Conversaciones literarias con novelistas contemporáneos

Book Description

Entrevistas con Ricardo Piglia y ocho eminentes escritores españoles: Antonio Muñoz Molina, Juan José Millás, José María Merino, Enrique Vila-Matas, Quim Monzó, Cristina Fernández Cubas, Pedro Zarraluki y Ray Loriga. Van precedidas de ensayos que se centran en la obra de cada autor, de una introducción general, donde se presentan los temas tratados, y las acompaña una bibliografía detallada.

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language

Book Description

The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language brings together contributions from leading linguists, educators and Latino Studies scholars involved in teaching and working with Spanish heritage language speakers. This state-of-the-art overview covers a range of topics within five broad areas: Spanish in U.S. public life, Spanish heritage language use and systems, educational contexts, Latino studies perspectives and Spanish outside the U.S. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language addresses for the first time the linguistic, educational and social aspects of heritage Spanish speakers in one volume making it an indispensable reference for anyone working with Spanish as a heritage language.

Gramática española

Book Description

Gramática española: Variación social presenta conceptos gramaticales claves de la lengua española a los alumnos intermedios y avanzados de una manera que enfatiza las conexiones entre lo social y lo lingüístico. Esta segunda edición ofrece varios puntos de gramática nuevos y sugerencias de lecturas adicionales. Otro componente nuevo de esta edición es el sitio web que incluye actividades y ejercicios que cubren los temas principales del libro de texto. El sitio web también provee amplias oportunidades para practicar las estructuras gramaticales. Este libro de texto, que está escrito en español, ofrece un repaso de la gramática a través de una presentación de variantes comunes alrededor del mundo hispanohablante, seguida por una explicación de las razones sociohistóricas por las cuales algunas variedades llegan a ser consideradas prestigiosas mientras otras no lo son. Utilizando el habla natural a partir de datos de corpora, Gramática española examina múltiples rasgos gramaticales que varían según factores como el lugar, el grupo social y el contexto. Los estudiantes aprenden la terminología especializada para que puedan identificar categorías y construcciones gramaticales, acabando con una visión clara de cómo los factores sociolingüísticos influyen en la gramática del español. El libro está diseñado para estudiantes del nivel B1 o más avanzado en el Common European Framework for Languages y del nivel intermedio-alto al nivel avanzado-alto de la escala de competencia de ACTFL. Gramática española: Variación social introduces key grammatical concepts in the Spanish language to intermediate and advanced level learners in a way that emphasizes the connections between the social and the linguistic. This second edition offers several new grammar points and suggestions for further reading. A brand-new component of this edition is its accompanying website featuring extensive activities and exercises covering all the main topics in the textbook. The website also provides comprehensive practice with grammatical structures. Written in Spanish, the textbook offers a review of Spanish grammar by presenting documented variants of linguistic features in the speech of Spanish speakers and underlining the sociohistorical reasons why some varieties come to be considered prestigious while others are not. Using naturally occurring speech from data in research corpora, Gramática española examines multiple grammatical features that vary depending on factors such as place, social group, and situation. Students are introduced to specialized terminology that gives them the ability to identify categories and grammatical constructions, providing them with an in-depth understanding of how sociolinguistic factors influence Spanish grammar. This unique textbook is designed for students at level B1 or higher on the Common European Framework for Languages, and Intermediate High to Advanced High on the ACTFL proficiency scale.

When We Hear Them

Book Description

This book puts forward practical tools and applicable theories for enhancing the listening skills and pedagogical approaches of teachers and educators in the context of language-minoritized and multilingual learners. What does it mean for us to really hear them? How can we more fully facilitate inviting, celebratory, and sustaining learning spaces? What listening skills should the faculty who prepare pre-service teachers for linguistically diverse classrooms impart? By asking these questions, we seek to upend deficit models of language learning and usage in order to attune practitioner-scholars to the powerful voices of language-diverse students in our classrooms, schools, and communities. This book is organized into three parts to help practitioner-scholars explore the space where theory meets practice to amplify the voices of languageminoritized learners. ENDORSEMENT: "Listening is a thread that runs through this fine book. Offering an expansive view of language teaching in the US and across the globe, this engaging volume raises questions, explores dilemmas, and offers concrete ideas for both practitioners and scholars for listening and teaching. In addition to traditional research studies, this volume brings the voices and lives of the teachers and their commitments to equity and justice into the center of the writing, often providing exquisite and touching stories about teaching and learning. This book calls upon our curiosity and our humanity, encouraging critical reflection and action." — Kathy Schultz, University of Colorado

Spanish-English Codeswitching in the Caribbean and the US

Book Description

This volume provides a sample of the most recent studies on Spanish-English codeswitching both in the Caribbean and among bilinguals in the United States. In thirteen chapters, it brings together the work of leading scholars representing diverse disciplinary perspectives within linguistics, including psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics, theoretical linguistics, and applied linguistics, as well as various methodological approaches, such as the collection of naturalistic oral and written data, the use of reading comprehension tasks, the elicitation of acceptability judgments, and computational methods. The volume surpasses the limits of different fields in order to enable a rich characterization of the cognitive, linguistic, and socio-pragmatic factors that affect codeswitching, therefore, leading interested students, professors, and researchers to a better understanding of the regularities governing Spanish-English codeswitches, the representation and processing of codeswitches in the bilingual brain, the interaction between bilinguals’ languages and their mutual influence during linguistic expression.

