Climbing Mount Aquarius

Book Description

Simon gets carried away storytelling and immediately regrets announcing his plan to climb Mount Aquarius, but his friends are so excited for him that he does not have to heart to tell them the truth.

Climbing Mount Aquarius

Book Description

Simon gets carried away storytelling and immediately regrets announcing his plan to climb Mount Aquarius, but his friends are so excited for him that he does not have to heart to tell them the truth.

Seas the Day!

Book Description

Simon learns his friend DeeDee is moving away from Coral Grove, and knows he will miss his friend, so he plans the best day ever, even if some have doubts.

The Signs in Love

Book Description

An astrological guide to deepening your romantic connection—or finding the love of your life. Carolyne Faulkner knows the number-one reason her clients seek her out to consult the stars: love. After all, we are made of stardust, and understanding the cosmos can provide critical insight into our lives, our well-being, and matters of the heart. This unique guide explains how each sign matches up with the others, with the pros and pitfalls of each, and offers interactive journaling prompts to allow each reader to create a wholly personal road map to understanding themselves and their unions in romance, family, and friendship. There is no question that certain pairings cause sparks to crackle, while others grow quietly into a relationship that will last forever. Each combination has its challenges, too, but Faulkner reassures readers that the idea of “incompatibility” is a myth, and if your partner seems to come from another planet, it might just take a little more empathy and hard work to keep the romance alive. Learn what it looks like when a particular match flows well or not so well, and how the planets combine to play a role in both of your charts. Faulkner’s Dynamic Astrology™ approach offers a tried-and-tested framework to the signs—how harmonious each match is likely to be, and, more important, how to build a foundation for a forever love.

The Logic of Aquarius

Book Description

Humanity has ever been an entity of nature, interwoven among its ever-changing materialism. It has only been the human being, which has created a thought process that has demonstrated the ability to develop a culture. Through the ages, man has developed a fantastic array of beliefs, some of which have been accepted as practical from the beginning. From his brain has come the divergence of religions that are as diverse as humanity. This book deals with aspects of nature which are entwined with religious beliefs that have become commonplace, yet differ whereby a vast number of beliefs have endured beyond the concepts of the major religions. The beliefs of each profess the right concepts. From man's earliest beliefs have grown the concepts of astrology. Of all belief systems, this is the only one that does not have a higher administrative formality, the foundation of a system of thought and reaction to beliefs of a great being as God. It is the least comprehensive work with the greatest degree of nonbelievers. Yet, it has been researched over generations with the exploration of the reasoning of humanity and is the least comprehended. Many disbelieve astrology yet still refer to the signs of the zodiac by birthday. This book attempts to relate the interrelationship of nature, religion, and astrology.

Soul Mate Astrology

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An Aquarian Tragedy

Book Description

At times it had seemed so irrational to me to endure this seven years of misery just to end it all the day it was up. Of course it was no more irrational than what Carol did. But she had her reasons and I had mine. The thought of that unhappy spirit wandering around wherever all that takes place had filled me every night of the past seven years with guilt and remorse. That was why I was doing it. mainly. While putting myself beyond the reach of the law, at least that's what they'd told us on Superman, I was also atoning in front of Carol for the way I'd treated her at the end. Every day I spoke to her about it. Every day I'd renewed my pledge to meet her. Every day she had the chance to see me suffer for what I'd done to her. At least now I felt I had purged myself of my guilt in her eyes.

Ghost Rock

Book Description

Ghost Rockis a guide to sport and multi-pitch rock climbs in the Ghost River and Waiparous Creek areas west of Calgary. It gives detailed route descriptions, along with chapter by chapter parking access and approach details. By local standards, the Ghost has climbing on above average rock. Even with 200 new routes since the first edition it is still, however, woefully underdeveloped. Already a mecca for ice climbers, the Ghost is fast becoming one of the premier rockclimbing areas in Western Canada. It is a virtual candy store of new routes and will remain so for some time to come. Over 35 kilometres of steep cliff line, coupled with its remote and relatively wild nature, make for an unforgettable rock climbing experience.

13 Sun Signs of the Zodiac

Book Description

Using the Sidereal Zodiac, like Nostradamus, an astrologer and metaphysician shares her insight about the blending of Eastern and Western astrology in The Zodiac Conspiracy. This book underscores the omission of Ophiuchus, a major constellation that the Greeks left off the tropical zodiac wheel. It includes a brief section on Ophiuchus, the only constellation named after a real man named Imhotep. The 13 Sun Signs of the Zodiac outlines the differences between popular tropical astrology (that you read in the daily horoscopes) and the science/astronomy of sidereal astrology. This book merges the sidereal and tropical systems to help us understand how the tropical zodiac represents who we are learning to be, while the sidereal zodiac represents who we really are. Rev.Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was really a Sagittarian (The Seeker) who was learning how to be a Capricorn goat, climbing up the mountain to become The Achiever. Jesus was probably born under the sign of Virgo to a virgin mother. However, he was really a Libra (The Peacemaker) who was learning how to be a Virgo (The Selfless Servant). All of this and much, much more is explained in this extraordinary book13 Sun Signs of Zodiac.

Aquarius Now

Book Description

What Thomas Paine did for the American Revolution with the publication of Common Sense, Marilyn Ferguson does for the transpersonal revolution. Marilyn Ferguson is one of the preeminent thinkers, gatherers, and interpreters of research on the cutting-edge fields of human consciousness. The Aquarian Conspiracy, published in 1980, has sold millions of copies, is continuously in print, and was hailed as the "handbook of the New Age," by USA Today. In her newer book, Aquarius Now, movement pioneer Ferguson reexamines the paradigm shift to a more mindful society. She sees us caught in a mindless materialism that threatens our material existence. We are seduced by what she calls the ‘Cult of Numbers’, obsessed with competition, with winning and losing, afraid of anything that can't be seen or measured, and in the grip of an economic model that says only that which generates economic growth is worth pursuing. What can we do? Ferguson boldly tells the truth--we have no enemy except ourselves and the mess we've made individually and collectively by refusing to see what we're doing to our own bodies, to society, and the Earth itself. We've refused to consider the clues in front of our faces. The imbalance we see outside ourselves only mirrors the imbalance within. The way to heal the imbalance is to heal ourselves. The way to heal ourselves is to pay attention, to witness. We need to take responsibility for our own actions. We need to heed the words of the myriad teachers and skills at our disposal. We need to learn to rely on our own "radical common sense." The task is not to climb a mountain, but to navigate a river. We have to stop thinking of ourselves as conquerors and start thinking of ourselves as fellow travelers' with other human beings and every living being on this planet, including the planet itself. Ferguson dares to ask the question, "Can we change?" and concludes that we can and we must change. The Age of Aquarius will occur when we want it to occur.