Confronting Equity Issues on Campus

Book Description

How can it be that 50 years after the passage of the Civil Rights Act, our institutions of higher education have still not found ways of reducing the higher education gaps for racial and ethnic groups? That is the question that informs and animates the Equity Scorecard model of organizational change. It shifts institutions’ focus from what students do (or fail to do) to what institutions can do—through their practices and structures, as well as the actions of their leaders and faculty—to produce equity in outcomes for racially marginalized populations. Drawing on the theory of action research, it creates a structure for practitioners to become investigators of their own institutional culture, to become aware of racial disparities, confront their own practices and learn how things are done on their own turf to ask: In what ways am I contributing to equity/inequity?The Equity Scorecard model differs significantly from traditional approaches to effecting change by creating institutional teams to examine and discuss internal data about student outcomes, disaggregated by race and ethnicity. The premise of the project is that institutional data acts as a powerful trigger for group learning about inequities in educational outcomes, and that the likelihood of improving those outcomes increases if the focus is on those things within the immediate control of the participating leaders and practitioners.Numerous institutions have successfully used The Equity Scorecard’s data tools and processes of self-reflection to uncover and document the behaviors and structures that lead to failure to retain and graduate students from diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds with a history of unequal opportunity; and to create the climate for faculty and staff to take ownership of the issues and develop sustainable practices to eliminate racial disparities in academic performance.The Scorecard can be used at a small-scale to analyze individual courses or programs, as well as broader institutional issues.This book presents the underlying concept of funds of knowledge for race-conscious expertise that informs this process, describes its underlying theories; defines the attributes needed to achieve equity-minded practice; demonstrates, through examples of implementation, what different institutions have learned, and what they have achieved; and provides a blueprint for action for higher education as a whole. For college leaders, instructors and support staff who feel the pressure—moral or otherwise—to close the racial equity gap that their institutions produce year after year, this book provides the structure, knowledge and tools to do so. It is also of value to scholars and students of higher education who have an interest in the study of organizational change.

Confronting Equity and Inclusion Incidents on Campus

Book Description

This timely book unpacks critical incidents occurring on college and university campuses across the nation. Featuring the voices of faculty, staff, and students, this edited volume offers an interdisciplinary exploration of contemporary diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) challenges at the intersections of race, class, gender, and socioeconomic status, while illuminating lessons learned and promising practices. The narratives in this book articulate contemporary challenges, unpack real events, and explore both failed and successful responses, ultimately shining a spotlight on emerging solutions and opportunities for change. Marrying theory and practice, Confronting Equity and Inclusion Incidents on Campus provides a framework for building more inclusive campuses that embody equity and the values of community. A key resource for professionals, students, and scholars of higher education, this volume provides understanding for fostering educational spaces that cultivate belonging among all members of higher education communities, including those historically underrepresented and marginalized.

Engaging the "Race Question"

Book Description

This book is for anyone who is challenged or troubled by the substantial disparities in college participation, persistence, and completion among racial and ethnic groups in the United States. As codirectors for the Center for Urban Education (CUE) at University of Southern California, coauthors Alicia Dowd and Estela Bensimon draw on their experience conducting CUE's Equity Scorecard, a comprehensive action reserach process that has been implemented at over 40 colleges and universities in the United States. They demonstrate what educators need to know and do to take an active role in racial equity work on their own campuses. Through case studies of college faculty, adminsitrators, and student affairs professionals engaged in inquiry using the Equity Scorecard, the book clarifies the "muddled conversation" that colleges and universities are having about equity. Synthesizing equity standards based on three theories of justice, justice as fairness, justice as care, and justice as tansformation, the authors provide strategies for enacting equity in practice on college campuses. Engaging the "Race Question" illustrates how practioner inquiry can be used to address the "race question" with wisdom and call on college leaders and educators to change the policies and practices that perpetuate institutional and structural racism, and provides a blueprint for doing so. This book: provides concrete examples of policy and practice for improving equity and postsecondary education; examines the role of individuals and groups in the change process; includes examples of action research tools from the Equity Scorecard; and offers strategies for professional development and organizaitonal change.

Confronting Racism in Higher Education

Book Description

Racism and ignorance churn on college campuses as surely as they do in society at large. Over the past fifteen years there have been many discussions regarding racism and higher education. Some of these focus on formal policies and dynamics such as Affirmative Action or The Dream Act, while many more discussions are happening in classrooms, dorm rooms and in campus communities. Of course, corollary to these conversations, some of which are generative and some of which are degenerative, is a deafening silence around how individuals and institutions can actually understand, engage and change issues related to racism in higher education. This lack of dialogue and action speaks volumes about individuals and organizations, and suggests a complicit acceptance, tolerance or even support for institutional and individual racism. There is much work to be done if we are to improve the situation around race and race relation in institutions of higher education. There is still much work to be done in unpacking and addressing the educational realities of those who are economically, socially, and politically underserved and oppressed by implicit and overt racism. These realities manifest in ways such as lack of access to and within higher education, in equitable outcomes and in a disparity of the quality of education as a student matriculates through the system. While there are occasional diversity and inclusion efforts made in higher education, institutions still largely address them as quotas, and not as paradigmatic changes. This focus on “counting toward equity rather” than “creating a culture of equity” is basically a form of white privilege that allows administrators and policymakers to show incremental “progress” and avoid more substantive action toward real equity that changes the culture(s) of institutions with longstanding racial histories that marginalize some and privilege others. Issues in higher education are still raced from white perspectives and suffer from a view that race and racism occur in a vacuum. Some literature suggests that racism begins very early in the student experience and continues all the way to college (Berlak & Moyenda). This mis-education, mislabeling and mistreatment based on race often develops as early as five to ten years old and “follows” them to postgraduate education and beyond.

