Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Annual Implementation Work Plan for Fiscal Year 1989

Book Description

The Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program (Program) was developed by the Northwest Power Planning Council (Council) in accordance with Public Law 96-501. the Pacific Northwest Electric Power Planning and Conservation Act (Act). The purpose of the Program is to guide the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) and other Federal agencies in carrying out their responsibilities to protect, mitigate, and enhance fish and wildlife of the Columbia River Basin. The Act explicitly gives BPA the authority and responsibility to use the BPA fund for these ends, to the extent that fish and wildlife are affected by the development and operation of hydroelectric generation in the Columbia River Basin. This document presents BPA's plans for implementing the Program during Fiscal Year (FY) 1989. BPA's Columbia River Basin Fish and Wildlife Program Work Plan (Work Plan) reflects the primary goals of the Council's Action Plan (Section 1400 of the Program): to provide a solid, timely, and focused basis for budgeting and planning. In addition, BPA's Work Plan provides a means to judge progress and the success of Program implementation. This Work Plan has been organized and written to meet the specific needs of the Council's Action Plan, as described in Action Items 10.1-10.3 of the Program. The Work Plan includes schedules with key milestones for FY 1989 and beyond, and is organized to address the Action Items assigned to BPA in Section 1400 of the 1987 Program. All BPA-funded projects discussed in the FY 1989 Work Plan are listed in Tables 1 and 2 according to their current status. Table 1 (p. 3-11) lists completed, ongoing, and deferred projects. Table 2 (p. 12-13) lists all projects which BPA plans to fund as ''new'' projects in FY 1989. ''Ongoing'' status indicates that the project started in FY 1988 or before, and that it was still being implemented by BPA at the end of FY 1988. ''Deferred'' means that BPA implementation has been postponed to FY 1990 or later. ''Completed'' indicates completion during FY 1988. ''New'' denotes projects that BPA plans to start in FY 1989. A number of projects are expected to begin in late FY 1988 and have been listed in the Work Plan as ongoing, based on their projected start dates in September 1988. Several other projects are expected to end in late FY 1988. These projects have been listed as completed, based on projected completion dates in September 1988.

BPA Proposed Fiscal Year 1994 Budget

Book Description