Comparative Cheap Talk

Book Description

When are comparative statements credible? For instance, when can a professor rank different students for an employer, or a stock analyst rank different stocks for a client? We show that simple complementarity conditions ensure that an expert with private information about multiple issues can credibly rank the issues for a decision maker. By restricting the expert's ability to exaggerate, multidimensional cheap talk of this form permits communication when it would not be credible in a single dimension. The communication gains can be substantial with even a couple of issues, and the complete ranking is asymptotically equivalent to full revelation as the number of issues becomes large. Nevertheless, partial rankings are sometimes more credible and/or more profitable for the expert than the complete ranking. We confirm the robustness of comparative cheap talk to asymmetries that are not too large. Moreover, we show that for a sufficiently large number of independent issues there are always some issues sufficiently symmetric to permit influential cheap talk.

Persuasion by Cheap Talk

Book Description

We consider the credibility, persuasiveness, and informativeness of multi-dimensional cheap talk by an expert to a decision maker. We find that an expert with state-independent preferences can always make credible comparative statements that trade off the expert's incentive to exaggerate on each dimension. Such communication benefits the expert -- cheap talk is quot;persuasivequot; -- if her preferences are quasiconvex. Communication benefits a decision maker by allowing for a more informed decision, but strategic interactions between multiple decision makers can reverse this gain. We apply these results to topics including media bias, advertising, product recommendations, voting, and auction disclosure.

Game Theory

Book Description

An introduction to game theory, complete with step-by-step tools and detailed examples. This book offers condensed breakdowns of game-theory concepts. Specifically, this textbook provides “tools” or “recipes” to solve different classes of games. Game Theory presents the information as plainly and clearly as possible. Every chapter begins with the main definitions and concepts before diving into the applications to different settings across economics, business, and other social sciences. Chapters walk readers through algebraic steps and simplifications. This makes the text accessible for undergraduate and Masters-level students in economics and finance. Paired with the exercises published on the accompanying website, students will improve both their theoretical and practical understandings of game theory. Readers will walk away from this book understanding complete and incomplete information models as well as signaling games.

The Handbook of Organizational Economics

Book Description

(E-book available via MyiLibrary) In even the most market-oriented economies, most economic transactions occur not in markets but inside managed organizations, particularly business firms. Organizational economics seeks to understand the nature and workings of such organizations and their impact on economic performance. The Handbook of Organizational Economics surveys the major theories, evidence, and methods used in the field. It displays the breadth of topics in organizational economics, including the roles of individuals and groups in organizations, organizational structures and processes, the boundaries of the firm, contracts between and within firms, and more.

Political Economy in Macroeconomics

Book Description

Originally, economics was called political economy, and those studying it readily accepted that economic decisions are made in a political world. But economics eventually separated itself from politics to pursue rigorous methods of analyzing individual behavior and markets. Recently, an increasing number of economists have turned their attention to the old question of how politics shape economic outcomes. To date, however, this growing literature has lacked a cogent organization and a unified approach. Here, in the first full-length examination of how political forces affect economic policy decisions, Allan Drazen provides a systematic treatment, organizing the increasingly influential "new political economy" as a more established field at the highly productive intersection of economics and political science. Although he provides an extraordinarily helpful guide to the recent explosion of papers on political economy in macroeconomics, Drazen moves far beyond survey, giving definition and structure to the field. He proposes that conflict or heterogeneity of interests should be the field's essential organizing principle, because political questions arise only when people disagree over which economic policies should be enacted or how economic costs and benefits should be distributed. Further, he illustrates how heterogeneity of interests is crucial in every part of political economy. Drazen's approach allows innovative treatment--using rigorous economic models--of public goods and finance, economic growth, the open economy, economic transition, political business cycles, and all of the traditional topics of macroeconomics. This major text will have an enormous impact on students and professionals in political science as well as economics, redefining how decision makers on several continents think about the full range of macroeconomic issues and informing the approaches of the next generation of economists.

Storable Votes

Book Description

Storable votes allow the minority to win occasionally while treating every voter equally and increasing the efficiency of decision-making, without the need for external knowledge of voters' preferences. This book complements the theoretical discussion with several experiments, showing that the promise of the idea is borne out by the data: the outcomes of the experiments and the payoffs realized match very closely the predictions of the theory.

Hierarchical Cheap Talk

Book Description

We investigate situations in which agents can communicate to each other only through a chain of intermediators, for example, because they have to obey institutionalized communication protocols. We assume that all involved in the communication are strategic and might want to influence the action taken by the final receiver. The set of pure strategy equilibrium outcomes is simple to characterize, is monotonic in each intermediator's bias, and does not depend on the order of intermediators; intermediation in these equilibria cannot improve information transmission. However, none of these conclusions holds for mixed equilibria. We provide a partial characterization of mixed equilibria, and offer an economically relevant sufficient condition for every equilibrium to be outcome-equivalent to a pure equilibrium and hence for the simple characterization and comparative statics results to hold for the set of all equilibria.

Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Volume 1, Economic Theory

Book Description

This is the first of three volumes containing edited versions of papers and commentaries presented at invited symposium sessions of the Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society, held in Shanghai in August 2010. The papers summarize and interpret key developments in economics and econometrics and they discuss future directions for a wide variety of topics, covering both theory and application. Written by the leading specialists in their fields, these volumes provide a unique, accessible survey of progress on the discipline. The first volume primarily addresses economic theory, with specific focuses on nonstandard markets, contracts, decision theory, communication and organizations, epistemics and calibration, and patents.

Advances in Economics and Econometrics

Book Description

The first volume of edited papers from the Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society 2010.

Contracting Over Actions

Book Description

I consider models in which contracts are written over the verifiable actions taken by an agent in multiple decisions. The principal's preferences over actions depend on underlying states of the world, but only the agent observes the states. The principal cannot audit the agent's information or punish her ex post for having taken inappropriate actions. Moreover, the principal is uncertain about the agent's preferences conditional on the states. Chapter 2 extends the concept of a quota contract to account for discounting and for the possibility of infinitely many periods: a discounted quota fixes the number of expected discounted plays on each action. Discounted quotas are optimal contract forms, even if arbitrary dynamic transfer payments are available, if the agent is assumed to have state-independent preferences. I recursively characterize the optimal discounted quotas for an infinitely repeated problem with independent and identically distributed states. Then I give a more explicit description of these contracts in the limit as interactions become frequent, and when only two actions are available. In Chapter 3 I allow the agent's preferences to depend on the states of the world. Under a variety of assumptions on the timing of the game and on the set of possible agent utility functions, I solve for the max-min optimal mechanisms -- those which maximize the principal's payoff against the worst possible agent preference type. These mechanisms are characterized by a property which I call "aligned delegation." Max-min optimal mechanisms may take the simple forms of simultaneous ranking mechanisms, sequential quotas, or budgets.