Marxismo norteamericano (American Marxism Spanish Edition)

Book Description

BESTSELLER #1 DEL NEW YORK TIMES Mark R. Levin, autor seis veces bestseller #1 del New York Times, estrella de Fox News y presentador de radio, regresa para explicar cómo aquellos peligros sobre los que nos advirtió hace una década finalmente han ocurrido…y lo que se debe hacer ahora para hacerlos retroceder. Mark R. Levin movilizó a los conservadores en 2009 con Libertad y tiranía, el cual brindó un marco filosófico, histórico y práctico para detener el ataque liberal contra los valores basados en la Constitución, que hizo su aparición durante los años de Obama. Ese libro hablaba de que estábamos parados frente al precipicio del ataque del progresismo a nuestras libertades, desde la economía hasta la atención médica, y desde el calentamiento global hasta la inmigración. Ahora, más de una década después, hemos ido más allá de ese precipicio…y estamos pagando el precio. En Marxismo norteamericano, Levin explica cómo hoy en día los elementos centrales de la ideología marxista se han generalizado en la sociedad y la cultura estadounidenses—desde nuestras instituciones educativas, la prensa y las corporaciones hasta Hollywood, el partido Demócrata y la presidencia de Biden—y cómo a menudo se la disfraza con rótulos engañosos como “progresismo,” “socialismo democrático,” “activismo social,” y “activismo comunitario”. Con su característico análisis incisivo, Levin se sumerge en la psicología y las tácticas de estos movimientos de masas, el extendido lavado de cerebro de estudiantes, los propósitos antiestadounidenses de la Teoría Crítica de la Raza y del Green New Deal y la escalada de represión y censura para silenciar a voces opositoras e imponer la conformidad. Levin expone a un gran número de instituciones, intelectuales, académicos y activistas que lideran esta revolución, y nos brinda algunas respuestas e ideas sobre cómo confrontarlos. Como escribe Levin: “La contrarrevolución a la Revolución norteamericana está en pleno vigor. Y ya no puede ser desestimada ni ignorada, porque está devorando a nuestra sociedad y a nuestra cultura, rondando en nuestras vidas cotidianas y omnipresente en nuestra política, en nuestras escuelas, en los medios y en la industria del entretenimiento”. Y, tal como hizo antes, Levin busca unir al pueblo estadounidense para que defienda su libertad.

The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition

Book Description

A comprehensive, current review of the research and approaches to advanced proficiency in second language acquisition The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition offers an overview of the most recent and scientific-based research concerning higher proficiency in second language acquisition (SLA). With contributions from an international team of experts in the field, the Handbook presents several theoretical approaches to SLA and offers an examination of advanced proficiency from the viewpoint of various contexts and dimensions of second language performance. The authors also review linguistic phenomena among advanced learners through the lens of phonology and grammar development. Comprehensive in scope, this book provides an overview of advanced proficiency grounded in socially-relevant domains of second language acquisition including discourse, reading, genre-based writing, and pragmatic competence. The authoritative volume brings together the theoretical accounts of advanced language use combined with solid empirical research. Includes contributions from an international collection of noted scholars in the field of second language acquisition Offers a variety of theoretical approaches to SLA Contains information on the most recent empirical research that contributes to an understanding of SLA Describes performance phenomena according to multiple approaches to SLA Written for scholars, students and linguists, The Handbook of Advanced Proficiency in Second Language Acquisition is a comprehensive text that offers the most recent developments in the study of advanced proficiency in the acquisition of a second language.

IntraLatino Language and Identity

Book Description

The increasing diversity of the U.S. Latino population has given rise to a growing population of “mixed” Latinos. This is a study of such individuals raised in Chicago, Illinois who have one Mexican parent and one Puerto Rican parent, most of whom call themselves “MexiRicans.” Given that these two varieties of Spanish exhibit highly salient differences, these speakers can be said to experience intrafamilial dialect contact. The book first explores the lexicon, discourse marker use, and phonological features among two generations of over 70 MexiRican speakers, finding several connections to parental dialect, neighborhood demographics, and family dynamics. Drawing from critical mixed race theory, it then examines MexiRicans’ narratives about their ethnic identity, including the role of Spanish features in the ways in which they are accepted or challenged by monoethnic, monodialectal Mexicans and Puerto Ricans both in Chicago and abroad. These findings contribute to our understandings of dialect contact, U.S. Spanish, and the role of language in ethnic identity.


Book Description

Language Ideologies and Linguistic Identity in Heritage Language Learning

Book Description

Language Ideologies and Linguistic Identity in Heritage Language Learning addresses the ways in which discourses about language value and identities of linguistic expertise are constructed and negotiated in the Spanish heritage language (HL) classroom, and how the classroom discourse shapes, and is shaped by, the world outside of the classroom. The volume examines the sociopolitical contexts, personal histories, and communicative practices of Spanish teachers and students in two diverse geographic regions: the US states of Texas and Kansas. Adopting an integrated sociocultural approach, it considers the ways in which individuals draw from multiple linguistic resources and social practices in daily interaction and how they articulate their beliefs about language through storytelling. Rich interactional data, examples from social media, and stories of community engagement are utilized to demonstrate how Spanish heritage speakers use language creatively and proactively to legitimize and claim power in their home and community linguistic practices. This is an invaluable resource for applied linguists who seek to better understand the relationship between language, ideology, and identity and for graduate students and researchers in the fields of linguistics, Spanish, and HL education.