Ciencia, tecnologia e sociedade

Book Description

O leitor encontrará uma análise crítica do ensino tecnológico, com ênfase nas escolas de engenharia no Brasil, como uma contribuição do autor para a consolidação de uma política mais eficiente de formação do corpo docente, procurando analisar as consequências dessa situação, propondo atividades, leituras e inserções, e centrando-se na premissa básica de que o ensino de engenharia somente sofrerá alguma modificação consistente se a comunicação docente voltar-se para esse intento.

Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics

Book Description

This encyclopedia considers both the professional ethics of science and technology, and the social, ethical, and political issues raised by science and technology.

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Anais 1996

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Management, Tourism and Smart Technologies

Book Description

This book presents advances in the research of various entities in the world, which are working on the application of technology or management in tourism. Indeed, one of the sectors hardest hit by the pandemic was tourism, likewise one of the post-pandemic effects is the rapid recovery of the sector, but more importantly is the great innovation that has occurred in marketing strategies for tourism using technology and applying management strategies not only to be more profitable but to have the best customer satisfaction. The book is aimed at the general public that seeks to innovate, learn from lessons learned and establish a knowledge base in mechanisms that apply technology or management in tourism, with the aim of improving the experience of all those involved in the business chain. This compendium aims to share all those great experiences and researches in the areas of: Managements, Tourism, Marketing strategies in Management, Tourism and Technology, Technology, Applied Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, Business Administration, Cloud Computing, Educational Management, Finance, Insurance and Services Management, Health Tourism, Human Resource Management, Information Systems Planning and Management, Information Technologies in Tourism, Internet Technology, Knowledge Management, Management of Supply Chain and Logistics, Marketing Innovation, Robotics, Strategic Management Innovation, Sustainability Management, Technical Economy Management, Technical Innovation and Management, Technology in Tourism and Tourist Experience, Tourism Industry and Ecology, Tourism Management, a total of 77 research projects and many spaces and relationships between researchers to collaborate in the advancement of science are presented.


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This book stems from the CyberBRICS project, which is the first major attempt to produce a comparative analysis of Internet regulations in the BRICS countries – namely, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. The project has three main objectives: 1) to map existing regulations; 2) to identify best practices; and 3) to develop policy recommendations in the various areas that compose cybersecurity governance, with a particular focus on the strategies adopted by the BRICS countries to date. Each study covers five essential dimensions of cybersecurity: data protection, consumer protection, cybercrime, the preservation of public order, and cyberdefense. The BRICS countries were selected not only for their size and growing economic and geopolitical relevance but also because, over the next decade, projected Internet growth is expected to occur predominantly in these countries. Consequently, the technology, policy and governance arrangements defined by the BRICS countries are likely to impact not only the 3.2 billion people living in them, but also the individuals and businesses that choose to utilize increasingly popular applications and services developed in BRICS countries according to BRICS standards. Researchers, regulators, start-up innovators and other Internet stakeholders will find this book a valuable guide to the inner workings of key cyber policies in this rapidly growing region.

Interatividade nas TICs: abordagens sobre mídias digitais e aprendizagem

Book Description

A forma com que os indivíduos estabelecem suas relações com o mundo tem mudado constantemente. As Novas Mídias e as Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) proporcionam maneiras diferenciadas no que diz respeito às práticas destes indivíduos, sejam essas em momentos de lazer, de estudo ou de trabalho. Os ambientes virtuais, através das mídias interativas, possibilitam a conexão de diferentes áreas do conhecimento e a convergência dos meios na potencialização dos mais variados campos, especialmente a partir da internet. Hoje em dia não basta apenas a disposição de plataformas como forma de repositório de conteúdos. A interatividade é o ponto chave nesta nova era, focando, principalmente, a participação ativa dos usuários. Esta conexão entre professores e alunos, entre produtores e usuários das mídias inaugura um tempo em que a imersão e a participação são essenciais na geração das informações e na construção do conhecimento. Considerando este cenário, os capítulos que compõem este eBook trazem reflexões importantes para o momento atual em que a convergência das mídias e as novas tecnologias têm gerado desafios antes impensados, tanto para o campo da comunicação quanto para o da educação. A superação nas diversas áreas em que se refletem acerca de formatos diferenciados para que se estabeleçam novas práticas sociais e culturais é uma constante não somente para os profissionais em formação, mas para os usuários ávidos por novidades e na expectativa por serem inseridos neste mundo cada vez mais tecnológico, interativo e participativo. É nesse sentido que esta obra apresenta em suas páginas estudos e análises que vão além da fronteira do tradicional, incentivando ações inovadoras a partir dos dispositivos tecnológicos com os quais somos todos os dias confrontados.

Intelligent Educational Robots

Book Description

This book focuses on recent advances in maker education and in human-robot interaction and on the integration of intelligent educational robots (IER) in P-12 education. It covers various topics and trends about the evolution of maker education and the use of IER and artificial intelligence (AI) in P-12 education. This book offers an overview of recent research into the adoption, integration, advancements, and impact of IER and AI in education. It helps researchers, practitioners, professionals, and academicians of various scientific disciplines explore and better comprehend the state of the art of maker education, AI, and IER, their advancements, impact, and future potentials in education.