Parting from the Four Attachments

Book Description

The teaching on Parting from the Four Attachments is universally regarded as one of the jewels of Tibetan Buddhism. Rinpoche leads the reader through a detailed and lucid exploration of the nature of mind, pointing out inevitable pitfalls in spiritual practice and showing how they can be avoided.

Parting from the Four Attachments

Book Description

Parting from the Four Attachments (ཞེན་པ་བཞི་བྲལ།) presents the quintessential mind training teaching of the Sakya tradition, the famous four-line instruction bestowed by Manjushri to Sakya Kunga Nyingpo. In December 2014, during the 32nd Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya, the 4th Jamgön Kongtrul Rinpoche taught this based on the well-known commentary composed by Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen. It was the very first public teaching gave by Jamgön Kontrul Rinpoche and was published in a book in 2015. The ebook features a few photographs of Rinpoche taken during the Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya as well as an Appendix with The Aspiration for Mind Training composed by Jamgön Kontrul Lodrö Thaye.

Parting from the Four Attachments

Book Description

This teaching, the path of all Buddhas of the past and of the future that contains all the deep meanings of all the Sutras combined in a practical way, is known as the Mind Training or Pith Instructions, presented by the great masters in the most practical way through their own experience. The history of this teaching is this. When the great Lama Sakyapa was twelve years old, his spiritual master suggested that since he was the son of a great spiritual master he should study the teaching; however, in order to study the teaching he needed first to acquire wisdom. In order to acquire wisdom, he had to practise Manjushri, the manifestation of all the Buddhas' wisdom. Sakyapa's spiritual master, Pari Lotsawa, one of the greatest translators, gave him the initiation of Manjushri and all the teachings related to Manjushri and then asked his disciple to do a meditation retreat. After completing six months of meditation, one day in his pure vision he saw Manjushri in person sitting on a jewel throne, his hands in the teaching mudra, with two Bodhisattva attendants, one on each side. Then the main deity Manjushri gave this teaching, which is made up of four lines: If you have attachment to this life, you are not a religious person. If you have attachment to the world of existence, you do not have renunciation. If you have attachment to your own purpose, you have no Enlightenment Thought (Bodhicitta). If grasping arises, you do not have the view. All the paths of the Sutrayana are included in these four lines.

Jonang: The One Hundred and Eight Teaching Manuals

Book Description

Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye presents practical teachings from a variety of Tibetan Buddhist traditions in this volume of The Treasury of Precious Instructions. The Treasury of Precious Instructions by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet's greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own. In this, the eighteenth volume, Kongtrul expands on The One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks, a collection of teaching manuals compiled by the sixteenth-century Tibetan master Kunga Drolchok, adding Indic source texts, Tibetan antecedents, and later interpretations. Though compiled by a Jonangpa abbot and transmitted by the Jonang tradition, these teaching manuals are actually drawn from the Kadam, Sakya, Kagyu, and, to a lesser extent, Nyingma traditions. They are succinct and impart practical wisdom, as transmitted by key figures like Kunga Chogdrub and Lowo Khenchen Sonam Lhundrub. Gyurme Dorje, the translator, provides extensive notes and helpful context throughout. The resulting volume preserves and integrates the diverse lineages of Tibetan Buddhism while providing useful advice to practitioners.

The Sakya Jetsunmas

Book Description

An exploration of an extraordinary group of female meditation masters from the Buddhist tradition in Tibet whose determination and accomplishments can serve as a great example for meditators the world over. Among Tibetan spiritual biographies there are many life stories of exceptional male wisdom-holders or vidyādharas. But biographies of religious women are few. This book focuses on the hidden world of the great female spiritual adepts who were born into a prominent lineage of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism. For centuries, this family of wisdom holders has been committed to helping others alleviate their suffering and develop a strong dedication to spiritual practice.

Sakya: The Path with Its Result, Part Two

Book Description

A collection of liturgical and instructional practice texts on the Eight Ancillary Path Cycles of the Sakya lineage of Tibetan Buddhism, compiled by one of Tibet's greatest Buddhist masters. The Treasury of Precious Instructions by Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Taye, one of Tibet's greatest Buddhist masters, is a shining jewel of Tibetan literature, presenting essential teachings from the entire spectrum of practice lineages that existed in Tibet. In its eighteen volumes, Kongtrul brings together some of the most important texts on key topics of Buddhist thought and practice as well as authoring significant new sections of his own. Volumes in this series may be engaged as practice manuals while also preserving ancient teachings significant to the literature and history of world religions. Volume 6 of the series, Sakya: The Path with Its Result, Part Two, presents a selection of teachings and practices from the Eight Ancillary Path Cycles of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. The Sakya lineage derives from Virūpa, Dombi Heruka, and other Indian masters, or mahāsiddhas, and passes through Gayadhara and his Tibetan disciple Drokmi Lotsāwa Śākya Yeshe (992–1072). The practice tradition centers around the teaching and transmission of the Hevajra Tantra and its subsidiary texts. This second volume of Sakya texts contains oral instructions transmitted to Drokmi Lotsāwa by the early eleventh-century Indian masters, Ācārya Vīravajra, Mahāsiddha Amoghavajra, Paṇḍita Prajñāgupta of Oḍḍiyāna, and Paṇḍita Gayadhara. These texts broaden our understanding of how mahāmudrā, the teaching on the nature of mind, is understood and practiced in the Sakya school.

The Three Levels of Spiritual Perception

Book Description

The Three Levels of Spiritual Perception is a revised edition of the classic guide to the Lamdre, a key system of meditation of the Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Written by one of the first Tibetan masters to live and teach in the United States, it is rendered in a lyrical style that entertains, inspires, and motivates the reader. A key work for all those who are eager to develop and deepen their meditation practice.

A Harmony of Views

Book Description

Three songs by recognized masters of different Tibetan Buddhist traditions illustrate what their views have in common--with commentary by Thrangu Rinpoche and songs by Ju Mipham, Changkya Rolpay Dorje, and Chögyam Trungpa. Do different Tibetan Buddhist traditions share an essential, common view? The great Geluk scholar Changkya Rolpay Dorje (1717-1786) wrote a song describing the view of the Middle Way, comparing it to a mother. Later, the nonsectarian polymath Ju Mipham Rinpoche (1846-1912) and the influential Kagyu master Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche (1939-1987) wrote songs modeled upon it that describe the views of dzogchen and mahamudra, one comparing dzogchen to a jewel and the other comparing mahamudra to a lover. Even though the imagery and the specific points each author makes are different, the songs share many characteristics in structure and content. Read together, the three songs show how the essential points of these three practices are the same and reveal how Buddhism's various traditions--including the pinnacles of the Middle Way, dzogchen, and mahamudra--are harmonious. The three songs are presented with a commentary by Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche, who explains how studying the profound view helps develop the certainty that is necessary to bring meditation practice to fruition. He shows how songs such as these can serve as antidotes to discouragement and provide help to people who have had strong meditation experiences but find themselves unable to sustain a high level of practice. Thrangu Rinpoche explains that, in comparison to oral instructions and treatises, songs of this kind are of special benefit because of their engaging eloquence. The songs are not long, and they are a delight to read, reread, and memorize. By clarifying the view again and again in this way, they offer continual inspiration to practitioners.