Convexity and Sheepskin Effects in the Human Capital Earnings Function

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Data on education in the Philippines show that there are large differences in the private rate of return to education by level: the wage premia associated with an additional year of schooling are about twice as large at the university level as they are at the primary school level. In addition, there are large "sheepskin effects." Completion of the last year of schooling within a given level is rewarded disproportionately, particularly for university graduates.

Convexity and Sheepskin Effects in the Human Capital Earnings Function

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A revised version was published as Convexity and Sheepskin Effects in the Human Capital Earnings Function: Recent Evidence for Filipino Men. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 65 (2), May 2003.Data on education in the Philippines show that there are large differences in the private rate of return to education by level: the wage premia associated with an additional year of schooling are about twice as large at the university level as they are at the primary school level. In addition, there are large sheepskin effects. Completion of the last year of schooling within a given level is rewarded disproportionately, particularly for university graduates.Much attention has been paid to the issue of possible nonlinearities in the relationship between log wages and schooling in the literature on both the United States and developing countries. Schady uses data from a recent household survey for the Philippines, the 1998 Annual Poverty Indicator Survey, to test the fit of the log-linear specification for Filipino men. He presents results based on various estimation strategies, including spline regressions and semi-parametric regressions with a large number of dummy variables for years of schooling and experience. He concludes that:- There appear to be large differences between rates of return to education across different levels in the Philippines. The wage premia for both primary and secondary education are significantly smaller than those for tertiary education.- Within each level - primary, secondary, and university - the last year of schooling is disproportionately rewarded in higher wages. That is, there appear to be clear sheepskin effects associated with graduation.This paper - a product of the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Sector Unit, East Asia and Pacific Region - is part of a larger effort in the region to understand the links between education, earnings, and welfare.

Securities Clearance and Settlement Systems

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How to assess securities clearance and settlement systems, based on international standards and best practices.

how accession to the european union has affected external trade and forigen direct investment in central european economics

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During the Central European countries' reintegration into the world economy, their proximity and accession to the European Union greatly affected first the flow of capital and then the flow of goods. Countries that adopted radical liberal reform and had preferential access to EU markets have benefited most, attracting foreign direct investment and drawing multinational corporations relocating their production sites.

Trade Policy, Standards, and Development in Central America

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Faster economic growth and expansion of exports in Central America in the 21st century will depend on many factors. These include efficient and modern standards systems and an end to technical barriers to trade. Regional efforts can be an efficient way to modernize standards systems.

How Adverse Selection Affects the Health Insurance Market

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There may be a price to pay (in terms of inefficient coverage) if competition among health insurers is encouraged as a way to give patients greater choice and to achieve better control over insurance providers.

The Gender Implications of Public Sector Downsizing

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Men and women may be affected differently by the transition from central planning to a market economy and especially by the privatization and restructuring of state-owned enterprises. In Vietnam during the massive downsizing in the early 1990s, many more women than men were laid off. But in the downsizing in the early part of this decade women are less likely than men to be retrenched in large numbers.

Accelerating Catch-up

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This book lays out a rationale, provides supporting evidence, and suggests promising pathways for Sub-Saharan Africa to sustain current economic growth by aligning its tertiary education systems with national economic strategies and labor market needs.

Diagnosing the Philippine Economy

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'Diagnosing the Philippine Economy' describes the conditions that depress economic growth in the Philippine economy and their causes and potential solutions. The studies' findings provide insight for politicians, academicians, and economists into the issues and their potential solutions.