Proceedings of ICACTCE'23 — The International Conference on Advances in Communication Technology and Computer Engineering

Book Description

Today, communication technology and computer engineering are intertwined, with advances in one field driving advances in the other, leading to the development of outstanding technologies. This book delves into the latest trends and breakthroughs in the areas of communication, Internet of things, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. This book discusses challenges and opportunities that arise with the integration of communication technology and computer engineering. In addition, the book examines the ethical and social implications, including issues related to privacy, security, and digital divide and law. We have explored the future direction of these fields and the potential for further breakthroughs and innovations. The book is intended for a broad audience of undergraduate and graduate students, practicing engineers, and readers without a technical background who have an interest in learning about communication technology and computer engineering.

Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems

Book Description

Providing a detailed overview of the fundamentals and latest developments in the field of energy autonomous microsystems, this book delivers an in-depth study of the applications in the fields of health and usage monitoring in aeronautics, medical implants, and home automation, drawing out the main specifications on such systems. Introductory information on photovoltaic, thermal and mechanical energy harvesting, and conversion, is given, along with the latest results in these fields. This book also provides a state of the art of ultra-low power sensor interfaces, digital signal processing and wireless communications. In addition, energy optimizations at the sensor node and sensors network levels are discussed, thus completing this overview. This book details the challenges and latest techniques available to readers who are interested in this field. A major strength of this book is that the first three chapters are application orientated and thus, by setting the landscape, introduce the technical chapters. There is also a good balance between the technical application, covering all the system-related aspects and, within each chapter, details on the physics, materials and technologies associated with electronics. Contents Introduction. Introduction to Energy Autonomous Micro and Nano Systems and Presentation of Contributions, Marc Belleville and Cyril Condemine. 1. Sensors at the Core of Building Control, Gilles Chabanis, Laurent Chiesi, Hynek Raisigel, Isabelle Ressejac and Véronique Boutin. 2. Toward Energy Autonomous MedicalImplants, Raymond Campagnolo and Daniel Kroiss. 3. Energy Autonomous Systems in Aeronautic Applications, Thomas Becker, Jirka Klaue and Martin Kluge. 4. Energy Harvesting by Photovoltaic Effect, Emmanuelle Rouvière, Simon Perraud, Cyril Condemine and Guy Waltisperger. 5. Mechanical Energy Harvesting, Ghislain Despesse, Jean Jacques Chaillout, Sébastien Boisseau and Claire Jean-Mistral. 6. Thermal Energy Harvesting, Tristan Caroff, Emmanuelle Rouvière and Jérôme Willemin. 7. Lithium Micro-Batteries, Raphaël Salot. 8. Ultra-Low-Power Sensors, Pascal Nouet, Norbert Dumas, Laurent Latorre and Frédérick Mailly. 9. Ultra-Low-Power Signal Processing in Autonomous Systems, Christian Piguet. 10. Ultra-Low-Power Radio Frequency Communications and Protocols, Eric Mercier. 11. Energy Management in an Autonomous Microsystem, Jean-Frédéric Christmann, Edith Beigne, Cyril Condemine, Jérôme Willemin and Christian Piguet. 12. Optimizing Energy Efficiency of Sensor Networks, Olivier Sentieys and Olivier Berder.

Micro et nanosystèmes autonomes en énergie : des applications aux fonctions et technologies (Traité EGEM, série électronique et micro-électronique)

Book Description

Cet ouvrage propose un panorama détaillé des micro et nanosystèmes autonomes en énergie, couvrant à la fois les principes mis en oeuvre et les derniers développements. Une étude approfondie d'applications dans les domaines aéronautiques, médicaux et du contrôle des bâtiments permet de dresser les grandes spécifications de tels systèmes et de leurs sous-composants. Les techniques les plus récentes de récupération et conversion d'énergie d'origine photovoltaïque, thermique et mécanique sont présentées. Un état de l'art sur les interfaces capteurs, le traitement du signal numérique et les liaisons radiofréquence, ultra-basse consommation, complète ce panorama. Enfin, des techniques d'optimisation de l'énergie au niveau du microsystème/noeud de capteur et d'un réseau de capteurs sont introduites et discutées.

Thin Film Solar Cells

Book Description

Thin-film solar cells are either emerging or about to emerge from the research laboratory to become commercially available devices finding practical various applications. Currently no textbook outlining the basic theoretical background, methods of fabrication and applications currently exist. Thus, this book aims to present for the first time an in-depth overview of this topic covering a broad range of thin-film solar cell technologies including both organic and inorganic materials, presented in a systematic fashion, by the scientific leaders in the respective domains. It covers a broad range of related topics, from physical principles to design, fabrication, characterization, and applications of novel photovoltaic devices.

Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Systems

Book Description

Photovoltaic generation is one of the cleanest forms of energy conversion available. One of the advantages offered by solar energy is its potential to provide sustainable electricity in areas not served by the conventional power grid. Optimisation of Photovoltaic Power Systems details explicit modelling, control and optimisation of the most popular stand-alone applications such as pumping, power supply, and desalination. Each section is concluded by an example using the MATLAB® and Simulink® packages to help the reader understand and evaluate the performance of different photovoltaic systems. Optimisation of Photovoltaic Power Systems provides engineers, graduate and postgraduate students with the means to understand, assess and develop their own photovoltaic systems. As such, it is an essential tool for all those wishing to specialise in stand-alone photovoltaic systems. Optimisation of Photovoltaic Power Systems aims to enable all researchers in the field of electrical engineering to thoroughly understand the concepts of photovoltaic systems; find solutions to their problems; and choose the appropriate mathematical model for optimising photovoltaic energy.


Book Description

This book highlights peer reviewed articles from the 1st International Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion, ICREEC 2019, held at Oran in Algeria. It presents recent advances, brings together researchers and professionals in the area and presents a platform to exchange ideas and establish opportunities for a sustainable future. Topics covered in this proceedings, but not limited to, are photovoltaic systems, bioenergy, laser and plasma technology, fluid and flow for energy, software for energy and impact of energy on the environment.

Acta electronica

Book Description

Energy Transitions

Book Description

This book elucidates what it means to transition to alternative sources of energy and discusses the potential for this energy transition to be a more democratic process. The book dynamically describes a recent sociotechnical study of a number of energy transitions occurring in several countries - France, Germany and Tunisia, and involving different energy technologies - including solar, on/off-shore wind, smart grids, biomass, low-energy buildings, and carbon capture and storage. Drawing on a pragmatist tradition of social inquiry, the authors examine the consequences of energy transition processes for the actors and entities that are affected by them, as well as the spaces for political participation they offer. This critical inquiry is organised according to foundational categories that have defined the energy transition - ‘renewable’ energy resources, markets, economic instruments, technological demonstration, spatiality (‘scale’) and temporality (‘horizon(s)’). Using a set of select case studies, this book systematically investigates the role these categories play in the current developments in energy transitions.


Book Description

Clean Electricity From Photovoltaics

Book Description

Photovoltaic cells provide clean, reversible electrical power from the sun. Made from semiconductors, they are durable, silent in operation and free of polluting emissions. In this book, experts from all sectors of the PV community — materials scientists, physicists, production engineers, economists and environmentalists — give their critical appraisals of where the technology is now and what its prospects are./a