Corporate Governance and Globalization

Book Description

"The book links studies of corporate governance with surveys of efficiencies and failures in international financial markets, as well as examining aspects of corporate governance systems that have special significance for the management of economic policies as globalization continues. The contributors advocate increased international cooperation to promote more structural complementarities in the world economy."--BOOK JACKET.

The Globalization of Corporate Governance

Book Description

The process of economic globalization, as product and capital markets have become increasingly integrated since WWII, has placed huge, and it is argued by some, irresistible pressures on the world's 'insider' stakeholder oriented corporate governance systems. Insider corporate governance systems in countries such as Germany, so the argument goes, should converge or be transformed by global product and capital market pressures to the 'superior' shareholder oriented 'outsider' corporate governance model prevalent in the UK and the US. What these pressures from globalization are, how they manifest themselves, whether they are likely to cause such a convergence/transformation and whether these pressures will continue, lie at the heart of the exploration in this volume. The Globalization of Corporate Governance provides a detailed analysis of the evolution of the key corporate governance systems in the UK, the US and Germany from the perspective of the development of economic globalization. As such it is a valuable resource for those interested in how economic and legal reforms interact to produce change within corporate governance systems.

The Globalisation of Corporate Governance

Book Description

The structure of corporate governance has made significant progress in OECD countries but it remains imperfectly linked to the activities of many businesses. Its advance on the global stage will be hesitant and slow until its practice in OECD countries is more consistent and convincing. Weaknesses in corporate governance and law enforcement are impeding the investment needed to build the global economy to its full potential. The Globalisation of Corporate Governance: The Challenge of Clashing Cultures, explores the challenges of making corporate governance effective for all participants in a global economy. The tasks of: o

Globalisation of Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Corporate Governance

Book Description

This book addresses the increasing overlap between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and law with a particular focus on company law and corporate governance. What is the impact of CSR on company law and corporate governance and, vice versa? How do these systems impact on CSR? Do they enable, require or prevent the socially responsible conduct of companies, for example, through corporate theory, directors’ duties or disclosure laws? What is the role of shareholders and directors in the promotion of CSR?The theme of the book ensures a sharing of ideas and experiences globally and internationally for all jurisdictions to consider core legal and social aspects of CSR.

Corporate Governance and Capital Flows in a Global Economy

Book Description

With global financial markets having become more integrated, the book pays particular attention to the role of corporate governance in emerging-market economies and international capital flows. Rich in facts and ideas, the book is for anyone interested in financial crises, international risk management and global competitiveness.

Political Power and Corporate Control

Book Description

Why does corporate governance--front page news with the collapse of Enron, WorldCom, and Parmalat--vary so dramatically around the world? This book explains how politics shapes corporate governance--how managers, shareholders, and workers jockey for advantage in setting the rules by which companies are run, and for whom they are run. It combines a clear theoretical model on this political interaction, with statistical evidence from thirty-nine countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and North and South America and detailed narratives of country cases. This book differs sharply from most treatments by explaining differences in minority shareholder protections and ownership concentration among countries in terms of the interaction of economic preferences and political institutions. It explores in particular the crucial role of pension plans and financial intermediaries in shaping political preferences for different rules of corporate governance. The countries examined sort into two distinct groups: diffuse shareholding by external investors who pick a board that monitors the managers, and concentrated blockholding by insiders who monitor managers directly. Examining the political coalitions that form among or across management, owners, and workers, the authors find that certain coalitions encourage policies that promote diffuse shareholding, while other coalitions yield blockholding-oriented policies. Political institutions influence the probability of one coalition defeating another.

The Convergence of Corporate Governance

Book Description

Takes readers through an in-depth examination of many leading industrialized nations and identifies both the drivers that propel corporations towards convergence and the major impediments that stand in the way of convergence. Also examines many mechanisms of convergence such as governance codes, MNCs, and IPOs.

Globalization and Governance in the International Political Economy

Book Description

"This book investigates the impact of diverse cultures on the development and actualization of global economic entities, exploring advanced methods and best practices for the effective utilization and management of financial organizations within a globalized political context"--Provided by publisher.

Corporate Governance and MNEs in Globalization & Cyberspace

Book Description

Globalisation is the phenomenon of improved integration of the world economy as evidenced by the growth of international trade and factor mobility. Globalisation involves primarily liberalisation of trade in goods and services, and a free movement of direct and portfolio capital. Nowadays, globalisation is distinguished in part because of the major role of information technology and cyberspace. Cyberspace includes a range of places connected to real space in many different ways. A communications network changes the character of existing space. Thus, changes in the ways that information is experienced and the ways that economic, political, and personal dealings are structured, change the nature of real space. There is a shift from international law to law and globalisation providing a new incentive for erasing the artificial boundary between public and private international law. Despite the fact that international financial institutions and MNEs are the engines of economic globalisation, powerful states remain the vital drivers.Global governance is defined as the amount of laws, norms, policies, and institutions that identify, constitute, and mediate trans-border relations between states, cultures, citizens, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, and the market. Corporate governance focuses wholly on protecting the interests of equity claimants in a company, expanding its focus to deal with the problems of stakeholders or non shareholder constituencies. New communication and circulation technologies together with the elimination of trade and investment barriers have shaped global markets with global competition for corporate control, commodities, services and capital. MNEs taking up a transnational strategy seek to achieve concurrently global effectiveness and local responsiveness with the assets and activities dispersed but specialised.