Conquering Barrenness

Book Description

Fruitfulness is part of God's inheritance for every Believer. In the beginning when God created everything, He established the principle of multiplication.Everything God created has an invisible seed with instruction to multiply after its kind.So God said, "Let the earth sprout [tender] [a]vegetation, [b]plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit according to (limited to, consistent with) their kind, whose seed is in them upon the earth"; and it was so.So God created the great sea monsters, all kinds of creatures that live in the water, and all kinds of birds. And God was pleased with what he saw. He blessed them all and told the creatures that live in the water to reproduce and to fill the sea, and he told the birds to increase in number.God again instructed the earth to bring forth living creatures after its kind. And God said Gen 1:24When man was about to be created, his case was brought before the council of the Godhead for deliberation. God needed His representation on earth. In man, therefore, God registered Himself on earth with an instruction to be fruitful, and to multiply after his kind.Barrenness is a curse; it is not part of God's plan for man. It was introduced into the system of man as a result of sin. The bible says in the book of Galatians 3:13. But by becoming a curse for us Christ has redeemed us from the curse that the Law brings; for the scripture says, "Anyone who is hanged on a tree is under God's curse." Your understanding of the redemptive package and your connection to the living God of fruitfulness produces a living miracle.

Barren No More

Book Description

You've been trying to have a baby for years, to no avail. It's almost as if your fertility is locked up and the key is no where to be found. What if there was a key? Would you want to know what it is? What if the entanglements in our hearts had something to do with our bodies and how they work or perhaps don't work? In fact, the Bible tells us that they do. Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks in his heart, so he is. It's time to get untangled and set free so that new life can spring forth from within us. It's time to be abundantly fruitful! "Barren No More" is revealing and eye opening truth for bold believers who are pressing through barrenness to fruitfulness in Christ Jesus. This book is full of new strategy and big bold prayers to grab hold of your miracle!

Prayers Against Barrenness

Book Description

Barrenness can affect more than having children, it can steal a man's dreams, and his whole life. Learn more about it, how to avoid it, and how to pray against it if it lands in your life. Barrenness as it relates to fruit of the body, is addressed in Book 2, Fruit of the Womb, Prayers Against Barrenness.

Conquering Infertility

Book Description

Infertility is a heartbreaking condition that affects nine million American couples each year. It causes tremendous stress, can trigger debilitating sadness and depression, and can tear a marriage to shreds. In Conquering Infertility, Harvard psychologist Alice Domar—whom Vogue calls the “Fertility Goddess”—provides infertile couples with what they need most: stress relief, support, and hope. Using the innovative mind/body techniques she has perfected at her clinic, Domar helps infertile women not only regain control over their lives but also boost their chances of becoming pregnant. With Conquering Infertility, women learn how to cope with infertility in a much more positive way and to carve a path toward a rich, full, happy life.

You Cannot Be Barren

Book Description

Barrenness is a disease which can be very painful to whoever suffers from it. Yet the pain is difficult to express. The shame barrenness brings can lead to a deplorable life which makes the person become isolated. While trying to solve this problem you will meet with all kinds of trials and insults. As a Christian you need not go through all these problems. You Cannot Be Barren book series is written to uplift the minds of every individual who is suffering from dearth in all human aspects, be it fruitfulness, or any other pressing needs. The book series makes you understand that barrenness is not of God and that every trial and tribulation has its expiration if only one is born-again. The Book You Cannot Be Barren is written in six volumes and they are written to show you how you can conquer all types of barrenness. In this Volume 4 we looked at the various ways that the enemy uses to attack people with barrenness and give the Scriptures that can be used in confessions against it in each case. For each case we also gave sample confessions that you can use. If you truly believe in your confessions and have processed them through meditation long enough for them to become revealed RHEMA words of God to you embedded in your spirit then getting over any form of barrenness will be very easy for you. You will not have to struggle with barrenness.

No More Barrenness

Book Description

The main purpose of this book is to expose all to the simple fact that barrenness is not for children of God; hence the threat of barrenness over his children is baseless; to be absolutely waved out.The book is truly simple and original, down to the root of the case. It is a powerful spiritual therapy for barrenness; teaching and deliverance prayers on marital and business fruitfulness. I recommend this book to all barrens, teachers of the word, and children of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Barrenness: the Way Out

Book Description


Conquering the Highlands

Book Description

Deforestation of Scotland began millennia ago and by the early 20th century woodland cover was down to about 6 per cent of the total land area. A century later woodland cover had tripled. Most of the newly established forestry plantations were created on elevated land with wet peaty soils and high wind exposure, not exactly the condition in which forests naturally thrive. Jan Oosthoek tells in this book the story of how 20th century foresters devised ways to successfully reforest the poor Scottish uplands, land that was regarded as unplantable, to fulfil the mandate they had received from the Government and wider society to create a timber reserve. He raises the question whether the adopted forestry practice was the only viable means to create forests in the Scottish Highlands by examining debates within the forestry community about the appearance of the forests and their longterm ecological prospects. Finally, the book argues that the long held ecological convictions among foresters and pressure from environmentalists came together in the late 20th century to create more environmentally sensitive forestry.

Conquering the Antichrist Spirit

Book Description

This prophetic author, with the gift of discerning of spirits, focuses here on the antichrist spirit, system, and structure. This is not conjecture on the identity of the Antichrist! But specific antichrist strongholds, she says, have infiltrated the thoughts and belief systems even of Christians, preventing them (like the twelve tribes of Israel) from entering their Promised Land.