Concept and Implementation of CFC Legislation

Book Description

An in-depth analysis of various aspects of CFC legislation This volume provides an in-depth analysis of various aspects of the topic “Concept and Implementation of CFC legislation”. The volume is divided into four parts. The first part comprises chapters discussing the historical background, policy considerations, and different CFC approaches that have been implemented in domestic legislation. While the chapters included in the second part focus on the recommendation for the effective design of CFC rules found in BEPS Action 3, the chapters encompassed in the third part analyse the implementation of these criteria in Articles 7 and 8 of the ATAD and the compatibility of these provisions with EU primary law. Finally, the chapters encompassed in part four deal with selected issues related to CFC rules, including the compatibility of CFC legislation and tax treaties, the relationship between these rules and general anti-abuse rules, the implications of the proposed CCCTB Directive on CFC rules, alternative approaches to CFC legislation (such as the Global Anti-Base Erosion proposal of the OECD/G20), the interrelationship between CFC rules and transfer pricing legislation, and the balance between effective CFC rules and compliance burdens.

Controlled Foreign Company Legislation

Book Description

A descriptive report providing factual information on controlled foreign company legislation as of June 1995 in the 14 OECD member countries that operated such regimes.

A Guide to the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive

Book Description

This book provides a concise, practical guide to the European Union’s Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive (ATAD). Presenting unique insights into the ATAD’s five specific anti-avoidance rules, its chapters explain the background of those rules, the directive’s interactions with relevant jurisprudence, and the challenges posed to the ATAD’s interpretation and implementation in domestic law.

Justice, Equality and Tax Law

Book Description

An in-depth analysis of the specific aspects of justice, equality and tax law "Justice, Equality and Tax Law" is a topic that is both old and new at the same time. Even if the society changes, the demands that tax needs to be just and equal seem to be immutable. What changes, of course, is the perception of the content of those demands. International taxation post-BEPS has been fraught with new challenges that warranted urgent responses. These challenges were mainly provoked by the unprecedented rise of the digital economy which truly marked a change in the way business is conducted, how value is created, and how goods and services are produced and consumed. Digitalization, in turn, had repercussions on all aspects of taxation - direct taxation, indirect taxation, and even tax procedures. For instance, the quest for more justice and equality in profit taxes was the reason why, in October 2021, a historical deal based on a two-pillar solution to address the tax challenges arising from the digitalization of the economy was negotiated within the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on Base Erosion and Profit Shifting and agreed upon by 137 member countries. It was also the motive behind the shift from a typical vendor collection model to an intermediary collection model supported by centralized registration points in indirect taxes, notably the VAT/GST. Abundant data from the European Union or the OECD signalized an ever-increasing gap between expected VAT revenues and VAT actually collected, making it obvious that the classical system of VAT/GST collection was unable to respond to challenges posed by the digital economy. Therefore, new solutions based on the participation of digital platforms as intermediaries had been introduced. Finally, new technologies, such as blockchain, paved new avenues in enhancing tax compliance. In this context, this volume entitled "Justice, Equality, and Tax Law" contains not only a selection of the best master ́s theses of the full-time LL.M. programme in 2021/2022 but also represents an in-depth analysis of various aspects of this evergreen topic.

OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting Project Designing Effective Controlled Foreign Company Rules, Action 3 - 2015 Final Report

Book Description

Addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) is a key priority of governments. In 2013, OECD and G20 countries, working together on an equal footing, adopted a 15-point Action Plan to address BEPS. This publication is the final report for Action 3.

Addressing Base Erosion and Profit Shifting

Book Description

This report presents studies and data available regarding the existence and magnitude of base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS), and contains an overview of global developments that have an impact on corporate tax matters.

Limiting Base Erosion

Book Description

Limiting base erosion from different viewpoints Hybrid mismatch arrangements, CFC rules, transfer pricing rules: “Limiting Base Erosion”, the general topic for the master theses of the part-time LL.M. program 2015-2017, has been one of the most controversial topics in international tax law ever since the initiation of the OECD BEPS Project in 2013. Even though the final reports of the 15 BEPS Actions were released by the OECD in as early as October 2015, the question how to effectively target base erosion practices still has not lost any of its topicality. Following the efforts of the OECD in developing a new international tax environment, the focus of attention has now partly shifted to the OECD Member countries that have to properly implement the OECD recommendations in their domestic laws as well as in their tax treaty practice. In this respect, a comprehensive analysis in the literature of all the issues related to base erosion proves to be of the utmost importance in order to provide practical guidance to the Member countries during that the process of implementation. This book deals especially with four key areas of interest:Limiting base erosion by neutralizing the effects of hybrid mismatch arrangementsLimiting base erosion by strengthening CFC rulesMeasures against base erosion via interest deductions and other financial paymentsLimiting base erosion by improving transfer pricing rules.On that basis, 27 concrete topics were chosen in order to address the four key areas of interest from different viewpoints. Base erosion and the challenges they present: read more in “Limiting Base Erosion”.

CFC Legislation, Tax Treaties and EC Law

Book Description

Compilation of 23 national reports dealing with domestic CFC provisions and the influence of tax treaties and EC law on CFC legislation and a summarising general report, originating from a joint conference on CFC legislation in Rust (Austria) from 3-6 July 2003.

Multilateral Cooperation in Tax Law

Book Description

An in-depth analysis of various aspects of multilateral cooperation in tax law Tax evasion and aggressive tax planning causing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) has been a widely discussed topic among academics and tax policy makers over the past decades. Increasing globalization and digitalization have contributed to the intensification of this issue in recent years. At the same time, states continue to largely insist on their sovereignty in the area of tax law. However, due to their cross-border nature, issues related to BEPS are shared problems among the states and can typically not be solved by a single nation. Therefore, multilateral cooperation represents an option to build a bridge between the states’ demand for sovereignty and the problems caused by BEPS. In this regard, the OECD, the UN, and the EU play an important role in introducing international tax standards in an attempt to effectively address tax evasion and aggressive tax planning in many ways. The interaction and cooperation between different international, supranational (EU), and regional organizations is an ongoing process. In this context, the topic "Multilateral Cooperation in Tax Law" was selected as the general topic for the master’s theses of the part-time 2021-23 class of the postgraduate LL.M. programme in International Tax Law at WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business). This volume aims to develop academic insights, provide practical guidance, and enable an in-depth analysis of various aspects of this topic. The book is divided into four parts. The first part deals with a general overview of the understanding of multilateral cooperation, the background that led to the need for multilateral cooperation and the different stakeholders that play a relevant role in it. While the chapters included in the second part focus on the most important developments on an international level (OECD and UN), the chapters encompassed in the third part analyse the multilateral cooperation initiatives of the EU. Finally, the chapters included in part four deal with selected issues related to multilateral cooperation in tax law, including mutual assistance and exchange of information, dispute resolution mechanisms, and measures in digitalized businesses.