
Book Description

Self-esteem is essential for psychological survival. It is an emotional sine qua non - without some measure of self-worth, life can be enormously painful, with many basic needs going unmet. One of the main factors differentiating humans from other animals is the awareness of self: the ability to form an identity and then attach a value to it. In other words, you have the capacity to define who you are and then decide if you like that identity or not. The problem of self-esteem is this human capacity for judgment. It's one thing to dislike certain colors, noises, shapes, or sensations. But when you reject parts of yourself, you greatly damage the psychological structures that literally keep you alive. Judging and rejecting yourself causes enormous pain. And in the same way that you would favor and protect a physical wound, you find yourself avoiding anything that might aggravate the pain of self-rejection in any way. You take fewer social, academic, or career risks. You make it more difficult for yourself to meet people, interview for a job, or push hard for something where you might not succeed. You limit your ability to open yourself with others, express your sexuality, be the center of attention, hear criticism, ask for help, or solve problems....This book is about stopping the judgments. It's about healing the old wounds of hurt and self-rejection. How you perceive and feel about yourself can change. And when those perceptions and feelings change, the ripple effect will touch every part of your life with a gradually expanding sense of freedom. ---- Self-Esteem.

Ten Days to Self-Esteem

Book Description

Do you wake up dreading the day? Do you feel ciscouraged with what you've accomplished in life? Do you want greater self-esteem, productivity, and joy in daily living? If so, you will benefit from this revolutionary way of brightening your moods without drugs or lengthy therapy. All you need is your own common sense and the easy-to-follow methods revealed in this book by one of the country's foremost authorities on mood and personal relationship problems. In Ten Days to Self-esteem, Dr. David Burns presents innovative, clear, and compassionate methods that will help you identify the causes of your mood slumps and develop a more positive outlook on life. You will learn that You feel the way you think: Negative feelings like guilt, anger, and depression do not result from the bad things that happen to you, but from the way you think about these events. This simple but revolutionary idea can change your life! You can change the way you feel: You will discover why you get depressed and learn how to brighten your outlook when you're in a slump. You can enjoy greater happiness, productivity, and intimacy—without drugs or lengthy therapy. Can a self-help book do all this? Studies show that two thirds of depressed readers of Dr. Burns's classic bestseller, Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy,experienced dramatic felief in just four weeks without psychotherapy or antidepressant medications. Three-year follow-up studies revealed that readers did not relapse but continued to enjoy their positive outlook. Ten Days to Self-esteem offers a powerful new tool that provides hope and healing in ten easy steps. The methods are based on common sense and are not difficult to apply. Research shows that they really work! Feeling good feels wonderful. You owe it to yourself to feel good!

Book Description

Book Description

El Sorprendente Poder de Nuestros Errores

Book Description

Quisiera saber quién en este mundo no ha cometido más de un error en un solo día. La respuesta es obvia. El problema es que desconocemos qué debemos hacer con la energía negativa —sumamente tóxica— que, inevitablemente, se queda dentro de nosotros cuando manejamos incorrectamente nuestras emociones y decisiones en torno a nuestros errores. Este valioso manual no pretende convertirnos en santos, menos aún en personas perfectas, sino que su propósito es mostrarnos cómo liberarnos del daño y los malestares asociados con los errores que cometemos, siempre con la finalidad de sentirnos mejor con nosotros mismos, crecer, ganar nuevas habilidades y desarrollarnos logrando una mejora continua sin la necesidad de vivir como víctimas de nuestras equivocaciones. Durante la lectura de este manual descubrirás el daño que nos causa a los seres humanos el temible virus RSP (Reaccionar Sin Pensar) y sabrás qué hacer para controlarlo. De igual modo, comprenderás qué es el sentimiento de culpa y cómo transformar en energía positiva la energía negativa que inevitablemente lo acompaña. Los errores son quizá nuestros mejores aliados, pero lamentablemente existen muy pocas personas con la capacidad de comprenderlo de esa manera.

Honoring the Self

Book Description

Self-concept is destiny What is the most important judgement you will ever make? The judgement you pass on yourself. Self-esteem is the key to success or failure. "Tell me how a person judges his or her self-esteem," says pioneering psychologist Nathaniel Branden, "and I will tell you how that person operates at work, in love, in sex, in parenting, in every important aspect of existence—and how high he or she is likely to rise. The reputation you have with yourself—your self-esteem—is the single most important factor for a fulfilling life." • How to grow in self-confidence and self-respect. • How to nurture self-esteem in children. • How to break free of guilt and fear of others' disapproval. • How to honor the self—the ethics of rational self-interest.

Be Your Own Best Friend

Book Description

Happiness is feeling good about yourself. When you don't feel good about yourself, you don't feel good about anything. This important book by health guru Louis Proto is for everyone who suffers from low self-esteem which can lead to health problems and difficult personal and work-based relationships.

El Desafío de la Autoconquista

Book Description

El poderoso libro que ahora tienes en tus manos no es para que simplemente lo leas, es para que lo interiorices, lo asumas, lo vivas y sólo así vas a poder aplicar la valiosa sabiduría que tiene para ayudarte a un cambio trascendental en tu vida. Te proporciona elementos prácticos que te ayudarán a tener la claridad mental que te lleve a desarrollar el inmenso potencial que te fue dado, respetando siempre tu individualidad, tu mismidad y conquistar así, los valores y virtudes que te hacen imbatible: cimientos de una vida equilibrada y plena que dignifican y honran la existencia y a la cual todos podemos acceder si realmente lo deseamos. Aquí se encuentra el desafío de la auto-conquista; demostrarnos a nosotros mismos de qué estamos hechos, si realmente estamos comprometidos a apoderarnos intencionadamente de los inmensos recursos que cada uno de nosotros posee; eliminando los obstáculos que infortunadamente nos hacen percibirnos como seres limitados, indefensos, desamparados, frágiles y sin rumbo; y hacer que nuestra existencia se llene de luz y aportarle a esta aventura llamada vida, el brillo que haga desaparecer completamente la obscuridad. Te invito a ser extraordinario. ¡Desafíate!