Collected Writings of W.D. Gann - Volume 6

Book Description

This collection contains some of WD Gann's most rare writings, those on financial astrology. Many people speculate and argue about just how key astrological work was to Gann's full system, as there is very little direct evidence or outright explanation of how he used astrology. Most of his references were contained in his coded book The Tunnel Thru the Air, and aside from that book, there is nothing but a handful of references where he directly discusses astrological techniques and tools in his work. This collection contains everything known from Gann's work where he presents astrological ideas, charts, tools or letters of any kind. First is an early course from 1921, the first place he mentions a planetary correlation with his time cycles. Next is an interesting piece on the Human Body which contains astrological correlations and symbolism connected to Time Cycles. We then include some letters to students where he quite openly discusses some of his techniques related to astrology. Finally, there is a set of charts with clear planetary elements, applications and tools. This is an important course which reveals some of the great WD Gann's most secret teachings."

Collected Writings of W.D. Gann - Volume 1

Book Description

This collection of writings contains an assortment of Marketing Brochures which were used by Gann to market his courses & services, Annual Forecasts for a year in advance, interviews with Gann & articles about him, & a selection of his Trading Records. These writings are very enlightening, explaining in clearer words than in his books & courses, Gann's methodology and vision of the markets. There are extremely important clues in these writings which are often overlooked, like the clues in the Ticker Interview, to Gann's background research & to the importance & purpose of each of his courses. These writings also help to draw a personal portrait of the master himself, & to trace his development over the years.

Tunnel Thru The Air Or Looking Back From 1940

Book Description

In this inspirational masterpiece about the role of the human being in the universe, finance trader and author W. D. Gann uses the Bible to explore the secret to successful living. Through direct teachings from the Bible, the reader may learn how to understand, obey and apply the universal laws revealed in the Bible in order to bring about his own latent talents and powers, and in turn be firmly set on the road towards health, happiness and prosperity.

45 Years In Wall Street

Book Description

Dr. Gann gives a thorough explanation of investment rules in this book for new and seasoned investors alike. Read this over and over until they become clear and fluid practices in your everyday portfolio management. This is the only eBook you will find that includes all the original charts and tables.

Collected Writings of W.D. Gann - Volume 2

Book Description

This course contains one of two of Gann's greatest courses, the Master Time Factor Course. We know he considered it his most important course, by his original 1939 price being $2,500.00. This course has remained unavailable since the time Gann sold it himself. Included with it are a number of further rare Stock Forecasting Courses which have been almost unknown until this time.

The Magic Word

Book Description

A bible-focussed guide to manifestation showing that the thoughts become things philosophy has been with us always and showing that the 'Secret' was well known to the ancients.

How To Make Profits Trading in Commodities

Book Description

W. D. Gann’s justly famous work on the trading of commodities. “I am writing this book to supply a universal demand: and give rules that will forecast the trend of commodities. Conditions have changed rapidly during the last few years and will change more rapidly after this great war is over than ever before in history. Men will return to the soil of Mother Nature to make a living. Investors and speculators will have to look for new ways to make money in the future and will find it more difficult in the stock market; therefore, the necessities of life, the basic commodities, will offer greater opportunities than investments in stocks and bonds, providing the trader knows the rules to follow. “My object is to write something that will be helpful to people in trade lines and to those who have long years of experience in the commodity market, as well as the inexperienced trader who wants knowledge and needs to learn the ways to start right, and to protect his capital and make profits. Life affords no greater pleasure than that of helping others who are trying to help themselves. “I am going to give the best of my forty years of experience in this book, and I hope to show others the way to help themselves and follow mathematical rules in the commodity market, which will result in profits. I do not believe in gambling or reckless speculation, but am firmly convinced, after years of experience, that if traders will follow rules and trade on definite indications, that speculation can be made a profitable profession. Trading in commodities is not a gambling business, as some people think, but a practical, safe business when conducted on business principles. “I offer this book to the public with a sincere conviction that if they put in the time studying, they will derive great benefits.”

The Law of Vibration

Book Description

In 'The Law of Vibration' Tony Plummer presents a new theory which he argues is revealing of a fundamental truth about the deep-structure of the universe. The Law is embodied in a very specific pattern of oscillation that accompanies change and evolution. It can be found in fluctuations in stock markets and in economic activity. The research here suggests that the pattern was known about in antiquity because it was buried in a short passage in St Matthew's Gospel in the Bible. It also suggests that it was known about in the early part of the 20th century because it was concealed in the structure of books written by the renowned stock market trader, William D. Gann, and by the mindfulness exponent, George Gurdjieff. Both men chose to preserve their knowledge of the pattern in a hidden form for some unknown future purpose. Now, after 20 years of investigation, Tony Plummer tells the story of how the pattern was originally hidden. Drawing on painstaking research on gematria, the enneagram and financial market analysis, Plummer reveals the existence of a behavioural pattern that may have profound implications for the way that we view the world. Plummer's work is elegantly structured and illustrated throughout. It is an exciting and thought-provoking study for Gann enthusiasts, and also for investors, economists and scientists who have an interest in the laws that underpin systemic coherence and produce collective order.

A W.D. Gann Treasure Discovered

Book Description

Learn Before You Lose AND Forecasting by Time Cycles

Book Description

Most people buy a stock because they hope it will go up and they will make profits. They buy on tips, or what someone else thinks, without any concrete knowledge of their own that the stock will advance. Thus they entered the market wrong and did not recognize this mistake or attempt to correct it until too late. Finally they sell because they fear the stock will go lower and often they sell out near low levels, getting out at the wrong time, making two mistakes, getting in the market at the wrong time and getting out at the wrong time. One mistake could have been prevented: they could have gotten out right after getting in wrong. They do not realize that operating in Stocks and Commodities is a business or a profession, the same as engineering or the medical profession.