Corporate Governance Triangle in the Post Sarbanes-Oxley Period

Book Description

Dr. Bedi presents valuable research into the wielding of corporate power by industry s most powerful corporate stakeholder - public pension funds. He provides an historical look at the growing recognition of pension funds as institutions capable of influencing corporate actions, and then survey s the receptiveness of CEO s to that influence on a number of "hot button" issues. Dr. Bedi s research presents data that helps to inform the debate over the role of independent directors and the board leadership role they are increasingly being asked to take on. His work helps us to better understand the nature of the relationship between companies and their major stakeholders and provides a strong insight into what may lie ahead as that relationship continues to evolve.


Book Description

The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of July 2002 was created to address the financial malfeasance revealed during the investigations of several large firms by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). The Act required public companies traded on U.S. exchanges to provide increased transparency in financial statements. Key portions of the legislation required firms to create internal financial controls and placed personal accountability with top executives. SOX mandated and standardized a greater degree of self-regulation. In the years following SOX, firms experienced significantly higher compliance costs, but they also benefited from the reduction of statement errors and fraud, increased accuracy in reporting, and greater investor confidence. After the Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002, anecdotal evidence suggested that SOX impeded small, research intensive firms. We looked at research intensive firms going public before and after SOX to determine if there was a change in volume and quality of research intensive firms post-SOX. We found that firms that went public after SOX were fewer and had lower patenting activity. In the case of small and medium size firms, the cost of SOX compliance is likely to divert funds from research investments. We speculate that highly research intensive firms are more likely post-SOX to divert their IPO to non-U.S. exchanges, delay going public, or dismiss the idea of going public, as proposed in a "3Ds" model. The 2002 SOX US Congressional Act levied millions of dollars in new compliance costs on each foreign or domestic firm that went public on U.S. exchanges. Funding for regulatory expenditures must come from somewhere. We proposed that one likely candidate was research budgets, as research efforts have a more distant, less immediately visible, long term effect on firm performance. We suggested that large firms more easily absorbed the additional costs of SOX with a reduced effect on research and development budgets, while small firms were less able to maintain research budgets after SOX. In the aftermath of SOX, research spending did go down, most visibly in Biotech and Electronics. As the total number of IPO firms decreased dramatically after SOX, these two research intensive industries, plus Computer Software, were the only industries with a large enough sample size to evaluate. We saw that research intensive firms diminished dramatically, along with many non-research intensive firms, from IPO events after SOX. Where we had sufficient sample size, in computer software, biotechnology, electronics, and "other", we noted that research-intensive firms generally resisted the temptation to raid research budgets, finding funding for compliance elsewhere within the company or from the additional cash flow at time of IPO. Where firms did appear to greatly reduce research budgets was in the non-research intensive industries, where research budgets might be more of a discretionary expense. Firm size was not a factor in whether research intensive firms could better absorb the costs of SOX, although smaller firms tended to spend proportionally more on research in an effort to grow faster. After the enactment of SOX, we observed an indication that the markets valued research intensity even more than prior to SOX, perhaps understanding the vulnerability of research budgets being diverted to compliance costs. Overall, the data suggested that the effect of SOX was underestimated in this study, as the firms that were deterred from going public on U.S. exchanges were not in the sample evaluated. We only analyzed those firms prepared to accept the higher costs of SOX. The data set consisted of survivors, selected firms still willing to pay for SOX compliance as well as for research programs.

Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility

Book Description

While emerging market economies do not have a mature market structure yet, there is a need for research on corporate governance practices in these economies from different perspectives, including corporate social responsibility. Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility: Emerging Markets Focus fills the gap with a collection of high-quality research and policy-based papers addressing these issues, using various market cases as illustrations. Unlike previous books that often focused on one or several emerging markets, this book covers a much broader set of countries and tackles ethical, legal and societal aspects of corporate governance, beyond financial issues. It also discusses how companies work towards best corporate governance practices, particularly, in the aftermath of recent financial and economic crises. Readers will benefit from the wide range of theoretical, empirical, and case analyses, selected with care to reflect cutting-edge corporate governance and corporate social responsibility issues in countries with emerging markets. Contents: Corporate Governance: Legal Framework and Codes of Best Practices: Corporate Governance Bundles for Emerging Markets (Rahul Bedi and Darshan Desai); OC GoodOCO Corporate Governance in Transformation Countries OCo A Comparison of Experts' Perceptions in East Germany, Estonia and Hungary (Thomas Steger, Ruth Alas and Klliki Tafel-Viia); Corporate Governance, Policies and Public Listing: The Case of Chinese State-owned Enterprises (Zigan Wang); Corporate Governance in Turkey: The Case of Borsa Istanbul 50 Companies (Esra Nemli Caliskan and Basak Turan Icke); Barriers to Effective Corporate Governance Reforms: Corruption and the Peculiar Case of Nigeria (Ngozi Okoye); The Brazilian Fiscal Council OCo Protecting Minority Shareholders in a Weak Legal System (Jairo Laser Procianoy and Roberto Frota Decourt); Using Market Incentives to Move Beyond Law and Regulation in Emerging Markets OCo The Case for Corporate Governance Stock Exchange Indices (Andreas Grimminger); Corporate Governance: Some Country Experiences: The Audit Committee in the EU Emerging Countries (Daniela M Salvioni, Francesca Gennari, Luisa Bosetti and Alex Almici); Great Expectations from Pension Fund Activism: Insight from Poland (Agnieszka Seomka-GoeObiowska); Ownership Structure and Directors' Compensation Disclosure in Malaysia (Elinda Binti Esa and Abdul Rahman Zahari); Corporate Governance, Performance and Liquidity Risk of West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) Banks (Alassane Ouattara, Luc Paugam and Olivier Ramond); Board Composition and Company Performance: A Study of Sub-Saharan African Countries (Gibson Munisi); Emerging Markets Banks Ownership and Performance: Evidence from China (Xiaoxi Zhang and Kevin Daly); Corporate Governance in Romania: Theories and Practices (Gheorghe N Popescu, Veronica Adriana Popescu and Cristina Raluca Popescu); Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in Financial Institutions: Evidence from Islamic Banks (Hisham Farag); Is Corporate Governance Related to Corporate Social Responsibility? The Case of South Africa (Idoya Ferrero-Ferrero, Mar a ungeles Fernindez-Izquierdo, Mar a Jess Muoz-Torres, Juana Mar a Rivera-Lirio, Ral Len-Soriano and Elena Escrig-Olmedo); Achieving Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility in an Emerging Market through Gender Diversity on Boards in India (Sharon Ayson); Executive Compensation in Emerging Markets: Theoretical Developments and Empirical Evidence (Yongli Luo); Placing Stakeholder Theory within the Debate on Corporate Social Responsibility (Tarek Miloud); Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting: Empirical Evidence from Bangladesh (Pallab Kumar Biswas). Readership: Policymakers, professionals, academics, and graduate students in law, economics, management and finance, organizations promoting best governance practices in emerging countries, investors, as well as those interested in corporate governance, corporate finance, and business and management. Key Features: Addresses current issues and cutting-edge trends in corporate governance and corporate social responsibility within economies with emerging markets; Sheds light on how companies adopt and move towards best corporate governance practices, especially in the aftermath of recent crises; Illustrates corporate governance theories with real business cases and assesses the effects of various governance practices on corporate behavior"

