Co-designing Model Compression Algorithms and Hardware Accelerators for Efficient Deep Learning

Book Description

Over the past decade, machine learning (ML) with deep neural networks (DNNs) has become extremely successful in a variety of application domains including computer vision, natural language processing, and game AI. DNNs are now a primary topic of academic research among computer scientists, and a key component of commercial technologies such as web search, recommendation systems, and self-driving vehicles. However, factors such as the growing complexity of DNN models, the diminished benefits of technology scaling, and the proliferation of resource-constrained edge devices are driving a demand for higher DNN performance and energy efficiency. Consequently, neural network training and inference have begun to shift from commodity general-purpose processors (e.g., CPUs and GPUs) to custom-built hardware accelerators (e.g., FPGAs and ASICs). In line with this trend, there has been extensive research on specialized algorithms and architectures for dedicated DNN processors. Furthermore, the rapid pace of innovation in DNN algorithm space is mismatched with the time-consuming process of hardware implementation. This has generated increased interest in novel design methodologies and tools which can reduce the human effort and turn-around time of hardware design. This thesis studies how low-precision quantization and structured matrices can improve the performance and energy efficiency of DNNs running on specialized accelerators. We co-design both the DNN compression algorithms and the accelerator architectures, enabling us to evaluate the impact of our ideas on real hardware. In the process, we examine the use of high-level synthesis tools in reducing the hardware design effort. This thesis represents a cross-domain research effort at efficient deep learning. First, we propose specialized architectures for accelerating binarized neural networks on FPGA. Second, we study novel high-level synthesis techniques to reduce the manual effort in FPGA accelerator design. Third, we show a fundamental link between group convolutions and circulant matrices, two previously disparate lines of research in DNN compression. Using this insight we propose HadaNet, an alternative to circulant compression which achieve identical accuracy with asymptotically fewer multiplications. Fourth, we present outlier channel splitting, a technique to improve DNN weight quantization by removing outliers from the weight distribution without arduous retraining. Finally, we show preliminary results on overwrite quantization, a technique which address outliers in DNN activation quantization using extremely lightweight architectural extensions to a spatial accelerator template.

Algorithm-Centric Design of Reliable and Efficient Deep Learning Processing Systems

Book Description

Artificial intelligence techniques driven by deep learning have experienced significant advancements in the past decade. The usage of deep learning methods has increased dramatically in practical application domains such as autonomous driving, healthcare, and robotics, where the utmost hardware resource efficiency, as well as strict hardware safety and reliability requirements, are often imposed. The increasing computational cost of deep learning models has been traditionally tackled through model compression and domain-specific accelerator design. As the cost of conventional fault tolerance methods is often prohibitive in consumer electronics, the question of functional safety and reliability for deep learning hardware is still in its infancy. This dissertation outlines a novel approach to deliver dramatic boosts in hardware safety, reliability, and resource efficiency through a synergistic co-design paradigm. We first observe and make use of the unique algorithmic characteristics of deep neural networks, including plasticity in the design process, resiliency to small numerical perturbations, and their inherent redundancy, as well as the unique micro-architectural properties of deep learning accelerators such as regularity. The advocated approach is accomplished by reshaping deep neural networks, enhancing deep neural network accelerators strategically, prioritizing the overall functional correctness, and minimizing the associated costs through the statistical nature of deep neural networks. To illustrate, our analysis demonstrates that deep neural networks equipped with the proposed techniques can maintain accuracy gracefully, even at extreme rates of hardware errors. As a result, the described methodology can embed strong safety and reliability characteristics in mission-critical deep learning applications at a negligible cost. The proposed approach further offers a promising avenue for handling the micro-architectural challenges of deep neural network accelerators and boosting resource efficiency through the synergistic co-design of deep neural networks and hardware micro-architectures.

Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks

Book Description

This book provides a structured treatment of the key principles and techniques for enabling efficient processing of deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications, including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Therefore, techniques that enable efficient processing of deep neural networks to improve key metrics—such as energy-efficiency, throughput, and latency—without sacrificing accuracy or increasing hardware costs are critical to enabling the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems. The book includes background on DNN processing; a description and taxonomy of hardware architectural approaches for designing DNN accelerators; key metrics for evaluating and comparing different designs; features of DNN processing that are amenable to hardware/algorithm co-design to improve energy efficiency and throughput; and opportunities for applying new technologies. Readers will find a structured introduction to the field as well as formalization and organization of key concepts from contemporary work that provide insights that may spark new ideas.

