Corporate Governance and MNEs in Globalization & Cyberspace

Book Description

Globalisation is the phenomenon of improved integration of the world economy as evidenced by the growth of international trade and factor mobility. Globalisation involves primarily liberalisation of trade in goods and services, and a free movement of direct and portfolio capital. Nowadays, globalisation is distinguished in part because of the major role of information technology and cyberspace. Cyberspace includes a range of places connected to real space in many different ways. A communications network changes the character of existing space. Thus, changes in the ways that information is experienced and the ways that economic, political, and personal dealings are structured, change the nature of real space. There is a shift from international law to law and globalisation providing a new incentive for erasing the artificial boundary between public and private international law. Despite the fact that international financial institutions and MNEs are the engines of economic globalisation, powerful states remain the vital drivers.Global governance is defined as the amount of laws, norms, policies, and institutions that identify, constitute, and mediate trans-border relations between states, cultures, citizens, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, and the market. Corporate governance focuses wholly on protecting the interests of equity claimants in a company, expanding its focus to deal with the problems of stakeholders or non shareholder constituencies. New communication and circulation technologies together with the elimination of trade and investment barriers have shaped global markets with global competition for corporate control, commodities, services and capital. MNEs taking up a transnational strategy seek to achieve concurrently global effectiveness and local responsiveness with the assets and activities dispersed but specialised.

The Theory and Application of Multinational Corporate Governance

Book Description

Multinational enterprises have become a main engine of the global economy, technical advancement, and product innovation, playing a pivotal role in the world economy and the global technological revolution. However, MNEs are also often embroiled in financial fraud and corporate scandal which show that MNEs should improve their corporate governance. Meanwhile, as COVID- 19 runs rampant across the world, populism and deglobalisation have resurged, and protectionism and unilateralism are exerting negative impacts on the world economy. Achieving sustainable development in this context is a test of a company’s management and governance abilities. How should they be governed? This book will be a useful tool for university research-led teaching and fundamental research in corporate governance theories of MNEs in general, as well as using Chinese case studies as evidence to support our theoretical arguments.

The Globalization of Corporate Governance

Book Description

The process of economic globalization, as product and capital markets have become increasingly integrated since WWII, has placed huge, and it is argued by some, irresistible pressures on the world's 'insider' stakeholder oriented corporate governance systems. Insider corporate governance systems in countries such as Germany, so the argument goes, should converge or be transformed by global product and capital market pressures to the 'superior' shareholder oriented 'outsider' corporate governance model prevalent in the UK and the US. What these pressures from globalization are, how they manifest themselves, whether they are likely to cause such a convergence/transformation and whether these pressures will continue, lie at the heart of the exploration in this volume. The Globalization of Corporate Governance provides a detailed analysis of the evolution of the key corporate governance systems in the UK, the US and Germany from the perspective of the development of economic globalization. As such it is a valuable resource for those interested in how economic and legal reforms interact to produce change within corporate governance systems.

Transformations in Global Governance

Book Description

This book brings attention to the growing complexity of managing multinational firms in light of the rise to significant power of non-governmental organizations such as Amnesty International and the anti-WTO coalition. It also considers the renewed public doubts about MNE legitimacy as the free-market model comes under greater criticism, especially in emerging markets. The book adds very useful value in illuminating situations in which companies are facing increased impact of pressure groups as well as governments in their international business. The menu of papers really gives the reader some food for thought, and specifically for thinking about how more acceptable governance of MNEs can be pursued in the 21st century. Robert Grosse, The Garvin School of International Management, US In recent years a number of excellent books have been published on the failure of corporate governance. However, nothing compares with Sushil Vachani s Transformations in Global Governance, a gripping account of global corporate governance provided by recognized IB scholars. Subhash C. Jain, University of Connecticut, US An excellent book for scholars, business leaders, and policymakers that makes good on its title Transformations in Global Governance. Sushil Vachani and the book s contributors identify how the governance structures of organizations are being transformed not just shifted or adjusted. NGOs, the WTO, multilateral institutions, multinationals, host governments and many other stakeholders have new roles and rules that are redefining how one governs a successful and socially responsible global enterprise. A must read for those intending to lead their organization's change efforts in our global economy. Stephen A. Stumpf, Villanova University, US and co-editor of Handbook on Responsible Leadership and Governance in Global Business The world of multinational enterprises is changing dramatically. Their complex and dynamic international context presents them with special challenges threatening their survival on one hand, and presenting them with unprecedented opportunities on the other. In this volume, international experts analyze different aspects of the transformations in global governance: ideological variations, trade governance, competition policy and the rise of civil society. They discuss the implications for multinational government relations, multinationals self-governance, relations with NGOs and issues of competitiveness. The book focuses on two forces integral to the process of globalization. The first is the evolution of inter-governmental organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, and various agreements pertaining to trade, environment, labor, competition and investment. The other equally important factor is the rise of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), which have a significant impact on the strategies of multinational enterprises, governments and inter-governmental organizations. The contributors explore these forces in chapters detailing shifts in governance and their implications for multinationals, governments and society in general. This cohesive examination of an under-analyzed area will appeal to students and scholars of international business, and other researchers in management schools, think tanks, management consulting companies, government agencies, inter-governmental organizations, and NGOs.

Global Corporations in Global Governance

Book Description

This book offers a concise and accessible overview and analysis of the place of large multinational and regional corporations in the political economy of global governance.May argues that not only do corporations have an impact on the institutions of global governance, but they must be understood as a multifaceted institution of global governance in their own right, controlling and shaping significant aspects of the global political economy. Topics include: What are global corporations? Corporations and global governance The legal personality of the corporation Corporations and power Corporations and tax The future role of corporations in a post crisis global system Highlighting the central role of corporations in the generation and reproduction of norms in global governance, this work shows that corporations' practices and relations are themselves both subjects, and sources of, global governance. It offers an enhanced understanding of the complex of issues that pattern the corporate global governance in the contemporary political economy and will be of interest to students in areas including IPE, global governance and international organizations.

How National Corporate Governance Systems Affect Global Integration

Book Description

Multinational companies (MNCs) vary in both their use of global strategy and in the systems of corporate governance in which they operate. In this paper, we develop a theoretical framework and set of propositions to show that differences in national corporate governance systems will influence the behavior of corporate actors, which in turn explains the ability of MNCs to achieve global integration. In particular, we conceptualize our comparative model for MNCs by drawing on an actor-centered institutional theory perspective, focusing on five key governance actors: employees, shareholders, boards of directors, top management teams, and governments, to predict MNC's ability to achieve global integration in terms of global strategy and organization. We show that despite increasing convergence pressures, nationally embedded institutional characteristics continue to shape the globalization strategies of multinational companies.