Community Crime Prevention Guidelines for California Law Enforcement

Book Description

These guidelines provide law enforcement agencies with a framework of the basic elements necessary for the design, implementation, and evaluation of an effective community crime prevention program. The guidelines are applicable to all agencies regardless of size, geographic location, crime problems, etc. The guidelines prescribe a planning phase consisting of issuing a written policy directive from the chief administrator regarding the department's commitment to an active community crime prevention program; involving department personnel, community leaders and city administrators in developing the program; conducting a needs assessment; and establishing written goals for the community crime prevention program. Program preparation involves assigning a program director, providing orientation for all personnel, and developing written objectives and program goals. Community involvement approaches require utilizing the media, informing the public about local crime problems and the benefits of crime prevention programs, enlisting community participation in the program, and coordinating prevention activities with other agencies. The final evaluation phase must be a purposefully designed continuing process with monitoring of specific program activities. The appendixes contain forms and other sample material.

Community Crime Prevention

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Project, Safer California

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Community Crime Prevention

Book Description

This report addresses the need for community support and involvement in the reduction of criminal opportunity, the delivery of public services, and government integrity. The National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice Standards and Goals defines community crime prevention as activity outside the conventional criminal justice system directed toward reducing crime. Assuming no single solution to the crime problem, the Commission has proposed nearly 75 standards and recommendations that focus on citizen action, the delivery of public services, the reduction of criminal opportunities, and integrity in government. This volume spells out for the individual, the community organization, and the local government, what can and should be done by them to reduce crime. Citing action by private citizens as the heart of community crime prevention, the Commission urges more citizen involvement with neighborhood security, volunteer work, and community improvement. Citizen concern should be channeled into community organizations and governing bodies and these agencies should encourage and support citizen action programs. Public service delivery proposals stress the need for coordinating existing services. Job opportunities in high unemployment areas need to be expanded and unnecessary restrictions on hiring ex-offenders should be eliminated. The Commission recommends implementation of career education in elementary and secondary schools, establishment and support of youth service bureaus, and individualized treatment for drug offenders. Building design, security codes, and street lighting are covered as effective citizen crime precautions. The Commission also discusses conflict of interest, government procurement, zoning, licensing and tax assessment and advocates supervision of political campaign financing and investigation and prosecution of government corrupters.