Collected Works of George Grant

Book Description

George Grant (1918-88) has often been called Canada's greatest political philosopher and his work continues to influence the country's political, social, and cultural discourse and institutions. The fourth and final volume of the Collected Works of George Grant contains his writings from the last period of his life and includes unpublished material such as lectures, interviews, and excerpts from his notebooks. With comprehensive annotations for his articles, reviews, and the three books he published during this period - Time as History, English-Speaking Justice, and Technology and Justice - the volume also contains his writings on Nietzsche, Heidegger Simone Weil, and Céline that were central to this phase of his thought. Volume 4 reveals his engagement with technology and the nature of technological society that is as insightful today as during Grant's lifetime and is lasting proof of his legacy. Arthur Davis is Associate Professor in the School of Social Sciences, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University. During the 1950's, he studied undergraduate philosophy with George Grant.

Reconceptualizing Teacher Education

Book Description

In this collection, Canadian scholars articulate a response to their collective concerns about the impact of global policy on teacher education, provoking a far-reaching dialogue about teacher education in and for our times. The first two decades of the new millennium have witnessed unprecedented appraisal, analysis, and educational policy formulations related to teaching (K–12) across the Western world. In turn, teacher education has been greatly impacted, as governments around the world see the reform and management of teacher education as a key component in restructuring education toward greater economic competitiveness. The result has been an unwarranted and undesirable level of standardization. It is vital to the future of teacher education, and concomitantly public education, that we imagine alternatives to the homogenization of the educational experience that globalizing policies install. What is needed are vocabularies that enable educators and teacher educators to discern and articulate educational purposes beyond capital and which focus on the kinds of educational experiences that can help prepare the young to lead good and worthwhile lives. Using lessons learned from the Canadian context, the authors identify and investigate the importance of initial and continuing professional education that fosters teachers’ intellectual freedom and study; advances an informed and critical appreciation of civic particularity and historical circumstance; and cultivates ethical (i.e., pedagogical) engagement with ideas and histories—teachers’ own and their students—as crucial themes of teacher education globally. This book is published in English - Les chercheurs canadiens qui ont participé à cet ouvrage collectif proposent une réponse à leurs préoccupations collectives qui portent essentiellement sur l’impact de la politique globale sur la formation des enseignants, et ce, afin d’établir un dialogue franc et approfondi sur la formation des enseignants telle que pratiquée à notre époque. Durant les deux premières décennies du nouveau millénaire, le monde occidental a connu une augmentation sans précédent des analyses, des évaluations et des propositions les plus diverses portant sur la politique éducative (du jardin d'enfant à la fin du secondaire). En conséquence, la formation des enseignants a été très fortement impactée dans un contexte global où les gouvernements considèrent la réforme et la gestion de la formation des enseignants comme une composante clef de la restructuration de l’enseignement, et ce, afin que l’enseignement dispensé soit plus compétitif sur le plan économique. Force est de constater que cette approche s’est traduite par un niveau de standardisation indésirable et totalement injustifié. Pour garantir l’avenir de la formation des enseignants et donc de l’éducation publique, il est aujourd’hui fondamental d’imaginer des alternatives à l’homogénéisation de l’expérience éducative, qui résulte des politiques adoptées dans le cadre de la mondialisation. Dans cette perspective, il est nécessaire de fournir aux enseignants et aux éducateurs un vocabulaire et une terminologie spécifiques qui leur permettent de définir et d’articuler leurs objectifs éducatifs, au-delà de la notion réductrice de capital, tout en privilégiant les différents types d’expérience éducative qui préparent les jeunes à mener des vies satisfaisantes et utiles. En s’inspirant des enseignements tirés du contexte canadien, les auteurs de cet ouvrage ont identifié et évalué l’importance d’une éducation professionnelle initiale et qui continue de favorisé l’apprentissage et la liberté intellectuelle des enseignants ; promeut une appréciation critique et informée des spécificités civiques et des circonstances historiques ; et favorise un engagement éthique (et donc pédagogique) qui prend en compte les idées et les antécédents des enseignants et de leurs élèves et les considèrent comme des thèmes cruciaux de la formation globale des enseignants. Ce livre est publié en anglais.