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Firms' Going-Private Decisions

Book Description

We investigate firms' going-private decisions in response to the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX). The Act has the potential to bring both benefits, in terms of more transparent disclosure and improvements in corporate governance, and costs, in terms of complying with the new regulation. We argue that firms go private in response to SOX only if the SOX-imposed costs to the firm exceed the SOX-induced benefits to shareholders, and this difference swamps the net benefit of being a public firm prior to the passage of SOX. By examining a sample of all going-private firms from 1998 to 2004, we find: (1) the quarterly frequency of going private has modestly increased after the passage of SOX; (2) the abnormal returns associated with the passage of SOX were positively related to firm size and share turnover; (3) smaller firms and firms with greater inside ownership have experienced higher going-private announcement returns in the post-SOX period compared to the pre-SOX period. Our empirical evidence is broadly consistent with the notion that SOX has affected firms' going-private decisions.

Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets

Book Description

Identifying malpractice and misconduct should be top priority for financial risk managers today Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets identifies potential issues surrounding all types of fraud, misconduct, price/volume manipulation and other forms of malpractice. Chapters cover detection, prevention and regulation of corruption and fraud within different financial markets. Written by experts at the forefront of finance and risk management, this book details the many practices that bring potentially devastating consequences, including insider trading, bribery, false disclosure, frontrunning, options backdating, and improper execution or broker-agency relationships. Informed but corrupt traders manipulate prices in dark pools run by investment banks, using anonymous deals to move prices in their own favour, extracting value from ordinary investors time and time again. Strategies such as wash, ladder and spoofing trades are rife, even on regulated exchanges – and in unregulated cryptocurrency exchanges one can even see these manipulative quotes happening real-time in the limit order book. More generally, financial market misconduct and fraud affects about 15 percent of publicly listed companies each year and the resulting fines can devastate an organisation's budget and initiate a tailspin from which it may never recover. This book gives you a deeper understanding of all these issues to help prevent you and your company from falling victim to unethical practices. Learn about the different types of corruption and fraud and where they may be hiding in your organisation Identify improper relationships and conflicts of interest before they become a problem Understand the regulations surrounding market misconduct, and how they affect your firm Prevent budget-breaking fines and other potentially catastrophic consequences Since the LIBOR scandal, many major banks have been fined billions of dollars for manipulation of prices, exchange rates and interest rates. Headline cases aside, misconduct and fraud is uncomfortably prevalent in a large number of financial firms; it can exist in a wide variety of forms, with practices in multiple departments, making self-governance complex. Corruption and Fraud in Financial Markets is a comprehensive guide to identifying and stopping potential problems before they reach the level of finable misconduct.

Corporate Governance and Ethics

Book Description

Colleges and universities play an important role in training competent and ethical future academic and business leaders. In today’s global business environment, with volatile worldwide capital markets and eroded investor confidence in corporate accountability, the demand for effective corporate governance and ethical conduct in ensuring reliable financial information is higher than before. This book is intended to develop an awareness and understanding of the main themes, perspectives, frameworks, concepts, and issues pertaining to corporate governance and business ethics from historical, global, institutional, commercial, best practices, and regulatory perspectives.

Entrepreneurship, Governance and Ethics

Book Description

The chapters of this book are a selection of papers presented at a joint conference on Law, Ethics and Finance was held at the York University Schulich School of Business, 16–18 September, 2010. This book highlights with empirical data the strong interplay on ethics in organisational efficiency and entrepreneurial activity, and the role of legal settings and governance in facilitating ethical standards. It is hoped these papers encourage future scholars to continue to investigate the role of law and corporate governance in mitigating corruption and facilitating integrity in management,entrepreneurship and finance. Previously published in the Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 95 Supplement 2, 2010​