Confronting Institutionalized Racism in Higher Education

Book Description

This book chronicles the experiences of faculty at predominantly white higher education institutions (PWI) by centering voices of racialized faculty across North America. The book offers strategies and implications for institutional reform and anti-racist faculty organizing/survival in academia.

Racial Equity on College Campuses

Book Description

The current socio-political moment—rife with racial tensions and overt bigotry—has exacerbated longstanding racial inequities in higher education. While educational scholars have developed conceptual tools and offered data-informed recommendations for rooting out racism in campus policies and practices, this work is largely inaccessible to the public. At the same time, practitioners and policymakers are increasingly called on to implement quick solutions to what are, in fact, profound, structural problems. Racial Equity on College Campuses bridges this gap, marshaling the expertise of nineteen scholars and practitioners to translate research-based findings into actionable recommendations in three key areas: university leadership, teaching and learning, and student and campus life. The strategies gathered here will prove useful to institutional actors engaged in both real-time and long-term decision-making across contexts—from the classroom to the boardroom.

Racism and Racial Equity in Higher Education

Book Description

What does it means to work toward racial equity in higher education in the 21st century? This monograph answers just that with a synthesis of theory, research, and evidence that illuminate the ways in which racism shapes higher education systems and the experiences of people who navigate them. Higher education leaders must move beyond vague notions of diversity and do the difficult work of pursuing systemic transformation and creating more inclusive environments in which racially diverse populations can thrive. Such work necessitates a deep understanding of the historic and contemporary role of racism in shaping postsecondary access and opportunity. This work will be of interest to those who recognize how advancing racial equity benefits all members of the campus community and larger society. This is the 1st issue of the 42nd volume of the Jossey-Bass series ASHE Higher Education Report. Each monograph is the definitive analysis of a tough higher education issue, based on thorough research of pertinent literature and institutional experiences. Topics are identified by a national survey. Noted practitioners and scholars are then commissioned to write the reports, with experts providing critical reviews of each manuscript before publication.

Diversity and Inclusion on Campus

Book Description

As scholars and practitioners in higher education attempt to embrace and lead diversity efforts, it is imperative that they have an understanding of the issues that affect historically underrepresented students. Using an intersectional approach that connects the categories of race, class, and gender, Diversity and Inclusion on Campus comprehensively covers the range of college experiences, from gaining access to higher education to successfully persisting through degree programs. Authors Winkle-Wagner and Locks bridge research, theory, and practice related to the ways that peers, faculty, administrators, and institutions can and do influence racially and ethnically underrepresented students’ experiences. This book is an invaluable resource for future and current higher education and student affairs practitioners working toward full inclusion and participation for all students in higher education. Special features: Chapter Case Studies—cases written by on-the-ground practitioners help readers make meaningful connections between theory, research, and practice. Coverage of Theory and Research—each chapter provides a systematic treatment of the literature and research related to underrepresented students’ experiences of getting into college, getting through college, and getting out of college. Discussion Questions—questions encourage practitioners and researchers to explore concepts in more depth, consider best practices, and make connections to their own contexts.

Confronting Antisemitism on Campus

Book Description

Confronting Antisemitism on Campus allows higher education professionals to dive in and consider how their roles on campus impact Jewish students, faculty, and staff. Through personal anecdotes, case studies, scholarly research, and historical references, this seminal work provides contextual understanding for the experiences of Jewish and non-Jewish professionals on campuses. Divided into five segments, each section of the book provides an in-depth understanding for a variety of issues transpiring on campus related to Jewish community members.

Disrupting the Culture of Silence

Book Description

CHOICE 2015 Outstanding Academic TitleWhat do women academics classify as challenging, inequitable, or “hostile” work environments and experiences? How do these vary by women’s race/ethnicity, rank, sexual orientation, or other social locations?How do academic cultures and organizational structures work independently and in tandem to foster or challenge such work climates?What actions can institutions and individuals–independently and collectively–take toward equity in the academy?Despite tremendous progress toward gender equality and equity in institutions of higher education, deep patterns of discrimination against women in the academy persist. From the “chilly climate” to the “old boys’ club,” women academics must navigate structures and cultures that continue to marginalize, penalize, and undermine their success.This book is a “tool kit” for advancing greater gender equality and equity in higher education. It presents the latest research on issues of concern to them, and to anyone interested in a more equitable academy. It documents the challenging, sometimes hostile experiences of women academics through feminist analysis of qualitative and quantitative data, including narratives from women of different races and ethnicities across disciplines, ranks, and university types. The contributors’ research draws upon the experiences of women academics including those with under-examined identities such as lesbian, feminist, married or unmarried, and contingent faculty. And, it offers new perspectives on persistent issues such as family policies, pay and promotion inequalities, and disproportionate service burdens. The editors provide case studies of women who have encountered antagonistic workplaces, and offer action steps, best practices, and more than 100 online resources for individuals navigating similar situations. Beyond women in academe, this book is for their allies and for administrators interested in changing the climates, cultures, and policies that allow gender inequality to exist on their campuses, and to researchers/scholars investigating these phenomena. It aims to disrupt complacency amongst those who claim that things are “better” or “good enough” and to provide readers with strategies and resources to counter barriers created by culture, climate, or institutional structures.