Christian Higher Education in Canada

Book Description

The Toronto 2018 Symposium on Christian Higher Education provided an opportunity for leaders in the Canadian Christian higher education movement to reflect deeply on its development, current reality, and future possibilities. The Canadian Christian higher education scene comprises a wide range of institutions, including Christian universities, Bible colleges, and seminaries and graduate schools. Each type has its own distinctive history and likewise represents both challenges and opportunities. Even though they are intertwined in their common purpose, these higher educational institutions express this purpose in various ways. This volume is a collection of the papers and plenary talks designed to share the content of the symposium with a wider audience. The papers are all written by active scholars and researchers who are connected to the member institutions of Christian Higher Education Canada (CHEC). They not only illustrate the quality of the scholarship at these institutions, but they make their own critical contribution to an ongoing discussion regarding the role and place of Christian higher education within the wider society. This volume is intended to be helpful to students, faculty, staff, board members, and supporters of Canadian and other Christian higher education institutions, as well as interested individuals and scholars.

Moving Images of Eternity

Book Description

William F. Pinar presents a comprehensive and original study that demonstrates the significance and pertinence of the scholarship of George Grant for teaching today. While there are studies of Grant’s political philosophy, there has been no sustained study of his teaching. Pinar not only draws upon the collected works; he has also consulted Grant’s PhD thesis at Oxford, as well as the philosopher’s biography, collected letters, and the vast secondary literature. What emerges is a treatise that reveals Grant’s timeliness and his prescience in identifying and critiquing key educational issues nearly half a century ago, from academic vocationalism and educational technology to privatization and the ascendency of research—issues that are eminently relevant today. Beyond the classroom, Grant’s concerns extended to the impact of economic globalization which, he feared, would erase distinctive national histories and cultures. As such, Grant foresaw the current issues of right-wing populism, notably in the UK and the US, as reactions against these historical tendencies. This volume is destined to become an indispensable reference work for students of Grant in particular and for students of education in general. This book is published in English. - S’il existe des études portant sur la philosophie politique et la théologie de George Grant, il n’y avait jusqu’à maintenant aucune étude soutenue sur son enseignement et, plus précisément, sur la relation de son approche pédagogique à celles-ci. Aucune étude ne puisait de façon aussi poussée à l’œuvre complète – y compris à ses présentations aux enseignants et à sa thèse doctorale d’Oxford en philosophie – ou à sa biographie, sa correspondance, et la vaste littérature secondaire. Conçu comme livre de référence pour les adeptes de Grant de même que comme un manuel pour les étudiants en éducation, cet ouvrage arrive à point nommé. Pinar souligne la prescience de Grant, qui identifiait et critiquait il y a déjà cinquante ans des questions d’ordre éducationnel – vocation académique, technologie pédagogique, privatisation de l’enseignement, ascendance de la recherche sur l’enseignement – qui sont d’actualité. Grant était aussi préoccupé par le destin de ce qu’il appelait la particularité au Canada et à l’étranger, et s’inquiétait que la mondialisation économique effacerait les histoires et cultures nationales distinctives. Un état mondial, universel et homogène les remplacerait, ce qui représenterait la pire tyrannie infligée à l’humanité. Grant avait vu venir le populisme de droite que l’on voit actuellement prendre prise notamment au Royaume-Uni et aux États-Unis, comme réaction à ces tendances historiques. Ce livre est publié en anglais.

Reading Karl Barth, Interrupting Moral Technique, Transforming Biomedical Ethics

Book Description

This volume proposes a move away from the universalized and general modern ethical method, as it is currently practiced in biomedical ethics, while aiming toward a decision making process rooted in an ontology of relationality. Moyse uses the theological ethics of Karl Barth, in conversation with a range of thinkers, to achieve this turn.