Algorithm-accelerator Co-design for High-performance and Secure Deep Learning

Book Description

Deep learning has emerged as a new engine for many of today's artificial intelligence/machine learning systems, leading to several recent breakthroughs in vision and natural language processing tasks.However, as we move into the era of deep learning with billions and even trillions of parameters, meeting the computational and memory requirements to train and serve state-of-the-art models has become extremely challenging. Optimizing the computational cost and memory footprint of deep learning models for better system performance is critical to the widespread deployment of deep learning. Moreover, a massive amount of sensitive and private user data is exposed to the deep learning system during the training or serving process. Therefore, it is essential to investigate potential vulnerabilities in existing deep learning hardware, and then design secure deep learning systems that provide strong privacy guarantees for user data and the models that learn from the data. In this dissertation, we propose to co-design the deep learning algorithms and hardware architectural techniques to improve both the performance and security/privacy of deep learning systems. On high-performance deep learning, we first introduce channel gating neural network (CGNet), which exploits the dynamic sparsity of specific inputs to reduce computation of convolutional neural networks. We also co-develop an ASIC accelerator for CGNet that can turn theoretical FLOP reduction into wall-clock speedup. Secondly, we present Fast Linear Attention with a Single Head (FLASH), a state-of-the-art language model specifically designed for Google's TPU that can achieve transformer-level quality with linear complexity with respect to the sequence length. Through our empirical studies on masked language modeling, auto-regressive language modeling, and fine-tuning for question answering, FLASH achieves at least similar if not better quality compared to the augmented transformer, while being significantly faster (e.g., up to 12 times faster). On the security of deep learning, we study the side-channel vulnerabilities of existing deep learning accelerators. We then introduce a secure accelerator architecture for privacy-preserving deep learning, named GuardNN. GuardNN provides a trusted execution environment (TEE) with specialized protection for deep learning, and achieves a small trusted computing base and low protection overhead at the same time. The FPGA prototype of GuardNN achieves a maximum performance overhead of 2.4\% across four different modern DNNs models for ImageNet.

Deep Learning Systems

Book Description

This book describes deep learning systems: the algorithms, compilers, and processor components to efficiently train and deploy deep learning models for commercial applications. The exponential growth in computational power is slowing at a time when the amount of compute consumed by state-of-the-art deep learning (DL) workloads is rapidly growing. Model size, serving latency, and power constraints are a significant challenge in the deployment of DL models for many applications. Therefore, it is imperative to codesign algorithms, compilers, and hardware to accelerate advances in this field with holistic system-level and algorithm solutions that improve performance, power, and efficiency. Advancing DL systems generally involves three types of engineers: (1) data scientists that utilize and develop DL algorithms in partnership with domain experts, such as medical, economic, or climate scientists; (2) hardware designers that develop specialized hardware to accelerate the components in the DL models; and (3) performance and compiler engineers that optimize software to run more efficiently on a given hardware. Hardware engineers should be aware of the characteristics and components of production and academic models likely to be adopted by industry to guide design decisions impacting future hardware. Data scientists should be aware of deployment platform constraints when designing models. Performance engineers should support optimizations across diverse models, libraries, and hardware targets. The purpose of this book is to provide a solid understanding of (1) the design, training, and applications of DL algorithms in industry; (2) the compiler techniques to map deep learning code to hardware targets; and (3) the critical hardware features that accelerate DL systems. This book aims to facilitate co-innovation for the advancement of DL systems. It is written for engineers working in one or more of these areas who seek to understand the entire system stack in order to better collaborate with engineers working in other parts of the system stack. The book details advancements and adoption of DL models in industry, explains the training and deployment process, describes the essential hardware architectural features needed for today's and future models, and details advances in DL compilers to efficiently execute algorithms across various hardware targets. Unique in this book is the holistic exposition of the entire DL system stack, the emphasis on commercial applications, and the practical techniques to design models and accelerate their performance. The author is fortunate to work with hardware, software, data scientist, and research teams across many high-technology companies with hyperscale data centers. These companies employ many of the examples and methods provided throughout the book.

