Marmion's Latin quotations, and a new foreword by Abbot Xavier Perrin.

Representing Christ

Book Description

Traditionally associated with Protestantism, the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is a genuinely Christian doctrine with important implications for the global church. In Representing Christ, Uche Anizor and Hank Voss explore the doctrine in its biblical, historical, theological and practical dimensions.