Tectonic Setting of Faulted Tertiary Strata Associated with the Catalina Core Complex in Southern Arizona

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Mid-Tertiary strata exposed as tilted homoclines along the flanks of the San Pedro trough and across broad uplands north of the Catalina core complex are assigned to the following formations, each of which includes informal local members and facies: (a) Mineta Formation, mid-Oligocene redbeds including both conglomeratic fluvial and finer-grained lacustrine deposits; (b) Galiuro Volcanics, including lavas and domes, air-fall and ash-flow tuffs, and intercalated volcaniclastic strata of late Oligocene to earliest Miocene age; (c) Cloudburst Formation, also of late Oligocene and earliest Miocene age but including a sedimentary upper member of conglomeratic strata as well as a volcanic lower member correlative with part of the Galiuro Volcanics; and (d) San Manuel Formation, composed of lower Miocene alluvial fan and braidplain deposits that display contrasting clast assemblages in different areas of exposure. Generally correlative Oligocene-Miocene strata exposed south of the Catalina core complex are assigned to the Pantano Formation, which contains similar lithologic components. Less-deformed Neogene strata of post-mid-Miocene basin fill are assigned to the Quiburis Formation along the San Pedro trough, but stratigraphic equivalents elsewhere lack adequate nomenclature. High benchlands mantled by paleosols mark the highest levels of Neogene aggradation. Successive stages of subsequent erosional dissection are recorded by multiple terrace levels incised into basin fill. Key exposures of syntectonic mid-Tertiary sedimentary sequences in several local subareas reveal typical structural and stratigraphic relationships. Multiple fault blocks expose pre-Tertiary bedrock overlain by tilted mid-Tertiary strata confined to intervening half-grabens. Bounding syndepositional faults dip southwest and associated homoclines dip northeast. Fanning dips and buttress unconformities reflect progressive tilt and burial of eroding fault blocks. Dips of block-bounding faults are inversely proportional to the ages of the faults. Steeper dips for younger faults suggest either progressive erosion of successive listric faults or progressive rotation of successive planar faults. Uniformly moderate to steep dihedral angles between fault surfaces and offset homoclinal bedding imply that the faults dipped more steeply near the surface when syntectonic mid-Tertiary strata were subhorizontal. Although the inference of listric faulting best links apparent strands of the Catalina detachment system, the alternate interpretation of rotational normal faulting is compatible with local structural relationships including tilt of porphyry copper orebodies. Within the San Pedro trough, multiple homo clines of mid-Tertiary strata are exposed locally in tilt-blocks exhumed by Neogene erosion from beneath nearly flat-lying basin fill of the Quiburis Formation. Faults bounding the mid-Tertiary exposures include backtilted strands of the Catalina detachment system, somewhat younger listric or rotational normal faults, and steeper basin-range normal faults that display offsets both synthetic and antithetic to the flanks of the San Petro trough. In Cienega Gap, flanking the Tucson Basin, multiple tilt-blocks of the Pantano Formation form part of the upper plate of the Catalina detachment system. Initial construction of alluvial fans by generally westward paleoflow was followed by ponding of lacustrine environments along the foot of secondary breakaway scarps that also generated massive megabreccia deposits. In summary, syntectonic Oligocene to Miocene sedimentation succeeded a prominent pulse of polymodal mid-Tertiary volcanism and was coeval with mylonitic deformation and detachment faulting along the flank of the Catalina core complex. The headwall rupture for the detachment system migrated westward from an initial position along the range front of the Galiuro Mountains. After mid-Miocene time, accumulation and subsequent dissection of essentially undeformed basin fill was accompanied by basin-range block faulting. The most challenging structural issue is whether fault strands of the Catalina detachment system are interconnected or are disconnected rotational segments.

Ecosystem Dynamics in a Polar Desert

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Presents information from the primary abiotic forces defining the system, and from the present hydrology, biogeochemistry and physics of major sites of organic carbon production of the McMurdo Dry Valleys. Additionally, research on the physical, chemical, and biological properties of the dry valley soils is included. The role of environmental management in long-term ecological studies is also addressed. The accompanying CDROM provides details and scale to visualize the McMurdo Dry Valleys from an ecosystem perspective.


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"This Memoir focuses on 7 'turning points' that had specific and lasting impacts on Laurentian evolution: The Neoarchean, characterized by cratonization; the Paleoproterozoic and the initial assembly of Laurentia; the Mesoproterozoic southern margin of Laurentia; the Midcontinent rift and the Grenville orogeny; (5) the Neoproterozoic breakup of Rodinia; the mid-Paleozoic phases of the Appalachian-Caledonian orogen; and the Jurassic-Paleogene assembly of the North American Cordillerar"--

Exposed Cross-Sections of the Continental Crust

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In the Fall of 1988, 64 geologists and geophysicists from 11 countries met in Killarney, Ontario, on the north shore of Lake Huron to examine evidence that suggests that the continental crust is exposed in cross-section at several key locations on the Earth's surface. The meeting, which was held under NATO auspices as an Advanced Study Institute, was a landmark event in that it was the first time that many of the lead scientists working on these complexes in relative isolation around the world had' ever gathered together to compare results. The present volume is a compendium of the invited lectures given on the principle sections, plus an array of supporting papers on these and other sections as well as on related topics such as crustal emplacement mechanisms, deformation and rheology. Nearly all of the best known sections are represented, including the Ivrea Zone, Calabria, the Kapuskasing Zone, Fiordland and many others. It is our hope that this Volume will serve as a reference for Earth scientists who are trying to understand levels of the crust not normally exposed to view, as well as a point of departure for new research and a teaching aid to new entrants in this relatively new field of study.

Classic Cordilleran Concepts

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