Embedded Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Edge Computing

Book Description

This book presents recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient implementation of machine learning models on resource-constrained systems, covering different application domains. The focus is on presenting interesting and new use cases of applying machine learning to innovative application domains, exploring the efficient hardware design of efficient machine learning accelerators, memory optimization techniques, illustrating model compression and neural architecture search techniques for energy-efficient and fast execution on resource-constrained hardware platforms, and understanding hardware-software codesign techniques for achieving even greater energy, reliability, and performance benefits.

Thinking Machines

Book Description

Thinking Machines: Machine Learning and Its Hardware Implementation covers the theory and application of machine learning, neuromorphic computing and neural networks. This is the first book that focuses on machine learning accelerators and hardware development for machine learning. It presents not only a summary of the latest trends and examples of machine learning hardware and basic knowledge of machine learning in general, but also the main issues involved in its implementation. Readers will learn what is required for the design of machine learning hardware for neuromorphic computing and/or neural networks. This is a recommended book for those who have basic knowledge of machine learning or those who want to learn more about the current trends of machine learning. Presents a clear understanding of various available machine learning hardware accelerator solutions that can be applied to selected machine learning algorithms Offers key insights into the development of hardware, from algorithms, software, logic circuits, to hardware accelerators Introduces the baseline characteristics of deep neural network models that should be treated by hardware as well Presents readers with a thorough review of past research and products, explaining how to design through ASIC and FPGA approaches for target machine learning models Surveys current trends and models in neuromorphic computing and neural network hardware architectures Outlines the strategy for advanced hardware development through the example of deep learning accelerators

Embedded Machine Learning for Cyber-Physical, IoT, and Edge Computing

Book Description

This book presents recent advances towards the goal of enabling efficient implementation of machine learning models on resource-constrained systems, covering different application domains. The focus is on presenting interesting and new use cases of applying machine learning to innovative application domains, exploring the efficient hardware design of efficient machine learning accelerators, memory optimization techniques, illustrating model compression and neural architecture search techniques for energy-efficient and fast execution on resource-constrained hardware platforms, and understanding hardware-software codesign techniques for achieving even greater energy, reliability, and performance benefits. Discusses efficient implementation of machine learning in embedded, CPS, IoT, and edge computing; Offers comprehensive coverage of hardware design, software design, and hardware/software co-design and co-optimization; Describes real applications to demonstrate how embedded, CPS, IoT, and edge applications benefit from machine learning.

Efficient Processing of Deep Neural Networks

Book Description

This book provides a structured treatment of the key principles and techniques for enabling efficient processing of deep neural networks (DNNs). DNNs are currently widely used for many artificial intelligence (AI) applications, including computer vision, speech recognition, and robotics. While DNNs deliver state-of-the-art accuracy on many AI tasks, it comes at the cost of high computational complexity. Therefore, techniques that enable efficient processing of deep neural networks to improve key metrics-such as energy-efficiency, throughput, and latency-without sacrificing accuracy or increasing hardware costs are critical to enabling the wide deployment of DNNs in AI systems. The book includes background on DNN processing; a description and taxonomy of hardware architectural approaches for designing DNN accelerators; key metrics for evaluating and comparing different designs; features of DNN processing that are amenable to hardware/algorithm co-design to improve energy efficiency and throughput; and opportunities for applying new technologies. Readers will find a structured introduction to the field as well as formalization and organization of key concepts from contemporary work that provide insights that may spark new ideas.

Data Orchestration in Deep Learning Accelerators

Book Description

This Synthesis Lecture focuses on techniques for efficient data orchestration within DNN accelerators. The End of Moore's Law, coupled with the increasing growth in deep learning and other AI applications has led to the emergence of custom Deep Neural Network (DNN) accelerators for energy-efficient inference on edge devices. Modern DNNs have millions of hyper parameters and involve billions of computations; this necessitates extensive data movement from memory to on-chip processing engines. It is well known that the cost of data movement today surpasses the cost of the actual computation; therefore, DNN accelerators require careful orchestration of data across on-chip compute, network, and memory elements to minimize the number of accesses to external DRAM. The book covers DNN dataflows, data reuse, buffer hierarchies, networks-on-chip, and automated design-space exploration. It concludes with data orchestration challenges with compressed and sparse DNNs and future trends. The target audience is students, engineers, and researchers interested in designing high-performance and low-energy accelerators for DNN inference.