Making & Doing

Book Description

How ten making & doing projects expand STS scholarship through a focus on knowledge expression and knowledge travel in addition to knowledge production. Making & doing projects expand STS scholarship to include the trajectories of STS knowledge flow beyond the boundaries of the field by actively interweaving knowledge expression and travel with knowledge production. In this edited volume, contributors from around the world present and critically assess ten empirical making & doing projects. They recount how their projects advance STS, and describe how they themselves learn from their interlocutors and the settings in which they do and share their STS work. A coda explains how the infrastructures of STS scholarship are broadening to include practices of making & doing. The contributors examine and reflect upon their dilemmas, frustrations, and failures, especially when these generate new practices that might not have occurred had their work not taken the form of making and doing scholarship. While each project raises a distinct set of scholarly issues, all of the projects include practices that express STS knowledge through “STS sensibilities” and attach those sensibilities to practices in empirical fields. The ten projects include one each in Argentina, Taiwan, Canada, and Denmark; two in the US; one in Austria, the UK, and multiple countries in Africa and Asia; one in the US and Latin America; one in the Netherlands and Australia; and one in an international network that includes members from Europe, the Americas, and Australia.

Recent Advances In Information Science And Technology

Book Description

Recent Advances in Information Science and Technology brings you a balanced, state-of-the-art presentation of the latest concepts, methods, algorithms, techniques, procedures and applications of the fascinating field of Computer Science and Engineering. Written by eminent, leading, international experts, the contributors provide up-to-date aspects of topics discussed and present fresh, original insights into their own experience with Information Science and Technology.This rich “anthology of papers” which compose this volume, contains the latest developments and reflects the experience of many eminent researchers working in different environments (universities, research centers and industry).The book is composed of five parts:• Software Engineering in which new trends and recent scientific results in software engineering, data structures, algorithms, knowledge based systems, VLSI design, computer languages and industrial computer applications are presented.• Signal Processing in which modern topics in signal processing, identification, recognition, speech processing and detection are included.• Multi-Dimensional (m-D) Systems Theory and Applications which contains new research results in m-D systems theory and impressive applications of multidimensional systems mainly in signal processing.• Communication Systems containing modern topics of communication as Digital systems of communication, computer networks theory, ATM networks, optical networks, hybrid fibber coaxial networks, Internet etc.• Modern Numerical Techniques and Related Topics which covers some aspects of the modern computation science and technology.

Interatividade nas TICs: abordagens sobre mídias digitais e aprendizagem

Book Description

A forma com que os indivíduos estabelecem suas relações com o mundo tem mudado constantemente. As Novas Mídias e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) proporcionam maneiras diferenciadas no que diz respeito às práticas destes indivíduos, sejam essas em momentos de lazer, de estudo ou de trabalho. Os ambientes virtuais, através das mídias interativas, possibilitam a conexão de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a convergência dos meios na potencialização dos mais variados campos, especialmente a partir da internet. Hoje em dia não basta apenas a disposição de plataformas como forma de repositório de conteúdos. A interatividade é o ponto chave nesta nova era, focando, principalmente, a participação ativa dos usuários. Esta conexão entre professores e alunos, entre produtores e usuários das mídias inaugura um tempo em que a imersão e a participação são essenciais na geração das informações e na construção do conhecimento. Considerando este cenário, os capítulos que compõem este eBook trazem reflexões importantes para o momento atual em que a convergência das mídias e as novas tecnologias têm gerado desafios antes impensados, tanto para o campo da comunicação quanto para o da educação. A superação nas diversas áreas em que se refletem acerca de formatos diferenciados para que se estabeleçam novas práticas sociais e culturais é uma constante não somente para os profissionais em formação, mas para os usuários ávidos por novidades e na expectativa por serem inseridos neste mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, interativo e participativo. É nesse sentido que esta obra apresenta em suas páginas estudos e análises que vão além da fronteira do tradicional, incentivando ações inovadoras a partir dos dispositivos tecnológicos com os quais somos todos os dias confrontados.

