Commuter Air Safety

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Commuter Airline Safety

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Commuter Airline Safety

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Commuter Airline Safety

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Aviation Safety

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Special Study

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The National Transportation Safety Board has maintained a significant interest in commuter airline safety since the Board's creation in 1967. The Safety Board's involvement with commuter safety is reflected in accident reports, safety recommendations, and special studies which cover the period since 1970. In 1979, the Safety Board designated 14 CFR 135 enforcement and surveillance as a fiscal year 1980 safety objective. In October 1979, after a series of commuter accidents, the Board undertook a special study of commuter airline safety, and in January 1980, conducted a 4-day public hearing on the subject. This study includes a review and analysis of the commuter airline industry accident history since 1972; an analysis of the predominant safety issues which affect the commuter airline industry; and a review of the relationship of the Federal regulators to the commuter airlines. The Safety Board developed the basis of the study from its 1972 special study of air taxis, the Board's accident statistics, and accident investigation experience, and from an extensive field survey. The study discusses the operational, maintenance, training, and regulatory areas of the industry and analyzes safety deficiencies. The Board concludes that the basis to sound commuter airline safety must come from a coordinated program which includes the implementation of the new 14 CFR 135, Federal Aviation Administration surveillance and enforcement efforts, and a strong safety-oriented posture by commuter managers. Coupled with this program must be the permanent recognition by the Federal Aviation Administration of the commuter industry as an airline industry rather than as a segment of general aviation. Finally, the Safety Board makes a number of safety recommendations to the FAA designed to enhance the commuter airline industry.

Adequacy of Commuter Airline Safety Regulations

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Aviation Safety

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Aviation Safety: Commuter Airline Safety Would Be Enhanced With Better FAA Oversight

Commuter Air Safety

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Commuter Airline Safety

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