Development Centre Seminars Waging the Global War on Poverty Strategies and Case Studies

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Eradicating poverty has long been one of the priorities of development co-operation. Yet, despite undoubted progress towards this goal, the strategies adopted at the international and national levels remain controversial. Poverty reduction is a ...

Waging the Global War on Poverty

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Poverty reduction is a complex issue, involving numerous players in a host of economic, social, political and environmental policy fields. The originality of this publication is in its approach to identifying best practice, which is as open and thorough as the state of the art will allow. How realistic is it to seek to cut extreme poverty by half by the year 2015? What are the most effective strategies employed by donors? What lessons can be learned from the experience of the developing countries? This publication approaches these unresolved questions by giving a broad overview of general poverty-reduction strategies and objectives. It also presents five particularly enlightening case studies on Bolivia, C'te d'Ivoire, the State of Kerala in India, Malaysia, and Uganda.

International Labour Documentation

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Reducing Poverty through Investments in Agricultural Water Management

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The overall goal of the Collaborative Program on ‘Investments in Agricultural Water Management in Sub-Saharan Africa’ is to contribute to broad-based sustainable poverty reduction and smallholder agricultural growth. The component on ‘Poverty considerations in investments in agricultural water management’ focuses in more detail on poverty and gender dimensions. It consists of two parts. The first part is thematic and elaborates poverty and gender issues emerging from the literature that complement the other components of the Collaborative Program. Part two is empirical. Acknowledging the lack of empirical data on poverty impacts of investments in agricultural water management, the Collaborative Program initiated case studies throughout Sub-Saharan Africa. Eight case studies on ‘Agricultural Water Development for Poverty Reduction in Eastern and Southern Africa’, for which the field research was conducted in 2003/2004, were supported by IFAD (Peacock,2005). Further, the African Development Bank supported three case studies in West Africa in 2004, two by Kamara et al. (2004), and one by Babatunde Omilola (2005). Part two synthesizes the empirical findings of these case studies.

Monthly Bibliography

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Bibliographie Mensuelle

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Combattre la pauvreté dans le monde

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Eradiquer la pauvreté est depuis longtemps une priorité de la coopération au développement. Mais en dépit des progrès incontestables déjà accomplis, les stratégies déployées au niveau international comme au niveau national continuent de faire l'objet de controverses. La lutte contre la pauvreté reste en effet une question complexe qui implique un grand nombre d'acteurs et recouvre une multitude de dimensions aussi bien économiques, sociales, politiques, qu'environnementales. L'originalité de cet ouvrage est d'adopter une approche aussi ouverte et complète que le permettent les connaissances actuelles pour identifier les pratiques les plus fructueuses. Est-il réaliste de vouloir réduire l'extrême pauvreté de moitié d'ici 2015 ? Quelles sont les stratégies les plus efficaces suivies par les donneurs, qu'il s'agisse des agences de développement ou des pays développés ? Quelles leçons peut-on tirer des expériences des pays en développement ? On le voit, les questions en suspens sont nombreuses. Pour y répondre, cet ouvrage donne un large panorama des stratégies et des objectifs globaux de la lutte contre la pauvreté. Il présente également cinq études de cas particulièrement éclairantes portant sur la Bolivie, la Côte d’Ivoire, l'Etat du Kerala en Inde, la Malaisie et l'Ouganda.

Regional Conference on building a future for sustainable small-scale fisheries in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea

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According to the report, the conference focused on the main challenges for the sustainable development of small-scale fisheries, including promoting political commitment and tailored strategies, raising awareness, and sharing knowledge.