Fiscal Policy in Commodity-exporting LDCs

Book Description

Commodity -exporting countries have sometimes found themselves worse off after a boom than before it, due to fiscal mismanagement of the boom proceeds. Good fiscal control during booms can temporarily acc[e]lerate the rate of economic development.

Commodity Prices, Aid and Debt

Book Description

This study reveals the extent of persistent downward trends in commodity prices on least developed countries (LDCs), small vulnerable states (SVSs) and heavily indebted countries (HIPCs) and proposes a Joint Diversification Scheme exclusively for export diversification schemes in the commoditydependent poor countries. The report also proposes and outlines the establishment of a Joint Diversification Fund, in addition to regular aid flows as a longterm solution.

Commodities, Governance and Economic Development under Globalization

Book Description

Alfred Maizels' work on commodity trade and prices documented trends in a major area of international economic relations. This book elaborates the ideas in the tradition of Maizels' contributons, and discusses and extends these theories in relation to current problems.

The Oxford Handbook of Africa and Economics

Book Description

A popular myth about the travails of Africa holds that the continent's long history of poor economic performance reflects the inability of its leaders and policymakers to fulfill the long list of preconditions to be met before sustained growth can be achieved. These conditions are said to vary from the necessary quantity and quality of physical and human capital to the appropriate institutions and business environments. While intellectually charming and often elegantly formulated, that conventional wisdom is actually contradicted by historical evidence and common sense. It also suggests a form of intellectual mimicry that posits a unique path to prosperity for all countries regardless of their level of development and economic structure. In fact, the argument underlining that reasoning is tautological, and the policy prescriptions derived from it are fatally teleological: low-income countries are by definition those where such ingredients are missing. None of today's high-income countries started its growth process with the "required" and complete list of growth ingredients. Unless one truly believes that the continent of Africa-and most developing countries-are ruled predominantly if not exclusively by plutocrats with a high propensity for sadomasochism, the conventional view must be re-examined, debated, and questioned. This volume-the second of the ^lOxford Handbook of Africa and Economics-reassesses the economic policies and practices observed across the continent since independence. It offers a collection of analyses by some of the leading economists and development thinkers of our time, and reflects a wide range of perspectives and viewpoints. Africa's emergence as a potential economic powerhouse in the years and decades ahead amply justifies the scope and ambition of the book.

Africa and the World Trading System

Book Description

This three-volume set presents the results of a research project initiated by the African Economic Research Consortium. The project intended to identify and examine the critical analytical and policy issues involved in Africa's economic links with the rest of the world, particularly in the context of the emerging global trading system. The project had two distinct but closely related component parts. The first was based on empirical, region-wide analysis and was designed to provide the framework for the menu of issues explored.

Commodity Prices and Development

Book Description

More than 50 developing countries depend on three or fewer commodities for more than half of their exports and, in fact, many rely on a single commodity for a large share of export earnings. This reliance inevitability exposes countries to the risk of export earnings instability as a result of price shocks and, perhaps even more significantly, the falling purchasing power of exports over the long run due to declining real prices. Presenting for the first time a complete analysis of the issues surrounding commodity prices and development, this book is the culmination of three years of research commissioned by the Commonwealth Secretariat to look at various aspects of commodity prices. The problems faced by commodity dependent developing countries are formidable. Although diversification is the most appropriate response to the problem of the secular decline in commodity prices, long-term transformation in the economy can be a slow process and its success will depend on a host of factors such as the development of human resources, institutional capacity building, poverty alleviation, and appropriate domestic policy and environment. By granting increased aid flows and debt relief, and providing assistance to encourage production of non-traditional export items, the international community can play a proactive role in the development of the commodity dependent poor countries. Only concerted efforts both at the domestic fronts of these countries and via co-operation extended by the international community can help mitigate the problems of the world's most vulnerable economies.

Commodity Policies

Book Description

Originally published in 1987, this book discusses the key issues concerned with primary commodity trade worldwide. Primary commodities are crucially important for many developing countries because very often exports in just one or two primary commodities form the sole source of income for a developing country. Developing countries need above all stability in primary commodities trade to guarantee their future development. This book examines patterns of trade, changing demand and the effects of fluctuations in spot and futures markets. It analyses theories put forward to explain the problems and it reviews the research of the many international organisations which are concerned with the problems. It examines the international agreements and bodies which have been set up to stabilise trade and assesses the performance of these agreements and organisations.