Controlling the Growth of Monetary Aggregates

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Karl Brunner Monetary affairs have preoccupied observers over the ages. In the middle of the 14th century, the chaos in the French currency system after many rounds of currency debasement attracted comments expressing helpless confusion. Goethe's Mephistopheles convinced the imperial court to inflate with paper money "for the benefit of the public" and to satisfy all the demands on the government's largesse. Our century is no exception. The massive technological improvement in creating money has contributed to hyperinflationary experiences never before recorded in history. These events occurred, however, in the political disarray following major wars. More important are the persistent pe ace time failures of our monetary institutions. A massive worldwide deflation, centered in the United States and Germany, imposed a tragic social and political fate on Western societies. Similarly, the sequence of a worldwide inflation followed by deflation observed over the past 15 years has fostered disruptive economic and political conditions. The monetary disarray experienced throughout history was crucially influenced by the prevailing monetary arrangements. These arrangements determine the level and movement of the nation's money stock over time. Under the circumstances, the political issue confronting us bears on the useful choice of monetary arrangements. This choice should involve institutions that prohibit both massive deflation and persistent inflation.

Controlling Monetary Aggregates

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Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston. Includes bibliographical references. * reclass correction nas_batch 20090820.

Improving Money Stock Control

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On October 30-31,1981, the Center for the Study of American Business and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis cosponsored their sixth annual conference, "Improving Money Stock Control: Problems, Solutions, and Consequences." This book contains the papers and comments delivered at that conference. The Federal Reserve System has moved, over the last decade, toward setting policy in terms of explicit and publicly announced monetary aggre gate targets - specifically, growth ranges for alternative measures of the money supply. This conference, as the title suggests, was wide ranging in its discussions of monetary control. But rather than dealing with the merits of monetary aggregate targeting, its focus was instead on solving the problems associated with, and evaluating the consequences of, im proved monetary control. The initial paper outlines the current operating procedures followed by the Federal Reserve and suggests reforms to improve monetary control. The following three discussion papers in Part I critically examine the Fed's operating procedures. The two papers in Part II discuss the experi ence of other countries with monetary aggregate targeting - the United Kingdom and Switzerland, respectively - and Part III examines the con sequences of improved monetary control.

Financial Innovation and the Control of Monetary Aggregates

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This paper presents an empirical test of the proposition that control of a monetary aggregate will generate a rise in its velocity.The test is carried out utilizing the Canadian experience of controlling Ml growth from 1975:3 to 1982:3. Section One of the paper presents evidence of the instability of the Canadian demand from Ml money since 1975:3. Section Two develops a specific form of the proposition which emphasizes the role of asset substitution between classes of chartered bank deposits. A relative asset demand equation is derived from a wealth maximization model subject to a technological transactions constraint and this equation is estimated from 1961 through 1982.The results lend support to the proposition that central bank control of Ml generated a rise in Ml velocity.

Monetary Aggregates as Targets

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In the mid-1970s the Bank of Canada, along with a number of other central banks, began to set explicit targets for monetary growth and to emphasize the long-run role of monetary aggregates in controlling the rapid upward trend of prices. There are three distinct ways of viewing and interpreting a policy of setting growth targets for monetary aggregates. The first is associated with the work of William Poole, the second is derived from the reduced-form model initially developed at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and the third, which the author has labeled the feedback- rule approach, is related to the techniques developed within central banks to implement the policy of monetary targeting. In this paper the author sets forth the logic and examines the implications of these three methods when the principal aim of policy is reducing the rate of inflation. He also examines the question of gradualist versus "cold-shower" policies and the criteria for selecting a monetary aggregate as a policy target.

Global Liquidity through the Lens of Monetary Aggregates

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This paper examines how the financial activities of non-financial corporates (NFCs) in international markets potentially affects domestic monetary aggregates and financial conditions. Monetary aggregates reflect, in part, the activities of NFCs, who channel capital market financing into the domestic banking system, thereby influencing funding conditions and credit availability. Periods of capital inflows are also those when the domestic currency is appreciating, and such periods of rapid exchange rate appreciation coincide with increases in the central bank’s foreign exchange reserves, increasing the stock of narrow money. The paper examines economic significance of cross-country panel data on monetary aggregates and other measures of non-core bank liabilities. Non-core liabilities that reflect the activities of NFCs reflect broad credit conditions and predict global trade and growth.