Proceedings RMRS.

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HABITAR CONVIVIR Y VIVIR - ARMONIZANDO LA GOVERNANCE DEL TERRITORIO. Análisis de las dinámicas territoriales y elaboración de propuestas integradas para la Auracania Lacustre

Book Description

Durante tales workshop, con una duración de cuatro semanas, los alumnos y docentes del Master afrontan, en terreno, en colaboración con el Centro de Desarrollo Local e Interculturalidad (CEDEL) de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (socio propuslor de la experiencia), las administraciones locales, las instituciones y las comunidades locales, prácticas sobre problemáticas concretas.El presente libro ilustra la 3ra experiencia aplicada de la 4ta edición del curso (a.a. 2011-2012) centrada en la creación de redes de tres Comunas (Villarrica, Pucón y Curarrehue) situadas en la Cuenca del Lago Villarrica en la Región de la Araucanía, Chile, donde se encuentran fuertes elementos sociales, económicos y ambientales, pero que carece de políticas integradas de desarrollo capaces de incluir activamente a las comunidades locales y direccionar al territorio hacia un modelo de desarrollo sostenible. El trabajo desarrollado representa la primera etapa de un proyecto estimulación territorial de tres años.

Psychology of Liberation

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Since the mid-1980s, the psychology of liberation movement has been a catalyst for collective and individual change in communities throughout Latin America, and beyond; and recent political developments are making its powerful, transformative ideas more relevant than ever before. Psychology of Liberation: Theory and Applications updates the activist frameworks developed by Ignacio Martin-Baro and Paulo Freire with compelling stories from the frontlines of conflict in the developing and developed worlds, as social science and psychological practice are allied with struggles for peace, justice, and equality. In these chapters, liberation is presented as both an ongoing process and a core dimension of wellbeing, entailing the reconstruction of social identity and the transformation of all parties involved, both oppressed and oppressors. It also expands the social consciousness of professionals, bringing more profound meaning to practice and enhancing related areas such as peace psychology, as shown in articles such as these: Philippines: the role of liberation movements in the transition to democracy. Venezuela: liberation psychology as a therapeutic intervention with street youth. South Africa: the movement for representational knowledge. Muslim world: religion, the state, and the gendering of human rights. Ireland: linking personal and political development. Australia: addressing issues of racism, identity, and immigration. Colombia: building cultures of peace from the devastation of war. Psychology of Liberation demonstrates the commitment to overcome social injustices and oppression. The book is a critical resource for social and community psychologists as well as policy analysts. It can also be used as a text for graduate courses in psychology, sociology, social work and community studies.

Cross Border Waters

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Brought together scientists & resource managers from government, universities, & private organizations in the U.S. & Mexico. Participants exchanged information on existing or potential cooperative projects, agency functions & programs, & issues concerning natural & cultural resource management in the border states. Sessions: ecotourism, recreation & partnership, wildlife biology & management, wetlands & watersheds, flora & vegetation, environmental education, cultural resources; water resources, fisheries, & protection & conservation. Contains 126 papers & abstracts, usually in English & Spanish.

Handbook of Social Movements across Latin America

Book Description

This handbook covers social movement activities in Latin American countries that have had profound consequences on the political culture of the region. It examines the developments of the past twenty years, such as a renewed upswing in popular mobilization, the ending of violent conflicts and military governments, new struggles and a relatively more democratic climate. It shows that, from southern Chiapas to Argentina, social movements in the 1990s and especially in the 2000s, have reached new heights of popular participation. There is a lack of research on the politics of this region in the contemporary era of globalization, this volume partially fills the void and offers a rich resource to students, scholars and the general public in terms of understanding the politics of mass mobilization in the early twenty-first century. The contributors each address social movement activity in their own nation and together they present a multidisciplinary perspective on the topic. Each chapter uses a case study design to bring out the most prominent attributes of the particular social struggle(s), for instance the main protagonists in the campaigns, the grievances of the population and the outcomes of the struggles. This Handbook is divided into seven substantive themes, providing overall coherence to a broad range of social conflicts across countries, issues and social groups. These themes include: 1) theory of Latin American social movements; 2) neoliberalism; 3) indigenous struggles; 4) women’s movements; 5) movements and the State; 6) environmental movements; and 7) transnational mobilizations.

Cross Border Waters

Book Description

Presents a series of scholary papers on environmental issues facing the Mexican American Border Region, presented at the 1998 U.S./Mexico Border States Conference on Recreation, Parks, and Wildlife in Tucson.