La céramique grecque

Book Description

Chefs-d'oeuvre de la céramique grecque dans les collections du Louvre

Book Description

Cet album a pour seule ambition de permettre, à travers la présentation des 90 plus belles pièces des collections de céramiques du Louvre, l'une des plus riches du monde, la découverte des richesses esthétiques et techniques de cet art.

The Late Mannerists in Athenian Vase-painting

Book Description

The potter and painter Myson founded the Mannerist workshop at the end of the sixth century BC. The Mannerists were his pupils and pupils of his pupils, and specialized in columnkraters, hydriai, and pelikai. The workshop was unusually long-lived and was active through the whole of the fifthcentury and the first decade of the fourth.The style of painting and the choice of some subjects are curiously old-fashioned. A number of pictures show rare themes such as the Death of Prokris, Odysseus and Nausicaa, and Orestes in Delphi. Other paintings give an unusual twist to well-known stories. The Mannerists were influenced bytheatrical productions, extant wall paintings, and the works of other vase-painters.The workshop provides important clues for the chronology of Attic vase-painting, for example drawing reflecting Pheidias' Athena Parthenos, and Aeschylos' plays Sphinx, Eumenides, and Seven against Thebes.

Collection Latomus

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