Role of Information Science in a Complex Society

Book Description

The field of Information Science is intertwined with the complexity present in society. The study object in this field refers to data, information, and knowledge generated, mediated, and appropriated by different individuals in the most diverse human activities. Thus, discussing complex issues that are intertwined with information management, knowledge management, innovation management, organizational intelligence, information mediation, information appropriation, and information literacy is essential for understanding the future perspectives of digital humanity. Role of Information Science in a Complex Society presents discussions that can be applied to local, regional, and national policies aimed at economic and social development and supports innovative actions in economic segments that depend on innovation. Highlighting topics that include information literacy, ethics, knowledge management, and organizational learning, this book is an ideal reference source for academicians, professionals, researchers, and students, as well as entrepreneurs from different economic segments.

Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Brazilian State: science, technology, and innovation

Book Description

The aim of this book is to analyze the role and limits of actions were taken by the Brazilian State within the Science, Technology & Innovation context, from the position of the 1988 Constitutional Economic Order. Among some specific goals, the idea is to assess arguments focused on finding ways to make sure that the State will not stop promoting or delaying the technological development, as well as assessing the instruments already in place in the Legal Framework of Science, Technology, and innovation (Legal Framework), mainly in the energy sector.

Science Education

Book Description

The book presents a discussion on education of sciences, through a technological view shown in the works of a variety of authors from different countries. It's a differentiated conception of scientific education bringing renowned authors who discuss from teacher formation to the inclusion of new technologies into education. We are proud to say that the themes discussed in the book are up to date and also of scientific interest in many countries, as seen by the collaborating authors who come from many parts of the world. The scientific discussion becomes evident through the effort of the authors in participating in this book that will serve as a reference for future research for those who want to develop modern educational approaches.

Multivariate Analysis in Management, Engineering and the Sciences

Book Description

Recently statistical knowledge has become an important requirement and occupies a prominent position in the exercise of various professions. In the real world, the processes have a large volume of data and are naturally multivariate and as such, require a proper treatment. For these conditions it is difficult or practically impossible to use methods of univariate statistics. The wide application of multivariate techniques and the need to spread them more fully in the academic and the business justify the creation of this book. The objective is to demonstrate interdisciplinary applications to identify patterns, trends, association sand dependencies, in the areas of Management, Engineering and Sciences. The book is addressed to both practicing professionals and researchers in the field.

Science Education Towards Social and Ecological Justice

Book Description

This book consists of stories of struggles in science education presented by a network of science educators working in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Britain, and the United States. The common goal of these educators is to produce more socially/ecologically just models and practices of science education. The book considers and reworks the key-terms of current social justice: agency, realism, justice, and power. Its first section explores re-inhabiting science in the quest for more just worlds including reterritorializing science within emergent theories of critical realism, engaging citizens activists with corporate science, and challenging neoliberalism and the forces that organize (structure) knowledge. The second section redefines praxis of science education itself through nuanced explorations of agency, decolonialism, and justice in ways that emphasize complexity, hybridity, ambivalence, and contradiction. The stories of this international group capture individual and collective efforts, motivated by a persistent sense that science and science education matter for questions of justice.

Dossiê contra o negacionismo da ciência

Book Description

A Ciência vem oferecendo, ao longo dos séculos, uma inegável e cara contribuição para a humanidade em várias áreas, como as sociais, exatas, humanas e biológicas e da saúde. Têm sido inúmeros e visíveis, no cotidiano de boa parte da sociedade, os avanços resultantes das investigações científicas realizadas no âmbito das universidades e dos institutos de pesquisa e, ainda assim, temos enfrentado um poderoso movimento obscurantista, contrário à razão e ao progresso intelectual, que nega evidências do aquecimento global, da curvatura da terra, dos benefícios da vacina, entre outros. Para reafirmar a imprescindibilidade da Ciência, da força do conhecimento para a construção de um mundo mais humano, esclarecido e autossustentável, reunimos nesta publicação textos de professores e pesquisadores da PUC Minas e de instituições de ensino superior e de pesquisa que integram a Rede Mineira de Comunicação Científica.