Book Description

Mijn Leven in Christus. Deel 2

Book Description

Ik begin mijn boek niet met een introductie, maar laat het voor zichzelf spreken. De inhoud is als een genadige verlichting, die de alles-verlichtende Heilige Geest mijn ziel schonk in ogenblikken van diepe verzonkenheid en zelfonderzoek, vooral in gebed. Als ik er de tijd voor had, schreef ik de leerzame gedachten en gevoelens die in mij opkwamen, op, en uit deze notities van vele jaren is dit boek nu samengesteld. Zoals de lezers zullen opmerken, is de inhoud zeer gevarieerd. Laten zij er zich zelf een oordeel over vormen. “Een geestelijk mens kan alles beoordelen, maar over hem oordeelt niemand.” (1 Cor.2:15) Aartspriester Johannes van Kronstadt (Sergieff)


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Book Description

Nieuw Apostolische Bijbel 4

Book Description

Deze Bijbel is geschreven omdat alle Bijbels niet de deuterocanonieke boeken en de Apocriefe boeken bevatten. (Apocrief is afkomstig van het Griekse woord voor verborgen of geheim. Apocrief is een term waarmee bepaalde boeken worden aangeduid die aanvankelijk door sommigen als onderdeel van het Oude Testament van de Bijbel werden beschouwd, maar uiteindelijk niet in de canon van de Bijbel zijn opgenomen. We kennen Apocriefen van het Oude Testament en Apocriefen van het Nieuwe Testament.)

Confessing Christ in the Naga Context

Book Description

In this book, author Bendangjungshi brings into dialogue the three leading Northeast Indian tribal theologians - Renthy Keitzar, K. Thanzauva, and Wati Longchar - with the Western theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who suffered martyrdom under the Nazi dictatorship in Germany. Negotiating between Bonhoeffer's political approach and Naga cultural identity, Bendangjungshi develops a liberating ecclesiology for Naga Christians, who have been suffering under Indian military occupation since the withdrawal of the British colonizers from Nagaland. (Series: ContactZone. Explorations in Intercultural Theology - Vol. 8)

Off the Beaten Path

Book Description

In this book, the academic colleagues of Prof. Dr. Gie Vleugels, who turned 65 in 2021, celebrate his life by contributing chapters in his honor. Several chapters are innovative in nature, including Clemens Wassermann's comparative analysis of 1 John and the Fourth Gospel, which utilizes insights from Semitic syntax and shows how spoken Semitic dialects help us to unearth new perspectives on the relationship between John's Gospel and 1 John. The chapter on the Didache by Martin Webber makes innovative use of Social Identity Complexity Theory. Other contributions come from the fields of New Testament, Old Testament, Historical Theology, and Systematic Theology. Prof. Dr. Dr. Jacobus Kok is Professor and Department Chair of New Testament Studies and Co-Director of RCEC at the Evangelische Theologische Faculteit, Leuven in Belgium, as well as Professor Extraordinarius and NRF B3 rated scholar in the Department of New Testament and Related Literature, Faculty of Theology and Religion, University of Pretoria in South Africa.

Being in Christ

Book Description

'Being in Christ' is a central theme in the message of the gospel. It is central for understanding the relation of Christian believers and the church with Jesus Christ, their Lord. It determines the identity of a Christian. It is helpful for understanding the presence of Christ and his salvation in the present. It can be developed as an element of a theological ontology. Finally, it is a theme with a great integrating power. In this book, the theme 'being in Christ' is analyzed in different perspectives. The attention is focused on the reality of 'being in Christ': its ontological implications. First, two representatives of the Reformed tradition are investigated: the English Puritan John Owen and the Dutch Neo-Calvinist Herman Bavinck. Second, a reconstruction of the Pauline and Johannine perspectives on 'being in Christ' is provided. Third, the theme is examined in the work of the English ethicist Oliver O'Donovan and the German-Swiss theologian Ingolf U. Dalferth. In the final chapter, the author gives his own systematic-theological proposal of a concept of 'being in Christ.'