National Union Catalog

Book Description

Includes entries for maps and atlases.

Multilateral Treaty Calendar

Book Description

This calendar, with illustrations, is a reference service focusing on multilateral treaties concluded by more than two parties. It covers a period of almost 350 years of multilateral diplomacy, from the Peace of Westphalia of 1648 to the end of 1995. It lists chronologically all multilateral treaties concluded during that period, provides information on the location of their printed text in various collections (with parallel citations), adds data on duration, depository arrangements, & status, & provides extensive notes on their amendment, modification, extension, termination, & other details (with related references). It ends with appendices & a detailed index.

European Yearbook / Annuaire Europeen 1968

Book Description

The "European Yearbook promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Each volume contains a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date chart providing a clear overview of the member states of each organisation. Each volume contains a comprehensive bibliography covering the year's relevant publications.

Space Law

Book Description

The opening of space to exploration and use has had profound effects on society. Remote sensing by satellite has improved meteorology, land use and the monitoring of the environment. Satellite television immediately informs us visually of events in formerly remote locations, as well as providing many entertainment channels. World telecommunication facilities have been revolutionised. Global positioning has improved transport. This book examines the varied elements of public law that lie behind and regulate the use of space. It also makes suggestions for the development and improvement of the law, particularly as private enterprise plays an increasing role in space.

Sessional Papers

Book Description

Papers by command

Book Description

Annuaire Européen

Book Description

La publication de ce Dixieme Volume marque une etape dans l'histoire de l'Annuaire Europeen. C'est en juin 1953 que le Comite des Ministres du Conseil de l'Europe approuvait une pro position presentee par mon eminent et regrette predecesseur, feu Leon MARCHAL, et mise au point par un autre grand Europeen, feu M. Amold STRUYCKEN, premier Directeur politique et deu xieme Greffier de l'Assemblee du Conseil de l'Europe. La pre paration de ce projet fut facilitee grâce au concours du Dr. B. LANDHEER, Directeur de la Bibliotheque du Palais de la Paix a La Haye, qui est maintenant le Redacteur en Chef de l'Annuaire et celui de la maison d'edition Martinus NIJHOFF qui a toujours publie cet ouvrage avec beaucoup de soin et de distinction. La Resolution du Comite des Ministres, en date du 30 juin 1953, stipulait que l'Annuaire Europeen serait consacre a l'etude objective des organisations intemationales europeennes et de leurs travaux, sous la responsabilite d'un Comite de Redaction independant, sans caractere officiel ou politique, qui s'inter dirait de formuler des opinions sur aucun aspect des affaires intemationales. Le premier President de ce Comite de Redaction etait Lord LA YTON, publiciste connu, militant europeen et, pendant de longues annees, Vice-President de l'AssembIee Consultative.

Annuaire Européen Vol. Xii European Yearbook

Book Description

The term EUROVISION, invented-by pure chance-only a few years ago, is now familiar to millions. What the name covers is the subject of this paper. EUROVISION is not the name of an organisation or company, but rather an emblem. It signifies international co-operation in television programme exchanges within the framework of the European Broad casting Union - or rather the most spectacular element of that Co-oper ation. It appears conspicuously at the head of programmes relayed by several countries. To understand the full extent of this co-operation, it is best to look at the wider field covered by the structure and working of the European Broadcasting Union itself. The European Broadcasting Union is a professional association, grouping Western European radio-television organisations as active members, with organisations in other continents as associate members. It is financed by contributions from its members. Questions of principle, management and financial responsibility come under the Administrative Council or the General Assembly (from which it is elected) - in which the Directors-General of the several organisations are represented. The present Chairman is M. RoDIN6 of Italy who succeeded M. RYDBECK of Sweden. Four Committees are responsible for preparatory studies and routine problems: the Legal, the Technical, the Programme and the Sound Broadcasting Committees, which group the specialist Service Directors.

General Catalogue of Printed Books

Book Description

European Yearbook / Annuaire Europeen 1962

Book Description

The "European Yearbook" promotes the scientific study of nineteen European supranational organisations and the OECD. The series offers a detailed survey of the history, structure and yearly activities of each organisation and an up-to-date overview of the member states of each organisation. This special anniversary volume celebrates 60 years of publication of the Yearbook, and its contents differs from that of the regular volumes therefore. It offers a selection of the most important articles, dealing with European cooperation and integration, to appear in the Yearbook during its 60 years of publication. These are of particular interest not only because they provide a unique historical snapshot of the many successes (and occasional failures) in the field of European integration but also because they discuss the ideals and aims that lay behind these efforts, many of which still resonate today as Europe confronts questions about its political destiny and ideal shape. This volume contains articles in English and French."