Christian Moral Theology in the Emerging Technoculture

Book Description

We are living in an emerging technoculture. Machines and gadgets not only weave the fabric of daily life, but more importantly embody philosophical and religious values which shape the contemporary moral vision-a vision that is often at odds with Christian convictions. This book critically examines those values, and offers a framework for how Christian moral theology should be formed and lived-out within the emerging technoculture. Brent Waters argues that technology represents the principal cultural background against which contemporary Christian moral life is formed. Addressing contemporary ethical and religious issues, this book will be of particular interest to students and scholars exploring the ideas of Heidegger, Nietzsche, Grant, Arendt, and Borgmann.

Religious Soft Diplomacy and the United Nations

Book Description

The engagement of religious diplomacy within the United Nations systems has become increasingly important for achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The editors argue that effective religious diplomacy must reflect the great diversity of religious and spiritual expressions within human communities. The editors argue that this can best be achieved through a worldview shift within the United Nations systems. Religious engagement in the United Nations systems has been understandably constrained by limited and formal organizational structures and conventions. However, the existing patterns of engagement mitigate against the very goals they seek to achieve. The editors argue that expanded, yet measured, religious inclusion will strengthen social cohesion in the global community. Contributors demonstrate how communities become stronger when marginalized minority voices are included in public discourse. The editors further argue that governance has a responsibility to ensure a safe environment for this interaction. The editors propose that the United Nations adopt the posture of "loyal opposition", that is inherent in parliamentary democracies, to serve as a guideline for expanded religious engagement. The contributors advance this proposal with illustrations from multiple contexts that address a diverse array of social problems from perspectives rooted in theory and practice.

Human Flourishing in a Technological World

Book Description

Human Flourishing in a Technological World addresses the question of human identity and flourishing in the light of recent technological advances. The chapters in Part I provide a philosophical-theological evaluation of changing major anthropological assumptions that have guided human self-understanding from antiquity to modernity: How did we move from a religious and mostly embodied anthropology of the person to the idea that we can upload human consciousness to computing platforms? How did we come to imagine that machines can actually be intelligent, or even learn in human fashion? Moreover, what metaphysical changes explain our mostly uncritical embrace of a technological determination of being and thus of how reality "works"? In Part II, the focus turns to the practical implications of our changing understanding of what it means to be human. Covering some of the most pressing current concerns about human flourishing, these chapters deal with the impact of technology on education, healthcare, disability, leisure and the nature of work, communication, aging, death, and the nature of wisdom for human flourishing in light of evolutionary biology. The volume includes the text of a lecutre by virtual reality engineer and computer scientist Jaron Lanier, and a discussion between Lanier and other contributors.

Educationalization and Its Complexities

Book Description

This edited collection brings together scholars from Canadian and international institutions to discuss educationalization, a trend in modern societies that involves transferring social responsibilities onto the school system. This book brings a new dimension to the literature on educationalization by examining the concept in relation to Catholicism, Indigenous issues, the right to education, and historical studies grounded in both Canada and Chile. In these contributions, the book represents an attempt to both deepen the current discussion on the construction and use of educationalization as a concept as well as invite further exploration of this subject in relation to the increasing digitalization of life in the twenty-first century.

Building the Human City

Book Description

Building the Human City is a first overview of the award-winning yet quite diverse works of Jesuit philosopher William F. Lynch. Writing from the 1950s to the mid-1980s, Lynch was among the first to warn against the fierce polarizations prevalent in our culture wars and political life. He called for a transformation of artistic and intellectual sensibilities and imaginations through the healing discernments and critical ironies of an Ignatian (and Socratic) spirituality. Yet the breadth of his concerns (from cinema and literature to mental health and hope to secularization and faith) as well as the depth of his thought (philosophical as much as theological) led to little initial awareness of the overall vision uniting his writings. This book, while exploring that vision, also argues that the spirituality Lynch proposes is more needed today than when he first wrote.