Convivir en Igualdad. Prevención de Violencia Masculina Hacia Las Mujeres en Todas Las Etapas Educativas

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La Coeducación promueve nuevos valores para erradicar la desigualdad sexista y la injusticia que supone hacia las mujeres. Propone construir identidades personales, dese las que se pueda compartir la autoridad y el cuidado, que repudien la desigualdad sexista y el corporativismo masculino, que cultiven el desarrollo y la autonomía personal en solidaridad, que se comprometan con los Derechos de la Humanidad.

A vueltas con la violencia

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Este libro constituye una herramienta para acercarse a la violencia de género, cualquiera que sea el punto de partida. Se aborda desde campos muy distintos del saber, para que cada uno arroje un poco de luz y se pueda obtener una visión de conjunto, una perspectiva global que nos explique esta aparente sinrazón, que nos saque de la mirada fragmentada que impide ver.Trata sobre la violencia de género, sus causas y efectos, el problema de salud que representa, la intervención psicológica, la asistencia social, la prevención de la violencia masculina hacia las mujeres a través de la educación, el papel de las Fuerzas y Cuerpos de Seguridad y la legislación para combatirla.Esta violencia no sólo afecta a las mujeres, son muchos los y las menores que la sufren. Por eso se les dedica una atención especial en este libro que concluye con un estudio sobre el interés superior del menor.La violencia de género afecta a las mujeres, a sus hijas e hijos, a los familiares, a las amistades. Afecta a toda la sociedad. Son muchas las vidas destrozadas. Tenemos la obligación moral de implicarnos, de adoptar modelos de masculinidad y femineidad que potencien un desarrollo integral de la persona, que fomenten relaciones basadas en el respeto, en la libertad y en la igualdad.

A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences

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This book reports on a three-year project (2017-2019) funded by the International Science Council and involving eleven scientific partner organizations. The main goal of the project was to investigate the gender gap in STEM disciplines from different angles, globally and across disciplines. We have performed (i) a global survey of scientists with more than 32,000 responses; (ii) an investigation of the effect of gender in millions of scientific publications; and (iii) the compilation of best-practice initiatives that address the gender gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences at various levels. We conclude that the gender gap is very real in science and mathematics. We present methodologies, insights, and tools that have been developed throughout the project, as well as a set of recommendations for different audiences: instructors and parents; educational institutions; scientific unions and other organizations responsible for science policy.

Gender Violence

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The approach of the year 2000 has made the study of apocalyptic movements trendy. But groups anticipating the end of the world will continue to predict Armageddon even after the calendar clicks to triple 0s. A Doomsday Reader brings together pronouncements, edicts, and scriptures written by prominent apocalyptic movements from a wide range of traditions and ideologies to offer an exceptional look into their belief systems. Focused on attaining paradise, millenarianism often anticipates great, cosmic change. While most think of religious belief as motivating such fervor, Daniels' comparative approach encompasses secular movements such as environmentalism and the Montana Freemen, and argues that such groups are often more political than religious in nature. The book includes documents from groups such as the Branch Davidians, the Order of the Solar Temple, Heaven's Gate, and white supremacists. Each document is preceded by a substantive introduction placing the movement and its beliefs in context. This important overview of contemporary politics of the End will remain a valuable resource long after the year 2000 has come and gone.

Transformative Approaches to Sustainable Development at Universities

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This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.

A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish

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A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish has been fully revised and updated, including over 500 new entries, making it an invaluable resource for students of Spanish. Based on a new web-based corpus containing more than 2 billion words collected from 21 Spanish-speaking countries, the second edition of A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish provides the most expansive and up-to-date guidelines on Spanish vocabulary. Each entry is accompanied with an illustrative example and full English translation. The Dictionary provides a rich resource for language teaching and curriculum design, while a separate CD version provides the full text in a tab-delimited format ideally suited for use by corpus and computational linguistics. With entries arranged both by frequency and alphabetically, A Frequency Dictionary of Spanish enables students of all levels to get the most out of their study of vocabulary in an engaging and efficient way.

Disciplined Mind

Book Description

This brilliant and revolutionary theory of multiple intelligences reexamines the goals of education to support a more educated society for future generations. Howard Gardner’s concept of multiple intelligences has been hailed as perhaps the most profound insight into education since the work of Jerome Bruner, Jean Piaget, and even John Dewey. Here, in The Disciplined Mind, Garner pulls together the threads of his previous works and looks beyond such issues as charters, vouchers, unions, and affirmative action in order to explore the larger questions of what constitutes an educated person and how this can be achieved for all students. Gardner eloquently argues that the purpose of K–12 education should be to enhance students’ deep understanding of the truth (and falsity), beauty (and ugliness), and goodness (and evil) as defined by their various cultures. By exploring the theory of evolution, the music of Mozart, and the lessons of the Holocaust as a set of examples that illuminates the nature of truth, beauty, and morality, The Disciplined Mind envisions how younger generations will rise to the challenges of the future—while preserving the traditional goals of a “humane” education. Gardner’s ultimate goal is the creation of an educated generation that understands the physical, biological, and societal world in their own personal context as well as in a broader world view. But even as Gardner persuasively argues the merits of his approach, he recognizes the difficulty of developing one universal, ideal form of education. In an effort to reconcile conflicting educational viewpoints, he proposes the creation of six different educational pathways that, when taken together, can satisfy people’s concern for student learning and their widely divergent views about knowledge and understanding overall.


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Flip Your Classroom

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Learn what a flipped classroom is and why it works, and get the information you need to flip a classroom. You’ll also learn the flipped mastery model, where students learn at their own pace, furthering opportunities for personalized education. This simple concept is easily replicable in any classroom, doesn’t cost much to implement, and helps foster self-directed learning. Once you flip, you won’t want to go back!