Class 3 Hydrolases

Book Description

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Class 3 Hydrolases

Book Description

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Class 3.4 Hydrolases I

Book Description

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Enzyme Handbook 4

Book Description

Recent progress in enzyme immobilisation, enzyme production, coenzyme regeneration and enzyme engineering has opened up fascinating new fields for the potential application of enzymes in a large range of different areas. As more progress in research and application of enzymes has been made the more apparent has become the Iack of an up-to-date overview of enzyme molecular properties. The need for such a data bank was also expressed by the EC-task force "Biotechnology and Information". Therefore we started the development of an enzyme data information system as part of protein-design activities at GBF. The present book "Enzyme Handbook" represents the printed version of this data bank. ln future it is also planned to make a com puter searchable version available. The enzymes in the Handbook are arranged according to the 1984 Enzyme Commission Iist of enzymes and later supplements. Same 3000 "different" en zymes are covered. Frequently very different enzymes are included under the same E. C. number. Although we intended to give a representative overview on the molecular variability of each enzyme, the Handbook is not a com pendium. The readerwill have to go to the primary Iiterature for more detailed information. Naturally it is not possible to cover all numerous, up to 40 000, Iiterature references for each enzyme if data representation is to be concise as is intended.

Enzyme Handbook 16

Book Description

The objective of the Enzyme Handbook is to provide in concise form data on enzymes sufficiently well characterized. The data sheets are arranged in their EC number sequence, volumes 15 to 17 contain Additional Enzymes and updated data sheets to be inserted in previous volumes by their EC-number. For each enzyme, systematic and common names are given, information on reaction type, substrate and product spectrum, inhibitors, cofactors, kinetic data, pH and temperature range, origin, purification, molecular data and storage conditions are listed. A reference list completes the data sheets. This collection is an indispensable source of information for researchers applying enzymes in analysis, synthe.

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

Today, as the large international genome sequence projects are gaining a great amount of public atte_ntion and huge sequence data bases are created it be comes more and more obvious that we are very limited in our ability to access functional data for the gene products - the proteins, in particular for enzymes. Those data are inherently very difficult to collect, interpret and standardize as they are highly distributed among journals from different fields and are often sub ject to experimental conditions. Nevertheless a systematic collection is essential for our interpretation of the genome information and more so for possible appli cations of this knowledge in the fields of medicine, agriculture, etc .. Recent pro gress on enzyme immobilization, enzyme production, enzyme inhibition, coen zyme regeneration and enzyme engineering has opened up fascinating new fields for the potential application of enzymes in a large range of different areas. It is the functional profile of an enzyme that enables a biologist or physician to analyse a metabolic pathway and its disturbance; it is the substrate specificity of an enzyme which tells an analytical biochemist how to design an assay; it is the stability, specificity and efficiency of an enzyme which determines its usefulness in the biotechnical transformation of a molecule. And the sum of all these data will have to be considered when the deSigner of artificial biocatalysts has to choose the optimum prototype to start with.

Class 3.1 Hydrolases IV

Book Description

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Class 3.1 Hydrolases VI

Book Description

The Springer Handbook of Enzymes provides concise data on some 5,000 enzymes sufficiently well characterized – and here is the second, updated edition. Their application in analytical, synthetic and biotechnology processes as well as in food industry, and for medicinal treatments is added. Data sheets are arranged in their EC-Number sequence. The new edition reflects considerable progress in enzymology: the total material has more than doubled, and the complete 2nd edition consists of 39 volumes plus Synonym Index. Starting in 2009, all newly classified enzymes are treated in Supplement Volumes.

Enzyme Handbook

Book Description

Enzymes are applied in organic synthesis and in analytical chemistry, in industrial production processes of pharmaceuticals and in food processing. Finding a suitable enzyme for a desired transformation or with a de- fined specificity is not always an easy task. More than 3000 enzymes are well described to date. The Enzyme Handbook provides all the information for selecting the proper enzyme to perform defined transformations in a given environment. The Enzyme Handbook devotes a variable number of pages for each enzyme, depending on the amount of information available with the EC number as ordering criterion within a volume. Revised data sheets can be released for individual enzymes and newly characterized enzymes and they can easily be sorted into the binders at the appropriate place. Each data sheet is divided into 7 sections: - Nomenclature (EC number, Systematic name, Recommended name, Synonyms, CAS Reg. No.). - Reaction and specificity (Catalysed reaction, Reaction type, Natural substrates, Substrate spectrum, Product spectrum, Inhibitors, Cofactors/prosthetic groups, Metal compounds/ salts, Turnover number, Specific activity, KM-value, pH-optimum, pH-range, Temperature optimum, Temperature range). - Enzyme structure (Molecular weight, Subunits, Glyco-/Lipoprotein). - Isolation/Preparation (Source organism, Source tissue, Localisation in source, Purification, Crystallization, Cloned, Renatured). - Stability (pH, Temperature, Oxidation, Organic solvent, General stability information, Storage). - Cross-References (to Structure Data Banks). - Literature references.